I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 375

The Dragon Cave where the dragon "Shoulao" is located is located in the underground karst cave of Kunlun snow mountain canyon. It is the most important and mysterious place in the whole Kunlun.

When Leon stood in front of the Dark Dragon Cave and looked at the endless darkness in the cave, he seemed to vaguely feel that there was a mysterious existence calling him in the depths of the cave, as if he were saying to him:

"Come in, I\'m waiting for you..."

The Kunlun Qi in the body jumped unconsciously in each meridians, as if it were extremely excited at the next meeting.

On second thought, Lyon soon realized that this should be the guardian beast of Kunlun, and the dragon "Shoulao" was calling himself.

From the friendly attitude of the other party, Lyon felt that at least he would not be shut down like the last seven city competition champion

With all the thoughts in his mind, he tightened the corners of his tight suit, and Lyon immediately stepped into the Dragon Cave.

Dragon * * has no lighting facilities, so as soon as Lyon enters the cave, there is only one feeling:

It\'s dark!

The following feeling is heat!

I don\'t know whether it\'s because the geographical location belongs to the underground karst cave or the divine dragon living in the cave * *. The temperature of the whole cave is much higher than that of the outside world.

However, for Lyon, whose physical quality has exceeded that of ordinary people, this temperature can still withstand.

Using the natural night vision ability of the dark elves, Lyon quickly came to the entrance of a corridor along the obviously artificial ladder.

Just then, a round brazier at the entrance burst into flames with the sound of "Peng".

Just like the domino phenomenon, every other distance, there will be a brazier, which suddenly produces a burning flame.

Thanks to these special lighting facilities, the winding corridor suddenly lit up.

Looking at the corridor illuminated by fireworks, Lyon whispered from the corners of his mouth:

"Oh, it\'s still automatic..."

Such facilities should have some magical power.

However, before Lyon could figure out a word or two, a long, low voice came out of the cave:

"Leon Colson, I\'m waiting for you!"

Like an old man, the dragon\'s words seem to be full of vicissitudes and dignity, which people have to pay attention to.

Shrugging his shoulders, Lyon also accelerated his pace and walked slowly to the depths of the cave

Through several corridors, Lyon finally reached the depths of the Dragon Cave.

It\'s a huge underground space.

Looking around, the whole space, roughly calculated, at least has more than ten or twenty square kilometers.

However, when he saw the huge figure lying on the platform, Lyon suddenly felt that it didn\'t seem very spacious here.

"You\'re finally here..."

With a long old voice, the dragon "Shoulao" lying on the platform looked down at the thin human in front of him with his deep green pupils.

The image of the divine dragon is different from the Oriental five clawed Golden Dragon imagined by Lyon.

The body is huge, about 100 meters by visual inspection.

Dark red scales spread all over the body. It looks like wearing a suit of armor. It\'s very powerful. A pair of folded huge dragon wings, thick and powerful limbs, and a barbed tail

The whole image of the dragon "Shoulao" reminded Lyon of a book he had read in Asgard.

The content of the book is very simple. It introduces the tree of the world and the fairy tales of the nine countries.

It is mentioned in the story that at the root of the tree of the world, there is a black dragon named "niederhogg" that constantly gnaws at the root of the tree of the world.

When "niederhogg" gnaws away the roots of the tree, the "twilight of the gods" will come.

As we all know, in fairy tales, there are often true and false.

He did not know whether "niederhogg" really existed; All he knows is that the "niederhogg" on the portrait is very similar to the dragon "Shoulao" in front of him!

Except that one is covered with black scales, the other is covered with dark red scales.

Whether there is some connection between the dragon "Shoulao" and "niederhogg" is unknown

Lyon, who had recovered, slowly came to the platform in the center of the Dragon Cave, looked at the Dragon ten meters away and asked:

"Do you know me?"

"Of course, the jade emperor has told me everything about you. And I have seen the whole process..."


Before Lyon reacts from this meaningful sentence, the dragon then says:

"If it weren\'t for you, maybe the whole Kunlun would fall into an unprecedented disaster. I thank Kunlun..."

Hearing the speech, Lyon seemed to have expected the other party\'s attitude, waved his hand and solemnly said:

"Anyway, I\'m half a Kunlun disciple."

"Besides, even if I don\'t do it, you guardian of Kunlun won\'t sit idly by..."

"Unfortunately, I can\'t do that."

Hearing this, Lyon was stunned, then showed a thoughtful look, as if he thought of something, and asked with a slight hesitation:

"You mean... You can\'t do it?"

The dragon\'s long neck straightened slightly, and the dragon "Shoulao" opened his mouth again. Hong Sheng said:

"That\'s right. We guardians can only fight when Kunlun is destroyed. In the rest of the time, we can only give our strength to Kunlun warriors to deal with all kinds of crises and difficulties by ourselves."

"This is the order of the founder and the eternal rule of the seven cities of Kunlun."

"So it is..."

The explanation of the dragon made the doubts that had been lingering in Lyon\'s mind disappear in an instant.

He felt a little strange when he fought with man.

The Jade Emperor, immortal weapons and others have been absorbed by the power of divine beasts in their bodies, and even are about to be killed by adult man. How can there be no shadow of the divine beasts who are the guardians of the seven cities?

It turns out that it\'s not that they don\'t want to fight, but before that time

"Although we didn\'t fight, we all saw the battle between you and that man."

"In order to repay your help, we have nothing in return. Let\'s give you something!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dragon "Shoulao" spread his wings, opened his mouth violently, and a group of "Qi" with a hot smell was suspended in front of Lyon.

Looking at the air mass emitting light in front of him, Lyon couldn\'t help thinking of some power and asked with a little surprise:

"What\'s this?!"

"This is the power of immortality. It has another name, that is..."

"Dragon power!"