I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 395

Without turning around, Lyon discern the identity of the person from the voice of the other person and the familiar perfume smell.

With a smile, Leon turned around.

What came into view was a beautiful red hair.

Under the charming makeup, those charming Bi pupils almost took away the hearts of all men in front of them. The low-key but elegant black suspender skirt sets off the exquisite and hot figure perfectly.

Come on, it\'s Leon\'s confidante, Natasha!

Looking at Natasha in full dress in front of her, Lyon thought about it and suddenly realized it.

However, he spread his hand, put on a surprised look, and joked:

"Wow! What\'s a beautiful woman like you doing here?"

When she raised her wedding invitation, Natasha tilted her lips and showed a joking smile:

"Just like you."

"I see..."

Wade\'s invitation to Natasha was not too abrupt.

After all, they not only have a common friend like Leon, but also the companions of the secret team "shadow Knight". In a sense, they are also acquaintances.

It\'s just that I don\'t have much contact at ordinary times

Just when Lyon opened his lips slightly and wanted to say something, as soon as Natasha appeared, he stared directly at vesel, finally found the opportunity and interrupted:

"Leon, who is this beautiful woman?"

It\'s hard to shave his beard and wear a black suit. Weiser looks like a dog. He can\'t see that he is a bar owner in the mercenary talent market. He is more like an elite in the financial industry.

Unfortunately, he\'s not Natasha\'s dish

Lyon smiled when he noticed Weiser\'s appearance, and then introduced them to each other:

"Natasha, this is Wade\'s good friend, Weser."

"Hello, I like the color of your hair. It looks very beautiful."

While talking to Natasha, Weiser blinked and gave Leon a crazy look, as if he wanted him to go away and don\'t disturb his plan to pick up girls.

Leon, who smiled secretly, shrugged and said to Natasha:

"You talk first. I\'ll get you a drink first."

As soon as the voice fell, before Natasha reacted, Lyon went to the self-service bar not far away.

Five minutes later

When Lyon came back with two glasses of champagne, he only found Natasha standing where she was, but Weiser was missing.

After handing over champagne, Lyon asked casually:

"What\'s going on? Where\'s vesel?"

Taking a sip of champagne, Natasha replied calmly:

"Oh, he went to find his next goal..."

Without Natasha explaining the situation, Lyon had seen Visser talking with a hot girl not far away.

It seems that in the past five minutes, Natasha has made it very clear that she is not interested

Such an outcome was expected.

Standing next to Natasha, Lyon looked between the guests, but asked seemingly unintentionally:

"Anyway, you didn\'t just come to the wedding..."

Hearing the speech, Natasha just smiled and replied with a meaningful sentence:

"What do you think?"

As soon as the voice fell, they had a very tacit understanding. They turned their heads and smiled at each other.

The next moment, I only heard a "bang", two crystal clear goblets, touching gently in mid air


Palm trees, waves, breeze

All things constitute the appearance of happiness.

The whole wedding, as Lyon expected, was simple and full of warmth.

Wade, who has always liked to make some little moths and even broke the fourth wall to talk to the audience, was finally normal at the wedding.

There\'s nothing to say!

I didn\'t play either!

Under the small arch for the wedding, wearing a black suit and holding Vanessa in a pure white wedding dress, he stood in front of the witness, looking a little nervous.

Lyon had never seen Wade look so nervous and excited.

Even when killing and being killed

It is worth mentioning that the witness was al, the blind old aunt who took wade in and "treated" wade as a child.

After all, this is Wade\'s second woman to say "I love you" besides Vanessa

Although I can\'t see the happiness picture in front of me, the old man with rich life experience still wants to send his best wishes to the new couple:

"Wade, I hope you can hold the hand of the woman around you and never let go. Because only in that way, any difficulties in front of you will be worthless!"

Finally, Wade and Vanessa exchanged rings and kissed each other, which drew a perfect end

After the wedding, there is the wedding banquet.

The venue of the wedding banquet is not outdoors, but a large reception hall dedicated to the wedding in the resort.

As the wedding banquet adopts the self-sufficiency mode of buffet, guests can\'t help but brighten up when they see rectangular tables filled with various rich dishes.

Under the performance of the live band, melodious music suddenly sounded!

The picture of wine and preparation can be seen everywhere. Some guests began to dance with the music.

Everything looks so beautiful

While taking advantage of the gap, Leon and Natasha came to the new couple and sent their blessings.

"Congratulations, the wedding was great!"

"Thank you, thank you for coming..."

After a chat, Lyon and wade left two women who talked happily and came to the balcony.

In the hazy night, under a bright moon, it seems that they are covered with a layer of gauze, slightly psychedelic.

They lit a cigarette and talked without a word.

"So, where are you going to spend your honeymoon?"

"Vanessa said she wanted to go abroad. Of course I listened to her. What Maldives, the Great Barrier Reef and the pyramids, go all over again! Although I\'ve already been there..."

Finally, while chatting, Wade still didn\'t change his cheap style, laughed at Leon, a single dog, and said that he didn\'t even have a stable girlfriend.

Lyon also kept his face unchanged and took out the values of "marriage is a man\'s grave", "married men have no freedom" and so on to refute a cheap man.

In the end, they almost fought

That doesn\'t exist!

They are like a pair of bad friends who have a good relationship.

I like to talk and fight with each other as soon as I meet. However, at every critical moment, they are duty bound to stand up and support each other.


Leaning against the guardrail of the balcony, Leon, who spouted a smoke ring from his mouth, half narrowed his eyes, as if enjoying the taste of cigarettes, suddenly said:

"By the way, I\'m glad you invited me."

Hearing the speech, Wade was stunned, and then the corners of his mouth turned up:

"I\'m glad you can come..."

In silence, a breath called "friendship" filled the air