I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 394

Less than 0.05 seconds later, on the other side of the phone, a deja vu answer came quickly:


From these two short and incisive words, Lyon can even make up his mind. While the other party said this sentence, he did not forget to put up his middle finger and give him a cordial greeting across the phone.

Who can let Lyon, who has always spoken more civilized, start with "B"? In addition to the king of guns and the cheap man among the cheap, who else?

It\'s Wade Wilson, the dead waiter!

"What are you looking for me..."

After joking, Leon just wanted to ask the other party\'s intention, but he was interrupted by Xiao Jianjian\'s extremely fast speed.

"Listen, attendant, don\'t talk yet, listen to me!"

"The thing is, life is like an endless disaster film, and happiness is like the advertisement inserted in it. It\'s so short. So yesterday, I was walking home, thinking about whether to do something interesting while the last advertisement was inserted. Then, I suddenly thought of something, something I should have done a long time ago."

"So I immediately went to the jewelry store and bought a diamond ring with two months\' income. The sister who looked like Kardashian said that the ring was a five carat Bulgari diamond ring! It was a treasure every woman dreamed of..."

In the next three minutes, Leon regretted countless times. Why on earth did he listen to this mouth?!

Xiao Jianjian talked a lot of nutritious words. She was so crooked that she didn\'t know where to go, but refused to talk about the key points.

And just when Lyon could not bear it and wanted to interrupt him, he suddenly had a meal, and then dropped a heavy bomb in Lyon\'s heart!

"So today I proposed to Vanessa, and then she promised me, and then, we\'re getting married!"

As soon as the voice fell, the little bitch holding the mobile phone on the other side began to count silently in her heart:



On the other side of the phone, Leon\'s shocked voice came when he counted "3":


"Can\'t you just say such a big thing at the beginning?"

As if he had already guessed Lyon\'s reaction, his calm voice sounded again:

"Relax, man... I\'m married, not you. Don\'t make such a fuss."

Hearing the speech, Lyon rolled his eyes, resisted the impulse to fight back, and then asked:

"Then why did you call?"

"Speaking of, it\'s also closely related to you."

Hearing this, Lyon suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I discussed with Vanessa about a simple wedding. I\'m going to let you, David Beckham and Tom Cruise be the best man. But they shouldn\'t have time. So, you and Weser can be my best man..."

"Also, Vanessa plans to let her colleagues who work together in the Yi Dance Shop act as bridesmaids... Ding Dong! Warm tips, their bodies are super hot!"

Hearing the speech, Lyon directly ignored the little bitch\'s obscene voice and suddenly asked:

"Cut the crap. You mean you want me to be your best man?"

"Let me guess, your answer is“

Before Lyon could react, the little bitch on the other side of the phone pinched her voice, pretended to have a voice completely different from Lyon, and asked herself and replied:

"Oh! Really? Can I really shoulder such a great responsibility? Thank you so much, Wade!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Jianjian changed into a very sincere voice again and said in a deep and deep voice:

"Let me tell you, son, you are the one I chose. You will be an important part of this event..."

When he changed his cell phone to the other ear, Lyon said in a very sincere tone:

"You know what? The Oscar organizing committee really owes you a little golden man, really!"

"Thank you for your approval, but I think I\'m still a little worse than super handsome Ryan Reynolds."

After two words, Xiao Jianjian didn\'t forget to add before hanging up the phone:

"The wedding time is two weeks later. Before that, you\'d better buy a more handsome suit than Bradley Cooper\'s white suit at the Golden Globe Award. You\'d better not wear white. You look fat in white..."

Xiao Jianjian came gently, just as he walked gently, and left a message that surprised Leon a little.

In fact, this news is not too unexpected.

According to Leon, Wade and his girlfriend Vanessa have been together for more than two years.

They are like a perfect couple. They love each other too much.

If it hadn\'t been for cancer and Francis, he would have married Vanessa and wouldn\'t wait until now.

What makes Leon feel a little uncomfortable is that the little bitch is ready to get married and he is still a single dog.

Although there is no shortage of women around, those are just some adjustments to deal with lonely nights.

Like Wade and Vanessa, they all pay sincere love

Thinking of this, Lyon, who was holding the steering wheel and driving towards long island, couldn\'t help but slam on the accelerator.


With the roar of the engine, an angry low scold came from the Chevrolet passing by the highway:



Time, like a white colt.

Two weeks later, Lyon, dressed in a slim black suit, with brown hair and oil hair, arrived at the wedding in his black Ferrari California t.

It\'s a seaside resort on the outskirts of New York.

The scenery here is beautiful. Beside the beach full of palm trees, the sound of waves plays a melodious melody in your ears from time to time, making guests feel comfortable.

In order to hold the wedding, Wade directly wrapped up the whole resort with a great deal of money.

As an internationally renowned mercenary, Wade\'s mercenary income is much higher than expected.

Millions of dollars a year, just a small thing

As Xiao Jianjian said, his wedding with Vanessa was not complicated.

Simple venue layout and not too many guests make the whole wedding venue look a little minimalist.

When Lyon arrived at the wedding venue near the beach, he saw Weiser in a black suit and tie.

When he came to Weiser, Lyon looked around and found that most of the guests were Wade\'s mercenary friends and some unknown women.

According to Leon\'s guess, these hot women should be Vanessa\'s friends.

Just when Lyon didn\'t know what he should do as the best man, a familiar smoke voice sounded behind him:

"Hey, handsome boy!"