I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 884: Poisoning

For the ordinary monsters in the forty level, as long as the number does not exceed five hundred, for Song Jian, there is no pressure on the five-element sword array. In the sword array space, a series of thousands of damage numbers floated, but these eagle-clawed beasts could not find the attack target. It didn't take long for these ordinary monsters at the forty level to become Song Jian's experience value. , The body "falls like a rain" and falls to the ground;

All eagle-clawed beasts were killed, and Song Jian ’s experience value was increased by a small amount. Skybreaker returned to his hands. Song Jianshun split his hand against the double-headed poison stinger on the ground, and then continued to pull. Distance from it

The two-headed drug lord opened his mouth wide, and two liquid **** emitting poisonous mist flew towards Song Jian. With a wave of his wings, Song Jian crossed an arc in the air to avoid the attack track of the poison ball;

Huh! Huh!

The two venom **** that flew into the air suddenly burst apart and turned into a poisonous mist, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters in an instant. Song Jian dodged quickly, but was still contaminated by the poisonous mist, and it took a while. , The body surface is covered with a layer of light green poisonous gas;

All attributes are reduced by 30%, defense is reduced by 1000 points, and 10 Qi and blood values ​​are lost per second for 5 minutes;

Song Jian was shocked. He didn't expect that this BOSS had such a powerful group attack skill. Such a horrible skill, for the player, was how many deaths and deaths, it was impossible to even get close.

The poison of the double-headed poison sting is really a bit horrible. At the moment when the toxin effect takes effect, a cool air flow emerges in the mind, and the toxin is suppressed in an instant. However, the talented skill "cheeky" can only suppress the toxin, but Cannot be immune to toxins from venom

After the talent skill takes effect, the poison fog effect is weakened in order to reduce all attributes by 5%, reduce defense by 200 points, and lose 1 Qi and blood value per second for 120 seconds;

Song Jian glanced at the only bottle of advanced antidote in the parcel box, hesitated for a moment, or decided to use it at a critical time. This is an antidote that can only be refined by master pharmacy. It is a player who completes a special task. Rewards, sold at auction houses;

It took Song Jian 20,000 yen to buy this bottle of advanced antidote for emergency needs;

At this time, the two-headed poisonous screamed a roar again. In the poisonous fog swamp, there were flying monsters constantly flying towards this side, and they flung fiercely towards Song Jian;

The cooling time of the Five Elements Sword Formation is a bit long. Only one battle can be performed in one battle. Song Jian pours a potion of restoring mental energy, silently waiting for these monsters to approach;

When these flying monsters approached, Song Jian discovered that there were two or three elite bosses among these ordinary monsters of more than forty levels.

However, for Wan Jianjue, the elite BOSS is not much different from ordinary monsters, but with these flying monsters, Song Jian cannot continue to cause damage to the double-headed poison sting;

Wan Jianjue!

Dozens of magic swords rushed towards the flying monsters in the opposite direction, just like sword rain. These monsters had fallen before they were close to Song Jian. The falling items shone with various colors of light in the air.

At this time, Song Jian couldn't care about picking up these items, and could only let them fall into the swamp. After Wan Jianjue's end, all flying monsters were slaughtered, and Song Jian's eyes turned to the double-headed poison sting;

At this time, the two-headed poison sturgeon spewed a pair of venom **** toward Song Jian with a look of potential;

Song Jian was shocked. He knew that the poison damage from the poisonous sting of the two heads could be superimposed. He had already had a layer of "poisoning" on his body. Although it was weakened a lot by the talent "cheeky", but Can't stop layering!

As soon as he thought about it, Song Jianying quickly escaped into the distance. The coverage area after the venom ball burst was too large, and ordinary people had no time to dodge!

The speed of Song Jian in the air is much faster than that on land, but there is still no way to completely avoid the spread of the poisonous mist after the venom ball explosion. The "poisoning" effect in the status bar is inevitably superimposed on 2 layers;

Poison (2 levels): All attributes are reduced by 10%, defense is reduced by 400 points, and 3 Qi and blood values ​​are lost per second for 120 seconds.

A sense of weakness suddenly came to my mind, and the poisoning effect of the second layer almost doubled. What made Song Jian feel depressed was that the poisoning effect of the second layer also refreshed the duration. There were only six or seven left. The continuous effect of ten seconds has become 120 seconds again;

Fortunately, the double-headed drug boss BOSS has a long cooling time and cannot be used continuously. Otherwise, Song Jian could only turn around and run away.

Soon, BOSS summoned three waves of flying monsters in succession and spewed venom **** three times at a time, each covering hundreds of square meters, making Song Jian unable to hide at all, and the poisoning effect was quickly superimposed on five layers.

After half an hour, no matter how roaring the double-headed drug lord, no flying monster came, at this time, Song Jian began to attack it with confidence and boldly;

Wan Jianjue!

Song Jian now only has this kind of long-range attack method. If he uses royal sword to attack, it is equivalent to just slashing. The power is too small. Song Jian is rarely used. As for the flying of the sword, Song Jian does not have a real flying sword now. However, if you use the Heavenly Sword to fly, you cannot attack. Until now, Song Jian has not thought of a best-of-breed method.

After summoning the flying monsters, the two-headed poison urn, in addition to vomiting the venom ball, also exerted another skill, toxin traction. As long as he has a "poisoning" effect on him, he will be dragged in front of him.

Song Jian floating in the air suddenly felt a strong surge towards him and dragged him towards the BOSS. At this time, Song Jian did not know what the BOSS skill was, and saw that he was out of control. Rushed towards the BOSS, and suddenly panicked;

With a touch of heart ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian went directly into the broken kingdom of God, and suddenly this powerful traction force disappeared. Looking at the poisoning effect on the body, Song Jian waited in the kingdom of God until the poisoning effect disappeared before leaving the kingdom of God;

Losing the trace of Song Jian, the two-headed poisonous sting suddenly became dazed. After searching around, it walked again towards the strange tree in the lake, and there was another fruit on it that had not been eaten;

But at this moment, Song Jianying suddenly appeared out of thin air. The moment he appeared, the two-headed drug lord found his trace, and immediately locked Song Jian and turned his head. A venom and poisonous smoke were facing Song at the same time. Spray in the direction of the health;

At this time, Song Jian could only perform the Soul Walk skill again to avoid the BOSS attack, and then cast Wan Jianjue to attack it, and dozens of stalks of swords emerged. This time, more than forty swords of swords, there were Half of them hit critically, and immediately reduced the BOSS's blood value by 70,000 to 80,000. A spirit sword even penetrated the left neck directly, and a huge wound more than three feet long in the tear;

The battered BOSS suddenly became furious, his body was high, and his two front paws stepped on the ground fiercely;
