I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 530: Oh, it's a fate! (First more)

530 oh, very destined!

Stopping all the way, when Mu Bai was about to walk to the hotel, he immediately found a place with no one.


Then he saw that his hands seemed to be phantoms, the whole person\'s outfit changed, and the white fox character set appeared here.

"For one second, it seems that I changed my outfit quite quickly."

Appearing to be very satisfied with the speed of his changeover, Mu Bai nodded and said while touching his chin, then walked to the other side.

It is impossible to go back the same way, you must learn to detour.

A few minutes later, Mu Bai stopped at a door called the Bell Garden Hotel.

"This is it!"

Seeing that Da Xia was exactly the same as the one he had placed online, Mu Bai opened his legs and walked toward the hotel lobby.

At first, when everyone saw him, they were a little dazed and felt so familiar.

But then a person exclaimed: "White Fox!"

His call instantly awakened the memories of many people, and then they all looked at Mu Bai who was walking towards the hotel in shock.

"This is the white fox, my God, he actually came to offer a reward at night?"

"No way, the most mysterious genius of the Federation, the white fox actually came here?"

"Oh my God, I just passed by the white fox, no, I won\'t wash these clothes!"


Suddenly, the surrounding discussions were all about Mu Bai.

Mu Bai seemed to have already prepared for this, and he didn\'t think it was too strange.

After all, before he came out, he also did this kind of science popularization. For example, the white fox is now known as the most divine time awakener in the Federation.

Without roots, no one can find his news.

Although everyone thinks this must be tricky, they can\'t stop their curiosity.

Of course, they are just curious. There are not a few people who really want to come to meet.

"Hello, I booked your guest room online before. Now open it for me."

When he walked to the front desk, Mu Bai put his identity card of the white fox in front of the front desk staff.

"Okay... OK!"

The staff member did not expect that Mu Bai would go to him to deal with it, his eyes were full of surprise, and then he began to manipulate it after thinking of something.

After all, those in their business have seen many worlds, so he just started to follow the process after just starting to lose consciousness.

Although his technique is as professional as ever, his tight body shows that he is very uneasy.

But I think about it. Although he has seen many people before, he really hasn\'t received this kind of Human Race\'s most famous person. At the same time, he has also received the envy of everyone around him.

You must know that it is a white fox. Once the magic eye is true, it is estimated that the little thing he will fall out in the future will be enough for some ordinary warriors to use for a lifetime.

"Hello, Master Bai Fox, this is your card."

After a while, the front desk staff will finish processing everything and hand back the ID card respectfully.


After seeing this, Mu Bai responded and took away his identity card and room card, and wanted to leave.

But at this time, the front desk staff suddenly said, "Bai...Master Baihu, can you give me a signature?"


Hearing this, Mu Bai was a little dazed for a while. He didn\'t expect that he was a human for two lives, and he would have one day when he was asked to sign his name.

"Yes, my sister is a fan of yours. She also said that in the future, to become stronger, she will follow the steps of your adult, and she also asks you to fulfill it!"

After speaking, the staff member gave a big gift, and his body was trembling.

Obviously he himself was extremely uneasy.

"Is that so?"

Wen Yan dragged his chin with his right hand, and looked at the staff member up and down.

He looks in his early thirties, wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and keeps a handsome thief, and is now bending over respectfully to request him.


In the end, Mu Bai agreed. First, he was not afraid of being deceived and had instincts. He could still feel the truth and lies, unless the person\'s cultivation level was far higher than him.

As for the other reason, he hasn\'t tried to sign people, especially his fans, so he wanted to give it a try.

It\'s also good to experience this feeling.


Mu Bai\'s words, the staff member who made him exclaimed in an instant, he didn\'t expect that he himself would be accepted as a rude request.

At this moment, even the people around him watched this scene incredible.

You know, just now most of them thought that Mu Bai would lose their temper, so when they saw this, they didn\'t react.


Hearing this staff member\'s words, Mu Bai couldn\'t help but chuckle, and then saw his right hand congeal in the void, a purple-gold star power condensed in the air, forming a faint small card shape.

Then he moved his finger, and the word "white fox" appeared on the card of star power.

This is the basic application of supernatural transformation. Under normal conditions, such a card can be stored forever.

It can be regarded as a way for the universe to pretend to be for the awakened people.

"Give you!"

After writing, Mu Bai waved the purple-gold card in front of the man, and then, regardless of other things, he left and returned to the room.

Only the man was left staring blankly at the purple card floating in the air, and then under the envy of everyone, he quickly accepted it.

After that, regardless of his duties, he left here quickly.

"Oh my God, did the white fox really sign it?"

"I regret it, why didn\'t I go up and ask for it."

"You said I want to go now, is it too late?"

Suddenly, everyone shouted in exclamation, and some even sent this incident to Guangbo.

After a while, Guangbo\'s hot search airborne a topic about white fox, and went straight to the first place, which immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

It just so happened that this hot search was being seen by two good sisters who were in love with each other. Suddenly, one of the red hair was placed in front of the white hair.

"Xuexue, it\'s not good, Abai is on the hot search again!"

These two were Shuangxue and Hu Yanfei. After Mu Bai left that day, the two chatted for a day and night. As for the content of the conversation, no one knew.

Even the Nine Ancestor Ling Fei, who knows a little bit of inside information, didn\'t make a word, and was called "whispering" in history.

But although I don\'t know what was said, the relationship between the two of them has returned to the way it was before, without any barriers.

This made the extremely old ancestors who taught them a sigh of relief. After all, they seemed unable to persuade them.

At this time, Shuangxue was interrupted to watch the drama, and immediately used a cold beam on Hu Yanfei, but after hearing the words A Bai, he immediately focused on the light machine.

When she finished reading it, the corners of her mouth twitched: "This Abai, it really doesn\'t make people worry about it. If someone wants to sign it, it really is."

"Yeah, you said it\'s a man this time, it\'s okay, if it\'s a woman..." Hu Yanfei couldn\'t help muttering as he watched the news on the light machine.

But her words just fell, and Shuangxue\'s eyes lit up, and she immediately said coldly to the void: "Blood Remains, now go to Suzuki Star to protect Mu Bai."

"Once someone is unfavorable to him, just kill it without worrying about it."

"By the way, you must be careful with girls. Now girls are good at disguising. Any girl, remember that any girl is within one meter of Mu Bai, and her voice is shocking."

"Girls who don\'t listen, you can figure it out. If you find a girl jumping around a metre around him, I will trouble you."


Hearing that the blood-stained body just came out of the body stagnated, a little regretted that he came out just now, but who knew it was too late. Had to take his command: "Yes!"


Then I heard a bell ringing, and the blood-stained figure disappeared.

Hu Yanfei looked at Shuangxue with horror after seeing the disappearance of the blood residue: "Xuexue, you are so scary."

"Honestly, did you want to kill me like this before!"

Hearing what Hu Yanfei said, Shuangxue looked at her maliciously: "Guess?"


Suddenly, Hu Yanfei got goosebumps from Frost Snow\'s eyes, and then backed away.

Looking at her appearance, Shuangxue couldn\'t help but roll her eyes: "Don\'t pretend to me, don\'t think that I didn\'t know you sent someone to follow Mu Bai, and you will pass on my words to your people intact. "


Seeing that she was discovered, Hu Yanfei replied embarrassedly, and while operating the light machine, she said to Shuangxue, "Isn\'t it mentioned in the ancestor\'s book."

"Men can\'t be reared, they need to be free-range, but they can\'t be too loose, just set a rope."

Wen Yan Shuangxue couldn\'t help but froze. For the first time, she felt that she had some problems with the previous transaction, and she was a bit disadvantaged.

But then looked down at his own initial scale, and felt that he did not suffer.

Not for a while, she was a little bit troubled.

However, Mu Bai didn\'t know this, or he knew it, but didn\'t want to dismantle it. After resting in the room for a while, he walked outside.

When he walked to the entrance of a store, he saw a lot of people there, he just glanced at it, and didn\'t bother.

But because of this look, he immediately retracted the steps he had originally taken to take his legs away, looked at a figure in the crowd with a smile, and said amusedly: "Oh, it\'s a destiny."