I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 981: captive

Song Jian showed a sloppy smile towards Catherine, and he waved his right hand, and the army behind him began to press forward slowly with him.

Although there are only ten pikemen and three griffins, it feels like a million male division. On the contrary, Catherine's army has begun to lose morale, and some pikemen even have a look of fear in their faces. The spears are a bit shaky.

Catherine's heart was full of remorse. The blow just now was comparable to the magical curse of the doomsday meteor, and even more scary than the doomsday meteor. Catherine did not know why such a powerful hero possessed such a force. There was a mistake in the judgment, and the result was such a small mistake that she was now in a state of despair.

"Can't beat it at all. Isn't it harmful to such a perverted person to lead such a force?" In addition to remorse, Ethelien had a little anger.

Originally, she thought that Song Jian was just a desperate stray hero, but she did not expect the other party to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"I am Catherine, the eldest daughter of King Nicholas the King of Erassia! Offend me, you will be wanted by the entire kingdom of Erassia." Katherine said calmly, but she did not like to mention her origin to others, but now she It's ironic to think about using it to scare off this powerful enemy in front of you.

"Catherine, you only have two choices now, either obey me, be a hero under me, or die!" Song Jian said with a cold hum.

Maybe other people may estimate Catherine's identity, but he is not a person in this world. As long as he completes the assessment task and defeats other assessors, he can leave this world. Not to mention a kingdom of Erasia, even if the whole world is Enemy, he doesn't care.

"Don't you know the kingdom of Elasia, foreigner?" Catherine was suddenly surprised and said quickly: "The kingdom of Elasia occupies thousands of miles. The land at your feet now belongs to the kingdom of Elasia. You know kill me What will happen, you cannot escape! "

"You have five seconds to think about it," Song Jian said blankly, continuing to push the army forward slowly.

The strong strength shown before has caused Catherine's army morale to continue to fall, and the charge formation has begun to disperse. I believe that once a battle occurs, Catherine's army will soon lose morale and collapse.

"You can't insist on it at that time, the other party can destroy me and my army in one move!" Catherine became more anxious.

"I can pay you a ransom, how about ten thousand gold coins?" Catherine said reluctantly.

Paying ransom is a common method for defeating one party to obtain freedom. Catherine does not think that the other party will refuse. After all, ten thousand gold coins is not a small amount.

"Two more seconds!" Song Jian said in a deep voice.

All the resources in this world have been meaningless to him. His only purpose is to win the assessment and convince Catherine to enhance his strength. Even if he cannot fight, he can explore the way to occupy the resources. not bad.

Seeing the other party unmoved, Song Jian immediately lifted the Heavenly Sword. Numerous spirit swords appeared around him. The threat of death came to Catherine's head.

"I, I choose to surrender!" Catherine's face was humiliated, her head dropped off the horse, and she fell to her knees on one knee.

Captive by a wandering hero, this will be a stain that Catherine can't erase in her life. Although defeat is a common thing for a hero, this pair is only 16 years old, and has always dreamed of Catherine who can join the army. To say, it is a difficult thing to accept.

System: You have won a brilliant victory!

System: You defeated the human faction hero Catherine, and you have the right to view the opponent's property panel!

System: You get five hundred gold coins!

System: You get a group of pikemen, a group of archers, a small number of crusaders!

System: You have acquired a subject hero and you can assign her to battle!


A series of system prompts appeared in front of Song Jian, and at the same time, Catherine's property panel was also opened to him.


[Human camp hero]

[Attack 15, defense 11]

[Speciality: Swordsman, Crusader Warrior]

After capturing Catherine, Song Jian found that the original dark map lit up a large area. The scenery within hundreds of miles of his area can be clearly seen. All resource points and all monsters are gathered. Even the recruiting divisions of the services are shown on the map.

"This should be the area that Catherine once explored!" Song Jian secretly said: "It seems that capturing the indigenous heroes of this world can save a lot of time and energy, at least not having to open the map every day."

Just entering this world, the map is completely black, and many times exploration is just aimless wandering, which is a waste of time and energy.

"Catherine, there are many resources here. Why is there no occupation?" Song Jian asked after staring at the opened map for a while.

"These resource points are all occupied by powerful heroes around us. If we rush to occupy them, we will fight against each other!" Catherine said helplessly.

"Very well, I'm in short of a capable man now. Don't let go of all these resource points. Occupy them all, as well as recruit them, also occupy them all!" Song Jian ordered.

"In addition, where is this and why is it in the shape of a treasure chest?" Song Jian asked.

There is too little information to learn from the city's mansion, far less than an indigenous person in this world knows.

"This is the Gryphon Treasure House. Inside is a large group of treasures guarded by Gryphons. Only by defeating them can you get rich loot, maybe there are artifacts hidden in it!" Catherine said in a confused voice.

"Very good, this is also our goal, is it an artifact, I have never seen what an artifact looks like!" Song Jian said to himself, touching his chin.

Catherine could not help rolling her eyes and scolding Song Jian in her heart as a arrogant man, but when she heard that Song Jian was about to attack the Griffin House, Catherine still had a smile on her face ~ www.novelhall.com ~ It looks It's not too long before the time to restore freedom.

Because of Catherine's guidance, Song Jian led the army and ran towards the nearest open-pit mine. It is said that this was a resource occupied by a powerful corpse hero. Song Jian decided to bring the corpse witch first. Operate.

"This is the territory of the human camp. How could a corpse witch hero live so freely?" Song Jian couldn't help but whispered: "Your father, does the human king not know its existence, why not send troops to annihilate? it?"

"Damn, the human camp is not only a country of Elasia. The corpse witch is very powerful and possesses advanced spiritualism. Once the battle with it fails, it will strengthen it. Without complete control, who dares to easily ask it Start the challenge! "Catherine said in shame.

"Oh, is that really a sad thing!" Song Jian shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent.

"When you meet that corpse witch, you will know that you are scared!" Catherine thought angrily in her heart: "Seeing the rotten face of the corpse witch, you're probably going to scare your pants!"
