I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 393

When they returned to the top floor apartment of Baxter building with reed, they were surprised to come to Lyon for the first time.

The high-end research equipment everywhere arranges the whole space into a staggered pattern, which makes people confused whether it is an apartment or a large laboratory.

Lyon can even see a military explosion-proof experimental cabin in the compound two-story space.

It is conceivable that many amazing scientific ideas and inventions were conceived and born in this space

Looking around, he scanned the whole space roughly. Lyon couldn\'t help sighing:

"Wow! I have to say, reed, you seem to bring all your work home..."

"Hey, hey..."

Hearing the speech, reed just smiled shyly.

Johnny, who lives alone, leans against the wall beside one side, rubbing a small spark with his fingertips, while scare the world make complaints about it.

"Sue, don\'t you have any problem with this? This is a home, a warm and comfortable home, not a laboratory..."

However, Susan was not fooled.

"I don\'t think there\'s anything wrong. Isn\'t it convenient to have both living space and independent working space?"

Hearing his elder sister\'s answer, Johnny, who accidentally ate a mouthful of dog food, rolled his eyes and whispered "cut".

Lyon, who witnessed the whole process, also laughed to himself.

Johnny, it\'s like a teenager in adolescence.

Very eager to get attention, always try their best to brush the sense of existence and emphasize their personality

It can be said that among the magic four, the one who needs supervision most is this cuntou love present man.

In silence, he wrote Johnny\'s name on the little book in his heart. Lyon followed the four people to the living room of the living area.

As soon as he took his seat, Lyon opened the door to the mountain road:

"Reed, you know this project best. I want to ask you a question. How much do you know about what happened to you?"

Hearing the speech, reed was a little stunned and immediately replied:

"At present, I\'m not sure. We need to do some tests to know how much damage these radiation have done to us..."

Speaking of this, Reid immediately looked at the stone man (Ben) who occupied almost half of the sofa and Johnny sitting on the armrest of the sofa, and added:

"So... Johnny, Ben, I think you\'d better stay here until we define the degree of body change and find a way to recover."

"OK! As long as you can change back to the original..."

"It\'s up to you. Anyway, I think it\'s good now..."

In the face of this proposal, Ben and Johnny\'s answers clearly show their different views on superpowers.

Johnny disagreed with the stone man\'s urgency to change back.

What others don\'t know is that Stark has become his idol since the birth of iron man a few years ago!

Becoming a superhero is every man\'s dream

Johnny is no exception.

Johnny also dreamed that he would one day become like stark, rich, surrounded by a large number of hot girls, and be able to save the world.

Now, an accident has given him such a super ability. How can Johnny give up easily?!

The sight swept over the four, and Lyon said:

"If you need anything, please feel free to contact me. Just for the sake of safety, you\'d better stay here and don\'t run around."

As soon as the voice fell, Leon, sitting on the single sofa, turned to Johnny, who looked bored, and stressed:

"Especially you, Johnny! Although your ability is cool, you\'d better stay at home and watch TV or fitness before you confirm your ability and whether you can play it freely."

Hearing the speech, Johnny couldn\'t help but curl his mouth and said with an unhappy face:

"Come on, man, you\'re more strict than NASA..."

Facing Johnny\'s impatience, Lyon was not angry, but showed a brilliant smile.

"Oh, you don\'t know what you\'re facing..."

The next second, Leon\'s smile suddenly closed and his tone was solemn:

"This is not a negotiation, but a notice!"

"If you use superpowers openly in public and hurt the people, you will find that the next time you appear in front of you is no longer a good sounding me, but a well-equipped s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. agent or an avenger!"

"If you think you can beat Thor or hawk, you can try..."

Leon\'s serious expression and the faint warning between his words made Johnny and even the other three feel nervous.

Before or after the four acquired super powers, they were just ordinary New Yorkers.

The four people who have not yet turned into superheroes are more or less frightened in the face of warnings from government departments

Johnny is just a playboy who goes his own way. He is not a fool, let alone a villain who likes to hurt others.

Therefore, facing Lyon\'s death gaze, Johnny raised his hands, put on a look of surrender and said helplessly:

"OK, OK, I won\'t go out to the head office in the near future..."

Then he was not happy enough to whisper, "really, make complaints about it.

After a brief chat with the four, Lyon was ready to leave.

However, just before Lyon came to the elevator, Reed\'s voice came behind him.

"Wait a minute, Leon!"

Turning around, Leon saw reed who was about to stop talking and asked in some doubt:

"Anything else?"

After a hesitation, Reed said:

"Well... I want to say sorry, this project didn\'t develop as planned. Not only did the spacecraft crash, but also you lost so much money. I don\'t know how to..."

Before reed finished, Lyon raised his hand and suddenly stopped reed from apologizing.

"You don\'t have to blame yourself too much. If the experiment is successful, it will also fail. Nothing is 100%. Since I dare to invest in this project, it means that I am prepared to deal with failure."

"Besides, this experiment is not completely fruitless, is it?"

Reed didn\'t know how to answer the meaningful words, so he could only squeeze out a smile and replied:


Seeing Reed\'s lingering sadness between his eyebrows, Leon stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder and said in a deep voice:

"I believe that with your intelligence, there is no scientific problem that can defeat you."

"The most important thing is your choice..."


Just out of Baxter building, Lyon\'s trouser pocket, accompanied by a vibration, suddenly sounded the "didi" bell.

Take out your mobile phone and see the name on the caller ID. Lyon doesn\'t raise his mouth and slides the screen.

Put your cell phone to your ear and say:
