I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 549

In the secret collection hall, there is a space of one million kilometers in length, width and height,

in just five seconds, it has gone through the process from breaking to nothingness, and then to restoring to its original state,

the energy tide that has not dissipated still reverberates in this space.

The remains of the corpse, fragments of war armor, top-notch spirit tools, and storage magic weapons all float in the space, including the ring with the ancient god's secret.

Just now, no matter the self explosion of Bajie xianguqian, or Tianjie, or the last Zhenjun lingfu, did not damage the ring.

In addition to these, there are two people in this space, Su Zhisan standing and Jiang CI lying there pretending to be dead.

"I'm the biggest winner!" Su Zhisan laughs happily,

he has never been a kind person. Kindness is just a disguise.

In other words, none of those who can cultivate to the eight plundering immortals is good stubble.

Just now, he bought the magic talisman of Zhenjun, which is worth 10 billion points, by biting his teeth and spending most of his life before he was ready to invite a helper.

Then, he won the bet!

Ten billion points, in exchange for greater returns!

The treasure in the ancient mysterious collection is comparable to the wealth of the real king.

"In this way, nine robbers are expected!"

Su Zhisan's face was full of excitement and flew to the ring. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, he arrived in a flash.

Around the ring, there are also some body debris and armor fragments.

Su Zhisan didn't care. His eyes were all focused on the ring, and then he reached for it.


But at this time, an inch long dark poison needle, emitting a soul shaking breath, shot out from a nearby war armor fragment at a speed close to the speed of light.

Su Zhisan had no time to resist such a close distance.

The black needle went in from his right temple and out from his left temple.

His spirit directly annihilated, but his eyes still kept an excited look, just no breath.

The mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow sparrow is behind.

Su Zhisan has been dazzled by the joy of victory, and he is careless at the last moment.

the armor fragment beside him trembles slightly, and the space fluctuates. A small figure less than one meter high appears from nothingness.

It's the eight robber immortals that we found together with Su Zhisan at first!

However, his breath at this time was just six immortals, and there was no injury on his body.

Obviously, this is a part of him, hiding in the storage space of the armor fragments.

Su Zhisan has prepared his cards. Of course, he will not forget to prepare his cards.

He waved away the ring and the body of Su Zhisan.

"It's worth sacrificing one main body and using a soul destroying needle that can kill eight plundering immortals in exchange for this ancient god's Secret collection!"

"And all the wealth of the six eight robbers!"

I looked around at this small space with cunning eyes. Those top-quality spirit tools and storage magic weapons were still floating in the space intact.

His body is twinkling. According to the distance, he puts away the magic weapon of the eight ring ox demon and the spirit fox monster first, and then Lao Mo's magic weapon.

The last is Jiang Ci, because Jiang CI is the fastest and the farthest just now.

"The armor of this mountain sea Sword Fairy is strange. He can keep his whole body under so many attacks..." I think it should be a windfall.

Then he controls the mind and waves to take away the whole body.


"Well?" I was in a daze.

Failed, the body in front of him is still floating there.

Take it again!

Still not moving.

"What's the matter?" I'm at a loss.

Take it again!


The body in front of him suddenly exploded, and a sword light swept by.

Close to the situation, this is only six robber immortal's embarrassment, where can resist Jiang Ci's full blow.

Less than a meter high fairy body, instant burst.

"He's still alive?" This is my last consciousness.


The breath of Jiang Ci was restored to the level of seven plundering immortals. With a wave of his hand, he put away the storage magic weapons and spirit weapons scattered after his death.

"Good hunters are the last ones to shoot!"

It's one of his cards to have the spiritual strength comparable to that of jiujiexian.

as long as the spiritual strength doesn't exceed him, you can't see that he's playing dead.

Triple mountain's armor, for him to block a large number of attacks, but also his card.

With these two cards alone, he became the big winner in the end.

Just now, when Su Zhisan took out the magic talisman, he took the opportunity to play dead.

In his opinion, since Su Zhisan has prepared his backhand, it is impossible that he is not prepared.After all, it was the ancient god's secret that they discovered first.

In contrast, he and Lao Mo, eight ring ox demon, and Linghu demon are all invited temporarily, and they don't have time to prepare them.

Facts have proved that Jiang Ci's decision is right.

Although he is sure to kill Su Zhisan, after that, he will face the sneak attack of embarrassed Yu.

He is not sure to block the black needle. He may be the one who will die at that time.

What's more, he can't deal with people in the same camp if he has an identity badge record.

Otherwise, it is against the law of heaven.

This is the reason why Su Zhisan wanted to kill Jiang CI with the help of the eight ring ox demon.

These thoughts flashed away in Jiang Ci's mind. Then he looked around and worried.

"How do I get out?"

His spiritual consciousness had explored the space with a length of one million kilometers, and found no way to leave.

When they came in, the gate that changed from reality to emptiness and from emptiness to reality disappeared.

Moreover, this space is refined by the ancient gods at the level of the real king, which forms a world of its own.

it is impossible to leave by breaking the space.

Just now, Gu Qian's self explosion, natural calamity and the last real king's spirit talisman have not broken the space barrier, and he is even more impossible.

"Do you still want to use the big movers?" Jiang CI is holding a big move sign in his hand,

I can't bear it!


At this time, the door appeared again, and it was changing from reality to emptiness.

You can see the inside from the outside, and of course you can see the outside from the inside.

Jiang CI discovered this change for the first time, but there was no joy on his face, only dignified.

"Ancient Protoss!"

"True king!"

There were ten six armed figures outside the gate, and the breath came from outside the gate.

through the breath, he could recognize that the leader was a real king and the other nine were more than seven robbers.

Moreover, Jiang CI can feel the strong killing intention of these ancient gods!

If the gate had not been fully opened, the ten ancient Protoss would have burst in and torn him up.


Jiang CI this time, no matter what willing to give up, small life matters.

Instantly activate the big move symbol!


A wave of space, his whole person disappeared from this space.

Whoosh, whoosh

Zhenzu, the ancient Protoss, and the remaining nine people with more than seven plundering immortals passed through the gate of complete emptiness,

"damn! Let the Terran escape

"The secret is gone."

"What means did he use?"

The ten adherents of the ancient Protoss are very angry.

As they watched the space with only body debris and armor fragments left, their anger gradually subsided and turned into sadness.

"Guqian is dead." Gu Hong said with red eyes.

The other eight ancient gods were silent when they robbed the immortals,

the true ancestor of the ancient gods was also silent, and then whispered: "the ancient gods live forever!"

"The ancient god lives forever!"

"The ancient god lives forever!"

"The ancient god lives forever!"

They all know that the ancient Protoss is really reborn this time.

With Yin Fu, they can leave the cave world, leave the space where the ancient gods hide, move to a corner of the universe and reproduce again.

Moreover, this time they also got the ancient god inheritance.

Although that Terran took away the ancient mystery, it didn't take away the ancient god inheritance!

With the inheritance of ancient gods, they can make targeted training methods according to the talent, understanding, blood and so on of the clansmen,

in this way, the clansmen can improve faster, and it is easier to give birth to the strong.

In time, perhaps the ancient Protoss will become a powerful group again.

After all, they are the top group that once had a Taoist priest!

So the ancient Protoss is also a winner.


On the other hand, Jiang CI realized a problem after he used the big move symbol.

Randomly move a light-year distance, where will he move?

The diameter of this ancient god abyss is one light year, and the depth is unfathomable.

In other words, he may be moved away from the abyss of ancient gods, or he may be moved deeper

Facts have proved that there is a certain truth in the saying that whatever you worry about comes.

Jiang Ci's worry has come true.

when the move is over, he finds that his spirit is beginning to collapse, and his body seems to be disintegrating.

This reminds him of what Su Zhisan said before entering the abyss of ancient gods: no deep going, no epiphany.

Because there is a special field force in the abyss, the deeper it is, the stronger the field force is.For example, those who are strong in robbing immortals can reach the limit by one light year at most.

Further down, both the body and the spirit will be unable to bear, and then collapse.

Deeper, even the real strong dare not easily enter!

His current situation is very similar to that described by Su Zhisan.

The body and the spirit are almost unbearable!

If his body had not been close to the inferior immortal weapon, his spiritual strength would have been as strong as that of the nine robbers. I'm afraid he would have disintegrated as soon as he came out.

Jiang CI guessed that maybe it was because of that special field force that his movement was variable and had a fixed direction, that is, downward

The ancient mystery collection is located at the depth of 3 trillion kilometers, that is, 0.3 light-year deep in the ancient god abyss.

after he moved 1 light-year, the location became 1.3 light-year deep.

This depth, even if the real king strong, also dare not easily set foot.

His present state of body and spirit just confirmed this conjecture.

"What do I think these are for?"

Jiang CI suddenly realized that his thinking began to slow down, that is, he was not clever.

Because at this time, he should think about how to get out of here, rather than struggling with the current environment.

Now, at most one second, his body and spirit will collapse,

move again?

Will it move deeper?


Jiang Ci's consciousness gradually blurred, and his body cracked like broken glass.

At the same time, under the special field force, it constantly falls deeper.

"Jiang Ci, Jiang ci..."

All of a sudden, a clear female voice rings in Jiang Ci's mind, arousing Jiang CI.

"Jiangci, enter tongtianlou!"

"Well?" Jiang Ci's thinking is very slow, but he still reacts.

When the body and spirit were about to disintegrate, his heart moved and he entered the Tongtian tower.

As if can devour all the abyss, only a nine story pagoda, standing quietly in the void.

In the space of Tongtian building.

Jiang CI sits on his knees. With the help of Lingli and healing elixir, his body and spirit are recovering quickly.

I don't know how long later, his injury finally returned to normal.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the rainbow clothes of tongtianlou with a smile standing in front of him.

"Nishang, thank you this time." Jiang CI chuckled.

Nishang shook his head and laughed, "it was very dangerous just now. Your Yuanshen almost disconnected from Tongtian building. Fortunately, I found out in time."

Jiang Ci was also afraid. Just now, his thinking seemed to be ten thousand times slower. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't give full play to his strength.

without the reminder of nishang and tongtianlou, he would have to wait to die.

"Now what?"

The spiritual sense of Jiang CI has been found in tongtianlou, which has confirmed the current situation.

That's the same question. Do you still use the big move?

However, the special field force in the abyss really seems to affect the big shift symbol.

"Tongtianlou can also be used as a flying boat." Nishang said with a smile.

Jiang Ci's eyes brightened and his heart moved.

sure enough, he found that he could control the flight of tongtianlou in the abyss.

"But I suggest you go further down." Nishang said again.

"Still down?" Jiang Ci was a little surprised and gave a brief account of the ancient god abyss.

"The lower you go, the more dangerous it is."

After hearing this, nishang nodded and said, "the place where Daojun and the strong fall, so it is."

"don't worry, this place can't shake the Tongtian tower. Just drive the Tongtian tower down."

"I sensed an interesting thing..."

This makes Jiang CI curious. What's interesting?

Since tongtianlou can block the danger here, there is nothing to worry about.

"That direction 10 times the speed of light, 10 minutes in source space. " Nishang frowned and pondered, then gave a definite position coordinate.

Jiang CI nodded and controlled the Tongtian building. According to the direction of nishang, he shuttled through the source space for 10 minutes.

After coming out again, it is close to the ancient god abyss 2 light years deep.

"Well That location, 300000 kilometers away. " Nishang closed his eyes and felt it carefully, then pointed to a specific position.

Jiang CI controls the Tongtian tower, shuttling at the speed of sub light speed, and arriving in a flash.

At the same time, his spirit found a special object, that is, the interesting thing mentioned by nishang.

A ray of colorful energy body, just like colorful snake, wanders in the void.

The concept of this wisp is relative to this huge abyss.

In terms of size alone, this little snake shaped energy body is one meter thick and one meter thin. It has an inexplicable smell and is intoxicating.He just brushed it with his spiritual sense, and felt that the spirit was baptized. It was very comfortable.

Inexplicable breath? Was it the colorful snake that sent out the breath he had felt before?

"What's that?" Jiang CI asked nishang curiously.

"No, no!" Nishang's face is not very good-looking, not so calm.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Ci was very surprised.

"There's no time to explain now. Go and take it away. Take it away with Tongtian building!" Nishang urged.

Without questioning, Jiang CI manipulates Tongtian building and catches up with the wandering colorful snake.

with a move of heart, Tongtian building takes the colorful snake in.


All of a sudden, Jiang CI found that the nearby space seemed to fluctuate and vibrated slightly.

In other words, the whole ancient god abyss was shocked!

"No!" Nishang's face changed greatly, and then he quickly said, "go! Let's go

Without hesitation, Jiang CI controls tongtianlou again, and wants to speed up to the speed of light and shuttle into the source space.

But before he could accelerate to the speed of light, he found that the space nearby was like a swamp, unable to move!

Even the Tongtian tower was affected and began to decelerate from a state close to the speed of light.


From the bottom of the abyss, a roar resounding through the starry sky,

creepy inexplicable breath spreads quickly!

Great terror!

There seems to be a big invisible hand sticking out from the bottom of the abyss, trying to grasp the Tongtian tower.

At this time, Jiang CI found that his body and spirit became sluggish again.

"Confinement! The space is confined He roared in his heart.


Finally, the source of treasure triple mountain, the second effect of imprisonment appeared.

With tongtianlou as the center, the space of tens of millions of kilometers is suddenly stagnant, and then it is suddenly broken,

only one hundred thousandth of a second is imprisoned!

But this short one hundredth of a second is enough!

Tongtianlou successfully accelerated to the speed of light and disappeared into the source space.

This ancient god abyss is close to 2 light-years deep, and once again becomes empty.


At the bottom of the abyss, a low roar sounded again, as if with a little anger, and then gradually subsided.


At the same time, there was a chaos at the top of the ancient god abyss.

The strong robbers of all ethnic groups who are sneaking around here just felt a kind of throb from the deep soul, like death is coming.

Soon, the top leaders of the top three ethnic groups in the ninth battlefield learned that something unusual had happened in the ancient god abyss,

and then they reported it to the real top leaders of their respective ethnic groups, that is, the Daojun strongmen.

But it's strange that this matter has been dealt with coldly. It seems that Zhenjun don't pay attention to this abnormality.

As time goes on, the chaos and disturbance gradually subsided.

It's just that in the next thousand years, there will be a little more strong people wandering in the ancient god abyss.

Nothing else, nothing else.


At this time, Jiang Ci, which caused chaos in the ancient god abyss, is desperately shuttling through the source space.

The speed of tongtianlou, from 100 times the speed of light, 300 times the speed of light, 500 times the speed of light Up to 1000 times the speed of light!

Until lingering in the heart of the kind of creepy feeling disappeared, Jiang CI just a little relieved.

After more than an hour, he decelerated and left the source space,

then he quickly folded up the Tongtian tower, changed back to his best fairy boat, and continued to fly over Tonggu continent.

According to the star map, he is now 500 light-years away from the ancient god abyss and should be safe.

"Nishang, what's that?"

In the boat, Jiang CI talks with nishang in his heart.

"I'm not sure." Nishang hesitated, "now I can't say,

because it is likely to bring you punishment from the way of heaven. That's what a strong Taoist is entitled to know. "

Heaven's punishment!

Jiang Ci was surprised. When he named the mountain sea sword after heaven and earth scroll, he had been punished by heaven.

if master jiuxiao hadn't arrived and repulsed heaven, he would have been gone at that time.

The existence of the bottom of the ancient god's abyss, only the strong Taoist is qualified to know? Will it lead to heavenly punishment?

What is it?

He didn't ask too much. He put this doubt in his heart for the time being and prepared to ask Master jiuxiao.

"What about this colorful snake?" Jiang CI asked again.

At this time, the colorful snake is wandering happily in the space of Tongtian building.

"Of course, it's a good thing, a ray of the origin of heaven!" Nishang said with a smile."The origin of heaven?" Jiang CI had some doubts. It was the first time he heard of it.

"The realm of Tao is the true meaning of Tao, the realm of Tao, the way of heaven and earth, the way of heaven and earth, and then the original realm." Nishang explained.

Jiang CI suddenly said, "what's the use of it?"

Just now, for this little snake, he almost died!

If it's useless, it's a big loss!

"Refining it has great advantages." Nishang smiles gently.

As soon as Jiang Ci's eyes are bright, since it's a great advantage, it's definitely not a loss.

Then, he steered the boat and went back and forth in the direction of camp 1.

We need to find a safe place before we can rest assured of refining.


In the demon Kingdom, a small figure less than one meter high suddenly appeared in the core of a dead and desolate planet.

The small figure is similar to the wolf's face, full of venom.

If Jiang CI is here, we can definitely recognize who this figure is.

"Ancient mystery!"

"Mountain and sea Sword Fairy!"

But compared with the fallen Su Zhisan, Lao Mo, the eight ring ox demon and the spirit fox demon, he is not so thoroughly defeated. At least he is still alive.

For a cunning eight robber immortal, of course, he would not put himself in a real Jedi.

I once had a big chance, so I got two parts. In addition, I had three lives.

It's Ben Zun and Liu Jiexian who roam in foreign battlefields.

now, this is his last eight Jiexian and his only card.

Lost two lives, lost tens of thousands of years of accumulation, lost the ancient god secret collection!

I hate Shanhai Sword Fairy to the bone!

"His defense is very high. Ten times the level of nine robbing immortals, he didn't do any damage."

"His speed is very fast, close to jiujiexian, I can't match him."

"His attack power is very strong. One sword can kill my six robber immortals. His attack power must be eight robber immortals."

"If I fight him, it's definitely me who loses!"

I am very calm to analyze all this,

of course, he will not let go of the last Terran!

More impossible to give up the ancient mystery!

"In that case, let's make a mess. If it's a mess, I'll have a chance!"

I made a decision and quietly returned to the ninth battlefield.