I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 376

Looking at the [Kunlun Qi (extraordinary)] in the skill table, it has become [dragon power (EPIC)]. Lyon\'s mouth unconsciously draws a perfect arc.

This little expression was just discovered by Danny Rand and attracted the other party\'s attention.

"Leon, why do you look so happy?"


Leon, who had recovered, saw the doubt on Danny Rand\'s face and couldn\'t help rubbing each other\'s blond curls. He immediately added:

"I\'m happy for you!"

At this time, Lyon\'s other side suddenly stretched out a black head.

Take a closer look, it is a sword eyebrow star eye, with a trace of heroic Asian youth between the eyebrows and eyes.

It is Zheng Qi, the youngest in the Kunlun trio!

Lyon in a black suit, Danny Rand and Zheng Qi in a yellow monk\'s robe, such a "strange" combination, walking on the streets of Shigatse, is very eye-catching.

Passers by, one after another glanced.

"Happy for us?"

Zheng Qi didn\'t care about the eyes around him. He cared more about why Lyon said so.

Reaching over Zheng Qi and Danny\'s shoulders, Leon smiled at them and said:

"Didn\'t you tell me you wanted to go down the mountain to see the outside world? Now your wish has come true. Of course I\'m happy for you!"

Lyon, who is 1.85 meters tall, looks like a capital word "mountain" surrounded by Danny, who is 1.75 meters tall, and Zheng Qi, who is 1.76 meters tall. He looks like three brothers who are very close to each other.

In fact, the relationship between the three can be regarded as the title of brothers.

Just add the word "teacher" in front of it.

It is not uncommon for Lyon to appear in the world outside the Kunlun dimension. However, Zheng Qi and Danny also appeared in Shigatse?

This is very strange!

Everything goes back a few hours ago

After announcing the decision to close the mountain in front of everyone, the Jade Emperor suddenly found Lyon ready to leave and entrusted Danny and Zheng Qi to him.

When Lyon asked why he did this, Lyon was deeply impressed by the reason of the Jade Emperor.

After Lord man\'s event, the Jade Emperor felt more and more that communication with the outside world was very important.

Although Kunlun Mountain was closed, in order not to cut off Kunlun\'s communication with the outside world, he felt it was necessary for Kunlun\'s excellent disciples to go out and see the world.

In short, the jade emperor wants Lyon to bring Danny and Zheng Qi to see the world.

By the way, let Leon teach them to see if they can become stronger and prepare for the fight against adult man in the future.

After all, he felt a little sorry that Lyon just came to fulfill his promise, but provoked a powerful enemy like man.

Therefore, Danny and Zheng Qi are "helpers" in a sense

Faced with such a request, Lyon felt indifferent.

It happened that the manor was too big. He lived alone and was a little stuffy. He had two curious babies to stay in and had a companion to do anything.

Moreover, both of them have good combat effectiveness and can be trained to become the backbone of the Divine Shield Bureau in the future.

These young people with a full sense of justice have no resistance to the dangerous activities of "protecting world peace"

In this way, Lyon went down the mountain with the two most talented martial arts talents in Kunlun!

Walking on the street, Lyon suddenly remembered the name of an Indian film:

"Three fools making trouble in Bollywood"

Then they are three fools making trouble in Shigatse?


Sanshuai makes a big fuss, Shigatse is almost the same!

Walking, Lyon, whose crooked buildings are crooked to the Ganges, finally noticed the strange eyes of the passers-by around.

He was a little stunned, then quickly swept Danny and them, and soon had an idea.

"By the way, now that you\'re down the mountain, do as the Romans do! Come with me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lyon hugged his two little brothers with an ignorant face and walked to a clothing store not far away

Ten minutes later, in a small restaurant.

Sitting on the seat, Leon, while eating Shigatse local food with chopsticks, asked Danny and them:

"How\'s it going? Is there a new feeling?"

"Er... I always feel a little strange and indescribable." Zheng Qi, wearing a bun, muttered while gently pulling the collar of his sweater.

I saw that his body had changed.

The worn yellow monk robe disappeared. Instead, it was a black hand-woven sweater and a light gray sports guard pants.

This combination of leisure and sports makes Zheng Qi look like a sunny teenager who often exercises.

"I think so, too. I think the monk\'s robe is more comfortable to wear..."

Danny, sitting in the other seat, echoed Zheng Qi on his mouth, but not slow on his hands. He put the fragrant braised meat in his mouth with chopsticks.

Seeing Danny chewing braised meat and enjoying it, Zheng Qi couldn\'t help rolling his eyes and sighed helplessly.

This greedy guy!

Perhaps because of the impact of the plane crash in his childhood, Danny\'s emotional control has always been poor and impulsive.

Zheng Qi\'s character is relatively calm and will not be easily influenced by emotions.

Although Zheng Qi is two years younger than Danny, among them, Zheng Qi is more like the older and more stable one.

On the other side, looking at the way they looked, Leon also smiled in his heart.

These two lovely boys

"Nothing. You\'ll get used to it if you get used to it. Your clothes are ready. Now it\'s time to try the food from the outside world!"

Leon\'s words were very recognized by Danny. He quickly nodded and echoed:

"Uh huh, Leon is right! Ah Qi, try this braised meat. It\'s really delicious!"

Looking at the braised meat Danny gave him and the fragrance floating in his nose, Zheng Qi quickly forgot his discomfort and unconsciously swallowed his saliva.

"I\'ll try it!"

In Kunlun, although they ran to the snow mountains from time to time to catch rabbits and wild pheasants and roast them. However, many times, these Kunlun disciples are mainly vegetarian.

Coupled with the excitement of going down the mountain for the first time, it makes everything special.

Even the ordinary braised meat, with the seasoning of a good mood, has become extremely delicious

Sometimes, when you see others eating very delicious, you will unconsciously feel very hungry and want to eat.

That\'s how Lyon feels at this time.

Looking at the two boys who ate very hard, Lyon also grabbed chopsticks and joined the "battle"!

"Oh, leave me a piece!"

"Eat slowly, not enough!"

"Boss, another braised meat and a kung pao chicken!"