I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 982: Encroachment

Soon, under Catherine's leadership, a group of people came to an open-pit mine, looking far away, a group of ragged skeleton miners were mining the mine, and several strong skeletons wearing long swords and armor The soldiers acted as guards around them.

"Is this the only few skeleton soldiers guarding?" Song Jian was a little surprised. The corpse witch who originally thought that he could transform a corpse into a soldier would definitely have many soldiers. This mine is also a relatively important resource, and it will definitely be guarded by heavy soldiers. .

"This is a tenth-level skeleton, and you can already be promoted to the skeleton warrior!" Catherine rolled her eyes and said, "Besides, with the cruel reputation of the corpse witch, it is too late for others to hide it. How could they proactively provoke them? Tell others that this is the territory of the dead witch Karadag, and if you want to occupy it, you will provoke a battle with it! "

Song Jian nodded, moving all the soldiers to Catherine's Majesty, and said, "This battle is up to you."

"What, let me command the battle?" Catherine was a little surprised.

"Yes, otherwise what did I recruit you for?" Song Jian said for granted.

Katherine: "... Although this is what I expected, but looking at his expression, I'm really angry!"

Wu Songjian has discovered that in this assessment world, fighting anyone has nothing to gain, no combat experience, and the equipment and resources that he obtained cannot be taken away from this world.

And he is now encountering some low-level arms, there is no strong presence at all, which makes him a bit unconscious.

"Maybe take the time to go to the Elven Mountain. There will be a black dragon for a while, maybe there will be unexpected gains!" Song Jian watched Catherine lead the army and rushed up, thinking that he seemed to have a mission to destroy the Dark Lord.

Although the several skeleton soldiers guarding the mine were tenth level, Catherine's army had more strength than them. The battle only ended for a few minutes, and the rest were the surviving skeleton workers in the mine.

Although these skeleton workers have no fighting power, their existence will still scare ordinary people. If they are not paid, human miners will not come here to work, and there will be a "haunted mine" soon. Such rumors spread.

Looking at Catherine's proud look, after paying off all the skeleton miners and occupying the mine, she walked towards Song Jian with a proud look.

Ji Songjian suddenly remembered something and said, "The army did not seem to maintain a high morale in the previous battle?"

Katherine's face was stagnant, and her face said without any hesitation: "The human army would have lowered its morale when it encountered the undead army. Only when its strength was more than twice that of the undead army would it launch an active attack. This is common sense ..."

"Oh, right!" Song Jian also found that Lucky Gems seemed to be effective only for the army led by the user. Even if Catherine was a hero recruited by herself, Lucky Gems could not have an effect on the army led by her.

"You hold this, you will fight better when you meet the undead army in the future!" Song Jian took out the lucky gem and handed it to Catherine.

"Treasure?" Catherine let her eyes shine. This kind of strategic treasure is not eligible for a princess, only those powerful commanders will have it.

"Lucky gem? Increase luck, and at the same time ensure that the army is always in a state of high morale?" Catherine took the gem and looked carefully, with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Lucky can increase the chance of the army to trigger skills and increase the chance of resistance to negative effects, and high morale allows the army to fight bravely no matter how powerful the enemy is, and never run away!" Catherine Yi His face couldn't believe it and looked at Song Jiandao: "Such a precious treasure, would you really give it to me?"

当然 "Of course not ..." Song Jian looked at Catherine with a surprised look and said, "This is just for you to use, and you will have to return it when you run out!"

Katherine's smile froze, and she immediately dissipated a lot of the good feelings raised by Song Jian. After putting away the lucky gem, she muttered in a low voice: "Little stingy ..."

"The mine was seized, the corpse witch named Karadad will surely receive the news, right?" He said to himself, looking into the distance.

"Of course, every lord is very concerned about his own resource point. Unless he is delayed by more important things, he will come here for the first time." Catherine glanced at Song Jian with some worries, but Thinking of the horrific skills released by Song Jian before, Catherine is still full of confidence in him.

The two waited in the mine for more than half an hour, until the recruited human miners rushed over and started to work, and the corpse witch Carada did not appear.

也许 "Maybe it was delayed by something important ..." Catherine glanced at Song Jian with a surprised look and whispered.

"Then we will continue to occupy its resource points!" Song Jian said expressionlessly.

Katherine said for a moment in silence: "I think we should take it as soon as we see it. Being able to take a mine from it is already a great achievement. If we continue, we may form a rival with it ..."

"Humans and corpses are in fact enemies, aren't they?" Song Jian glanced at Catherine in surprise, and he didn't understand the thinking of people in this world.

I do n’t have the same kind of heart as my race, not to mention that undead creatures originally needed human corpses to transform soldiers. Such existence is fundamentally antithetical to the human race.

If the opponent is too strong, there is no problem to evade for a while, but bury yourself in the sand like an ostrich, ignore the existence of the corpse witch, and even dare not to be an enemy, this approach will only make this Only the corpse witch became stronger and stronger.

Katherine sighed, shook her head slightly, and stopped talking. Before that, several human lords formed an army to kill the corpse witch lord. UU read the book www. Uukanshu.com ended up being consumed by the opponent with a huge army in front of the other's castle.

Since then, the nearby lord has never mentioned the decision to collect the corpse witch. As long as the other party does not expand, the surrounding lords have defaulted on the existence of the corpse witch lord.

With Catherine's guidance, Song Jian's efficiency in occupying resource points increased greatly. In just over two hours, he occupied seven or eight resource points, most of which were occupied by the corpse witch lord Karadag.

"The resource points on the east and south have been almost occupied by you. The rest are west and north. If you do n’t go to the west, we need to bypass the Elven Mountains, where it is said that there is a black dragon, and to the north, you need to bypass. The Castle of the Corpse Witch Karada ... "Catherine was surprised that the Corpse Witch had never been out. They have now occupied almost half of the resources of the Corpse Witch, but the other party seemed to be unaware of it.

"Go on, since it won't come out, let's go to its castle to see!" Song Jian said blankly.

"What an arrogant guy!"

A husky voice came from not far away, and Song Jian turned his head and looked at it. On a large tree less than five meters away from him, a skeleton crow full of bones was looking with a pair of scarlet eyes. he.

Although is just a skull crow, Song Jian can feel a mocking look from his eyes.

"Is the magic of the undead? Interesting!" A faint smile appeared on the corner of Han Dong's mouth, staring at the skull crow, a very interested look.

Uh ...

PS: Thanks to the "White God" for the 500 starting coins ~