I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 550

The ninth battlefield, the ancient continent,

JIANG Ci, as a mountain sea Sword Fairy, quietly returned to camp 1, which did not attract much attention.

But soon, the story of Su Zhisan and Lao Mo's fall spread in the military camp.

These two are the eight plundered immortals of the Terran camp. They also have their life Jane in heaven. When a person dies, their life Jane will be broken naturally.

Shanhai Sword Fairy is Su Zhisan's good friend, so there are also some people robbing immortals. They contacted Jiang CI through communication and asked Su Zhisan about his death.

Although only a few people know about Su Zhisan's invitation to him and Lao Mo,

JIANG CI said something half true and half false, and then put the blame on the demon clan camp.

Of course, he didn't lie much. Su Zhisan really died in the hands of the demon clan, while Lao Mo was killed by Su Zhisan.

It is impossible for him to tell the truth. Once such a big chance is revealed, I'm afraid that the top strong people in the whole ancient continent will go crazy.

After that, Jiang CI closed down.

Palace 41, training room.

Jiang CI takes out the ring that contains the secret of the ancient god.

since he left the abyss of the ancient god, he has not taken out the ring for the sake of caution.

And this cultivation room can be isolated from the spiritual exploration, without worrying about the prying of any strong one, and can safely arrange his spoils.

Full of expectation, I sweep the ring with my spiritual sense, and it's easy to refine.

"Fortunately, there is no limit on this ring. It can be refined without the blood of ancient gods, otherwise it will be a trouble." Jiang Ci was relieved.

The spirit goes into it


The breath of relief, but also an instant to mention.

Rao Shijiang Ci, a disciple of jiuxiao Daojun, is a contemporary era genius of the human race. He is a mountain and sea sword immortal with the fighting power of eight plundering immortals. At this time, he also feels a little difficult to breathe.

"Damn it Jiang's Ci has not been explosively used for thousands of years.

After a while, he calmed down the emotion of excitement and shock and explored the ancient mystery again.

The storage space of the ring is very large, how big is not the key, the key is the treasure inside.

First of all, it's the spirit weapon, the spirit weapon piled into the sea!

There are four levels of lingware: inferior, medium, superior and best. Each of them is like an ocean, stacked in the storage space.

Secondly, it's the elixir, which is also piled up into the sea.

it's also the inferior, the medium, the top and the best elixir.

Then, Lingjing

Finally, there are many other kinds of spiritual things that are used to cultivate the younger generation.

with the spiritual strength of Jiang Ci, it took ten days to sort out all the things in the ring.

Because there are so many!

"The treasures in it seem to be prepared for the inheritance of an ethnic group.

there are treasures at all levels, including Yun Ling, Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, Yuan Shen, he Dao and rob Xian."

"although there are no treasures I can use, there are not many!"

"No wonder Su Zhisan, Peiyu and others are fighting for it."

River word light breath, efforts to calm down.

He originally thought that the treasure in the ancient mysterious treasure was worth about 100 billion points.

This figure has been equivalent to the wealth of an ordinary real king.

Others, like ordinary nine robbers, are worth at most 10 billion points.

Only master jiujianxian could have tens of billions or nearly hundreds of billions of points.

The total value of this ancient mysterious collection exceeds 900 billion points!

In addition, Su Zhisan, Kuiyu and other eight plundered immortals left behind more than 30 billion points.

"The harvest of this trip is close to one trillion!" Jiang CI is still very excited.

After the great changes of the earth, the contract he signed with daomeng Tianting was only 100 billion points,

and it was paid by instalments, and the remaining 94.5 billion points could only be obtained after he became immortal.

Now, the value of this ancient mystery collection is close to 1 trillion!

Although used up a chance of big move Fu, but this harvest, absolute value!

As the saying goes, cultivation requires money, and money is a resource.

In the future, whether it's cultivation or continuous refining of tongtianlou and sanchongshan, a lot of resources are needed.

So many points, absolutely let his strength get a big leap.

"What should we do?" Jiang Ci was in deep meditation.

There are too many and miscellaneous things in it. There is nothing he can use, so he can only resell them.

"It's too much trouble to sell in batches. It's most suitable to find zongmen directly for this kind of bulk business!" Jiang CI finally made a decision.

As a disciple of jiuxiao Daojun, the clan did not dare to bargain with him.

However, he did not rush to contact zixiaozong treasure house, because the booty has not been sorted out."There's another unexpected gain in this trip..."

Jiang Ci's spiritual sense enters the Tongtian building, and the colorful snake is still wandering happily.

For this, he was almost retained by the terrible existence in the abyss of the ancient god.

"A ray of the origin of heaven, refining, there are great benefits!"

This is the original words of nishang, but I don't know how good it is.

Jiang Ci was looking forward to it. He refined it first, and then thought about selling the ancient god's Secret collection.

Later, he began to refine this ray of the origin of heaven according to the way that nishang told him.

Take out the colorful snake, and then pinch out a set of complicated seal with both hands.


A thread of the origin of heaven like a colorful snake seems to have been pulled,

from the brow of Jiang Ci, it is divided into two parts,

one of them comes straight to the sea of knowledge and goes straight to the yuan God.

The colorful lotus platform under Yuanshen is very similar to the colorful snake in color, but the feeling is very different.

The colorful lotus terrace is magnificent and sacred, while the colorful snake is chaotic and hazy.


The first colorful snake plunges into Yuanshen.

the colorful lotus platform rotates at high speed, making the aperture behind Yuanshen's head clearer and the golden light of Yuanshen more powerful.

Then there was a big explosion in Jiang Ci's understanding of the sea, which set off a huge wave.

But this kind of big explosion did not bring him any harm. On the contrary, it was very comfortable and made people want to sleep.

Jiang CI didn't fall asleep, because he is not only the yuan Shen getting stronger, but also his body is undergoing dramatic changes.

Another colorful snake did not enter the sea of knowledge, but went down from Jiang Ci's eyebrows to the lower Dantian, then circled in the Dantian and spread to all parts of the body with spiritual power.

His body didn't explode and so on, but there was colorful light flow, and his body strength was improving rapidly.


The drastic change of body and spirit lasted for a whole day.

[you refine a ray of the origin of the way of heaven, experience value + 10 trillion]

suddenly, the experience value panel sounds in your mind.

"Refining the origin of the way of heaven, can you also get experience value? And so much! " Jiang CI is both surprised and happy.

He has been in the foreign battlefield for nearly 700 years, and the income from experience has been very small.

It's all supported by his nearly 5 trillion experience gained in the Daoyuan Paleozoic.

He doesn't fight every day on the battlefield outside the territory.

he has been practicing the normal way, consuming tens of millions of experience every day.

Therefore, before obtaining this sum of experience value, the balance of Jiang Ci's experience value has been reduced by more than half, leaving more than 200 billion yuan.

Looking at more, in fact, for his current strength, in fact, very few.

He also plans to go to Daoyuan ancient world to harvest the spirit of Daoyun when he becomes an immortal.

I didn't expect to get so much this time!

A ray of the origin of heaven, 10 trillion experience value!

"It's worth it." Jiang Ci was overjoyed.

This one alone is a great benefit.

After all, his thousands of years of hunting for the spirit of Daoyun in the ancient world of Daoyuan has brought him nearly 5 trillion yuan.

this time, he took a short 10 minute adventure in the abyss of ancient gods and got a ray of the origin of Tiandao, which brought him 10 trillion yuan!

A thousand years, 10 minutes, the gap is obvious

"Not only that, but there are other benefits!"

Jiang CI converges his mind and senses the changes of body and spirit.

First of all, the change of the body is very simple, the intensity has increased.

From close to inferior immortal ware to close to intermediate immortal ware.

It has promoted a great realm!

It doesn't sound very good to use inferior and middle-class immortal wares.

in fact, the physical strength of many nine robber immortals is also lingering in inferior immortal wares, which is far from that of middle-class immortal wares.

In short, the cultivation above seven robbers of immortals can damage the inferior immortals when using the best immortals.

but it will take some time to completely destroy a inferior immortals.

As for the body that is close to the level of medium grade immortal ware, only the Jiujie immortal who uses the highest grade immortal ware is qualified to destroy it.

"The premise is, I stand there and don't move..." Jiang CI smiles confidently.

Now, unless he takes the initiative to kill himself, there is not much that can really threaten him among the strong robbers of immortals.

Only jiujiexian, like jiujianxian Shizun, who barely has the fighting power of Zhenjun, will pose a threat to him.


Secondly, the change of Yuanshen.

In the sea of knowledge, Yuanshen is more solid,

the golden aperture behind his head has changed from one circle to two circles!

It's just that the second lap is shallow."The third importance of cultivating the mind!" Jiang Ci's eyes are bright and golden.

After refining this ray of the origin of the way of heaven, his original spirit has also been baptized, and his state of mind has broken through!

False, big, empty, triple mental state, he has now reached the third!

After the completion of xinkong, there is nothing. Nothing can affect his mood.

Of course, from the second circle of golden light behind yuan Shen's head, we can see that he is just entering this realm now, but he can't really be nothing.

"big brother was in this state of mind at the beginning. He has been through the 20th island of Tongtian River, and will be accepted as a disciple by daomen tomorrow."

"I'm catching up now, too."

Jiang CI chuckled.

The advantage of mood promotion is that his spiritual strength has broken through the limit of robbing immortals!

From 10 million kilometers to 100 million kilometers!

At the beginning, the situation of being crushed by the strong spirit of the ghost clan will never appear again!

"The body is at the level of jiujiexian, and Yuanshen has surpassed jiujiexian. Now it's one less attack power."

Jiang CI knows where his weakness lies.

if his comprehensive combat power was eight plundering immortals before he refined a trace of the origin of heaven,

now he is barely nine plundering immortals after his body and Yuanshen are improved.

Well, a nine robber immortal who can resist and run.

"It's necessary to improve the six forms of heaven and earth as soon as possible. If the mountain sea sword can really form its own system through the heaven and earth scroll, then I can really be the nine plundering immortals!" Jiang CI thought.

The next step is to continue to understand the power of the five elements and find inspiration to perfect the secret method through fighting.

In the past 100 years or so, he almost understood it, just a little bit.

Just thinking of these, his messenger pearl suddenly received an urgent message from master jiujianxian.

Jiang CI connected with some doubts. A wisp of spiritual consciousness turned into a communication phantom through the communication bead and came to the place

"Why? It's not the earth. "

After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, I found that it was master jiujianxian's residence in Daoyuan ancient world.

Standing in front of his teleportation phantom, it was the master of jiujianxian.

"I'll see you, master!" Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

At the same time, I was puzzled that the master jiujianxian was very serious now, and he did not see his usual unrestrained.

This let him rise a bad premonition, what happened to the earth?

"There's no need to worry about spiritual exploration here. I'll ask you a question and you'll answer it truthfully." The voice of jiujianxian is very low,

it's not about the earth? Jiang Ci was relieved.

Jiujianxian solemnly said: "did you get the ancient mystery collection?"

"I love him..." Jiang Ci's face was shocked and his heart thumped,

but he still nodded, and there was no need to hide from jiujianxian.

"You Do you really get it? " This time I was shocked.

Although he has never been in the ninth battlefield, he has also heard of the ancient mystery collection, and knows the value of this thing, at least 100 billion points!

By comparison, all of his wealth is below this number.

Now this apprentice has not become an immortal. He has surpassed him!

Jiang CI didn't know what the master was feeling. He only knew that the current situation was very serious. He quickly asked, "how did the master know?"

It is reasonable to say that only he survived at that time, and no other strong person should have known about it.

It can't be passed on by the last few ancient Protoss adherents, because the other party doesn't know his identity.

At present, we know that he is a mountain sea sword immortal, only his two masters, plus the seven elder martial brothers who are the emperor of heaven.

Then the key is that none of the three people knew that he had entered the abyss of ancient gods.

What on earth is that?!

"This matter has been spread in the temple of robbing immortals. Many people are saying that Shanhai sword immortals in the ninth battlefield have obtained the ancient mysterious collection. I'm going to check with you immediately." Jiujianxian explained.

"Robbing the temple of immortals?" Jiang Ci was stunned for a moment.

He has just joined the temple of robbing immortals, but he has not really stepped into that circle.

"Yes, the news was first spread by a seven robber immortal who also wandered in the ninth battlefield,

according to him, the news was first spread in the demon clan camp,

then the whole alien race of the ninth battlefield, and our Terran camp was the last to know." Said jiujianxian.

Jiang CI looks dignified, that is to say, now the whole ninth battlefield knows that he has got the ancient mystery!

To be exact, it's shanhaijianxian who got it.

"Demon clan camp Master, are you sure who sent it After pondering for a while, Jiang CI raised his head and asked jiujianxian.

"I've checked for you, but I have very little relationship in the ninth battlefield. I didn't find the final source." Jiujianxian shook his head,

then he said, "however, I found the most original information,It clearly points out that you have advanced into the ancient god abyss in half a month, and then there are the detailed location coordinates of the ancient god's Secret collection. "

Time, place!

Jiang CI is now completely certain that at least one of the three demon families, namely, Kuiyu, bahuan niumo and Linghu Yaoji, has not fallen!

There is such a possibility. It is not surprising that he has a separate body and other strong people have a separate body.

For example, I took a six robber immortal with me at that time and was killed by him with one sword.

So who is still alive?

Jiujianxian didn't disturb Jiang Ci's meditation. He just felt that the apprentice's luck was too bad.

A moment later, he asked, "apprentice, what are you going to do?"

Jiang CI hesitated for a while, and the ancient mysterious collection was so attractive.

it can be imagined that all the alien strongmen in the ninth battlefield are absolutely looking for the mountain and sea Sword Fairy, trying to kill him and eat meat.

There are two ways for him now.

one is to give up the identity of Shanhai Sword Fairy.

this is not difficult, and it is a very safe way.

it is very easy to change his identity, or directly end the training of life and death, and leave the ninth battlefield.

However, it seems to be a little gray.

It's hard to give up the status of Shanhai Sword Fairy.

The second is to stand up for a big killing, so that the strong of the alien race can no longer think about the ancient god's Secret collection.

Before refining a trace of the origin of the way of heaven, this second road was obviously a dead end.

now, after his strength has improved, he feels that this road should be very interesting and happy.

What's more, he wants to find out those who are behind the scenes.

In fact, thinking of this, Jiang CI has been inclined to the second way.

However, he said these two ideas and wanted to get some advice from master jiujianxian.

"Ha ha, now that your strength is at this level, don't worry about going to a big fight!"

"The prestige of a strong man is the result of killing!"

"When I was a teacher, I killed all over the world in the third battlefield, drinking wine and killing all over the alien race, so I got the name of jiujianxian."

This is jiujianxian's suggestion.

"Thank you, master. I see!" Jiang Ci's eyes were bright, and his fighting spirit began to rise.


Through the ancient continent, ancient god abyss.

After the news about the ancient god's Secret collection spread, the strong robbers of all ethnic groups who roamed here came to the location coordinates mentioned in the news for the first time,

and then found the space. However, after a search inside, they found that the whole ancient god's Palace had been emptied.

Including the secret collection hall and inheritance hall.

Even found the cave world where the ancient Protoss adherents lived, but it was empty.

These findings confirm the authenticity of the news.

The seven plundering immortals of the Terran camp, the sea sword immortals, have got the ancient mysterious collection!

The ninth battlefield is busy,

at this time, the strong people of different races who did not roam in Tonggu are rushing to Tonggu, either to join in the fun or to fight.


Through the ancient world, Terran camp 1.

Jiang CI came out of the No. 41 palace where he lived. Several people who passed by robbed the immortals, and when they saw him, they directly widened their eyes.

"Mountain Mountain sea Sword Fairy, actually stay in the barracks? "

"All the foreigners outside are looking for him. They are going crazy."

"But he's so brave that he'll come out at this time!"

"I don't know if he really got the ancient mysterious collection."

"anyway, it's a big news. If those alien people know that the mountain sea Sword Fairy they are looking for is now in the military camp, I'm afraid they will be silly. Ha ha..."

Of course, with Jiang Ci's spiritual strength, he could hear their spiritual voice,

but he just nodded to them with a smile, and then flew straight to the biggest palace deep in camp 1.

After he left, these people robbed the immortals and immediately spread the news that Shanhai sword immortals were in the military camp.

Compared with the strong of other races, the strong of robbing immortals in the Terran camp are mostly envious, envious, or greedy when the sword immortals of mountain and sea get the ancient mysterious treasure.

But no one dares to do it, because there is a decree in heaven. It's a capital crime to fight against people in the same camp!

Unless they dare to rebel.

But where can traitors go? To the demon realm, the ghost realm, to the cosmic frontier?

Few people are willing to be dogs if they don't do well.

Of course, there must be others who are willing to take risks.

This is one of the reasons why Jiang CI took the initiative to stand up,

kill them, and let those people and other people know that he is qualified to have the secret collection of ancient gods!A moment later, Jiang CI came to the deepest palace of No.1 Military Camp, and then issued three rewards here.

The first one is to find the whereabouts and location of the Banyu of the demon clan,

the second one is to find the whereabouts and location of the eight ring Bull Demon of the demon clan,

the third one is to find the whereabouts and location of the fox and the enchantress,

the reward amount of each one is 1 billion points, as long as the location coordinates are determined, you can get it!

Since we are not sure who is alive, we should offer a reward to mobilize the power of the Terran camp to help him find it.

As long as one of them is alive, Jiang CI believes that there is a great chance of finding it.

"You must be very reluctant, aren't you? Otherwise, I won't actively spread the secret information of the ancient god, "

" but I'm worried that it's not my opponent, so I want to make the water muddy and fish in muddy water? To be a hidden hunter? "

"Let's see who is the hunter this time."

After Jiang CI published the reward, Shi ran went back to palace 41 and continued to close.

Along the way, I met other Terrans robbing immortals and gained a lot of surprise.

But he didn't pay attention to it any more, just waiting for the news.

Three reward tasks, 3 billion points of reward, even the nine robbers will be excited.


At the same time, the foreigners in the ninth battlefield soon learned that Shanhai Jianxian was hiding in camp 1.

"This coward! What a shame

"Actually hiding, still hiding in the headquarters of the Terran camp!"

"There's no way. The camp headquarters of the top three ethnic groups in the ninth battlefield is the safest and most dangerous place."

"Wait, wait for him to come out! As long as he's still connected to the ancient world, we still have a chance! "

This is the voice of many strong people who rob immortals.

Of course, those who dare to have an idea about the ancient mysterious collection are at least seven robbers.

After all, Shanhai Sword Fairy is not a small person. It is a powerful existence that once killed eight robbers of the ghost clan!

(start first and change later)