I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 531: Is this a gun? (Second more)

531 Is this considered as a gun?

The person Mu Bai saw at this time was exactly what he was looking for this time-gilt

That is, the person who talks extremely about money in his information.

What Mu Bai didn\'t expect was that he had only come here for a day, and even just settled down. When he came out to go shopping, he met his own Mu Bai.

Fate should not be bad.

Thinking of this, he went up to check what was going on.

However, most of his eyes were on Liu Jin.

The gilt looks like a 24 or 5-year-old man. He is very delicate, tender and white. He has a golden ring on his lips, a star coin tattoo on his right neck, and his skin is slightly yellow. He is wearing a black suit.

In addition to the gilt gold, there were still two people surrounded by the crowd at this time.

One of them was dressed in a brocade dress, looking at the short figure with a sullen expression.

It seems that these two people are contradictory.

At this moment, Mu Bai could not help but analyze in his mind when he saw the scene in the field.

Generally speaking, in such a situation, either a rich second generation or a rich third generation will come out to experience life, and it turns out that a certain little girl looks good and wants to find him to explore the mysteries of life.

In the end, a person with a righteous heart saw the injustice and drew his sword to help each other. The two sides started a fierce battle. The dude was defeated and the one who shot won.

Perfect interpretation of justice will eventually win!

However, these were all guesses made by Mu Bai based on the novels he had read before. In order to confirm this guess, Mu Bai suddenly thought about the people around him asking.

"Hello, brother, can you tell me what happened here?"

After Mu Bai\'s words were heard by the person he called, the person turned his head, then frowned and stared at him for a long time before scratching his head and saying, "I have seen it somewhere."

But after he muttered this sentence, he replied: "Something happened, that is, a hapless kid accidentally rubbed the next rich second generation..."

Next, under the explanation of that person, Mu Bai understood the ins and outs of the matter.

The protagonist of the story has not changed much, the main change is that the little girl becomes a little boy.

To say that this little boy is also unlucky. He happened to run into a rich second generation who failed to strike up a conversation, and accidentally spilled his own snacks on the rich second generation.

If it were in the past, the rich second generation probably wouldn\'t say anything, at most just a few curses.

Isn\'t it just clothes? What he has is.

But today was different. He just failed to strike up a conversation, so after being touched by the little boy, he immediately slapped it and slapped it back.

But this time his slap was not slapped, and he was blocked by someone who came in suddenly. That was gilding.

Then a few people stood in a stalemate in the field, and the rich second generation also notified people to come over immediately, apparently passing on today\'s unhappiness to the gilt that just shot to stop him.

After hearing the ins and outs of the matter, Mu Bai shook his head: "This gilding method is really unwise."

Thinking of this, Mu Bai couldn\'t help but change Liu Jin\'s senses, and he felt a little passionate.

But can blood and love money be linked together?

Two different attributes are good or not.

In this regard, Mu Bai did not continue to make a move, but looked forward lightly.

"My friend, it\'s wrong for this kid to touch your clothes, but I\'m afraid it\'s wrong to slap you at such a young age."

At this moment, Liu Jin looked at the rich second-generation, slightly bowed and said, his tone was a bit feminine, not a gentleman.

At the same time, because he suddenly intervened in this matter, the etiquette was still in place.


Hearing that the rich second generation exclaimed, and looked at Liu Jin angrily: "What\'s wrong with me, this child walks into it without looking at the road, and it\'s good for me to beat him."

"Now that I\'m wrong, don\'t you just slap it? I don\'t know where it is.

Hearing his words, everyone around frowned unconsciously, because such a domineering look, even if it was reasonable, would be difficult for everyone to accept.

Mu Bai also shook his head, secretly sighing that this person didn\'t look at the scene when he talked. You must know that there is still a lot of hatred for wealth in the human race.

This is not jealousy or anything, it\'s just human normalcy.

"He soiled your clothes, he just pays, he beats people, I\'m afraid this is not justified."

At this moment, Liu Jin faintly looked at the rich second generation opposite, his expression did not change, but when he looked at the child, a trace of recollection flashed in his eyes, and no one noticed.

Even Mu Bai who observed meticulously did not see this detail.

"Pay? It\'s simple, he can afford it?"

Hearing that, the unruly man pointed at the child with disdain.

What he said was not wrong. The kid didn\'t tell how bad he was wearing, just a piece of ordinary clothes, which is simply a world of difference.

It can be seen at a glance that the child can never afford it.

Finally, Liu Jin took a deep breath: "I will help him, you say, how much?"

"Don\'t compensate him?"

Hearing this, the rich second-generation sneered at the gilt, with a tone of disdain: "If you just let me slap him twice, I would assume it had never happened."

"But that was just a moment ago, and it doesn\'t work anymore. Your sudden appearance disturbed my interest, so how could I spare you."

When he said this, suddenly a dozen black shadows flashed in the sky.

Everyone heard the sound and found that more than a dozen people dressed in formal clothes and a bodyguard came from behind the rich second generation.

When a small man with sunglasses saw the rich second generation, he immediately trot with everyone, and then saw them bowing: "Master Xu!"

"Master Xu?!"

"It\'s really Young Master Xu!"

"To offend the famous Xu Longxing of Suzuki, this man is afraid of misery."

"I think this man is so familiar, he seems to have heard of it there."

Suddenly, after hearing the identity of the rich second generation, everyone started talking in low voices.

During the period, some people felt that Jin Jin was familiar, but such comments were still drowned in the crowd.

And Mu Bai knew from their discussions the identity of Xu Longxing, one of the three major groups of Suzuki Star and the son of the helm of the Longxing Spacecraft Manufacturing Group.

Quite talented, 24 years old this year, studying at the Federal University of Finance and Economics, grew up holding a golden key, his personality is erratic, but a standard playboy.


At this moment, Liu Jin also knew the identity of Xu Longxing, and immediately frowned and looked at him.

Xu Longxing\'s bodyguard is not threatening, and the most important thing is his Xu family status.

This is not what Liu Jin is worrying about. The big deal is that he leaves here directly, and he still has the confidence to retreat.

But the only thing that worries him is not being able to participate in the Li Mingzhen rewards meeting.

Tens of millions of stars!

Originally based on his strength, he was very confident that he would be selected in the Star Sea Realm.

So for so many star coins, gilt instinctively refuses.

But suddenly a figure flashed at the corner of his eye, and his gilt eyes rolled, and he walked towards that figure.

And his actions instantly attracted everyone\'s attention, and at the same time, Xu Longxing\'s bodyguards stared at him for fear of him coming in disorder.

But it turned out that they all thought too much, and Liu Jin walked directly towards the crowd. When they saw it, everyone avoided him, not wanting to meet him.

Obviously, because of offending the Xu family, everyone is not optimistic about him.

Xu Longxing didn\'t care about this situation either. He slowly walked up to Mu Bai and slowly bowed: "I have seen Master Bai Fox, and the subordinates just retired without giving up, please atone for the crime."


Seeing this, Mu Bai felt a turbulent horse flying past, and at the same time thought of it.

Is this a gun?