I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 883: Dominance

This monster with two unicorn dragon heads, Song Jian can only see its level and blood value, the level is forty-eight, and the blood value is 500,000;

"Government level, this must be the governing level BOSS!" Song Jian was horrified. If he had a 500,000 blood value BOSS, he would n’t have imagined a true governing level BOSS if he was n’t the governing level. What should it look like!

Ordinary lord-level bosses can only control hundreds of ordinary monsters and a dozen elite-level bosses, but the boss in front of them can control thousands of monsters at will, tens of kilometers of poisonous fog swamp, The monsters inside are all food that they want to stock and want to harvest, and they feel horrible when you think about it;

Wow ~

This monster walked up and down in the poisonous lake water, and waved waves, which could make other monsters stiffen the lake, and it didn't seem to have any influence on it;

Walking to the strange tree in the middle of the lake, two unicorn dragon beasts each bite a red-red fruit, chewing continuously in their mouths, and a strong fragrance permeated them. Refreshing howl

At this moment, the Jiantian sword in Song Jian's hand severely chopped in the direction of it, and more than fifty spirit swords appeared out of thin air, like a meteor falling, crossing the arc of the road in the air, facing this A giant monster flew away;

Boom, boom, boom ~

The lake was turbulent, and the spirit sword was severely chopped on the monster. The spirit sword, which could have caused more than 1,800 points of damage, could only cause less than 1,000 points of damage on this monster. Obviously, the monster's defensive power is not comparable to those of the boss-level bosses;

More than fifty spirit swords instantly reduced the monster's blood value by one-tenth, and felt the severe and painful BOSS, and immediately became angry, unable to swallow the last fruit and turned towards Song Jian. come;

This BOSS is more than eight meters tall and looks like a small hill. After being injured, its attributes are also exposed to Song Jian's eyes.

"Dragon Chief Poisonous Beast, Level 48, Dominant BOSS, Qi and Blood: 442580/500000"

Before rushing out of the lake, the unicorn dragon head on the left spit out a large amount of venom toward Song Jian. Song Jian quickly ducked to avoid it, a smell of stinky smell, which suddenly permeated from where he had just stood, a white The smoke erupted, and the sound of "嗤嗤" corroded to Song Jian's ears. The place where he stood before was covered with venom, and the surrounding area was slowly corroded into black;

Song Jian just inhaled a little bit of poisonous gas, and immediately felt dizzy, and a double image appeared in front of his eyes, as if stepping on cotton.

The talent "cheeky" took effect at this moment, Song Jian quickly became awake, but he was horrified. He just breathed a little poisonous gas, which is so powerful. If he is sprayed with this venom, I am afraid that even the talented skills have no way to Venom damage is completely immune;

Thinking of this, Song Jian suddenly became more careful, immediately cast his soul walking skills, and distanced himself from the boss;

The poisonous boss has a huge body, but the speed is not slow at all. Three steps and two steps follow closely behind Song Jian. The muddy and difficult marsh ground has no effect on it. Even Song Jian's movement speed increased by 100%. After a few seconds, he was also overtaken by the drug boss, two huge dragon heads biting hard at his back;

After Song's fitness, the iron wings exploded, and the figure flew into the air. The two dragon heads swept past, like two siege cones, cracking the ground into a deep trench.

Seeing Song Jian flying, the head of the unicorn dragon on the right rose high, and a pale gray poisonous mist rushed into the air like an arrow;

Song Jian hurriedly avoided, but this was the poisonous mist of the dominance BOSS, even if he did not dare to easily contaminate it;

The poisonous mist sprayed more than 20 meters high, and then gradually weakened. These poisonous mists were heavier than the air, and floated like dust in the air, covering the area around tens of meters. ;

Song Jian floated in the air, watching the poisonous cricket BOSS like a giant two-headed lizard under his feet, and he was slightly relieved. Fortunately, this BOSS does not fly, otherwise, he wants to avoid its attack. , Really a headache;

As soon as the cooling time of ten seconds was up, Song Jian continued to use his ten thousand swords, and dozens of swords whistled and flew towards the BOSS. After a roar, the blood value of the BOSS lost nearly 40,000 points;

The blood value of 500,000 is in the eyes of other players, a mountain of despair. There is no idea of ​​confronting it at all, but under the powerful attack of Song Jian, as long as there is enough time, kill this one. BOSS is only a matter of time, and it is not enough if you can live long enough under the attack of BOSS;

The injured BOSS became even more angry. Looking at Song Jian floating above his head, the eyes of the two unicorn dragon heads showed a fierce look.

A sizzling roar emanated from the heads of the two dragons, and the sound kept echoing throughout the poisonous fog swamp. Soon, a large number of black spots appeared in the distance. Until they approached, Song Jian discovered that it was a group of flights. monster;

These monsters look like human-shaped bats, they are similar to the batwing zombies they encountered before, and they are covered with long feathers.

They looked ugly, two sharp fangs protruded out of their lips, their hands were the same as humans, but their nails were more than half a foot long, and their legs were similar to the claws of birds, curling in flight, flashing with cold light The bird's claws emerged from the feathers and looked a bit infiltrating;

"How many monsters can be summoned from such a distant place?" Song Jian was shocked. He had summoned all the monsters in the poisonous fog swamp before, not all relying on the ability of the two-headed poison sting, most of them It is because of the strange tree in the middle of the lake, but now, Song Jian has really seen the strength of the dominance monster;

All the monsters that rule one side of the world, this huge double-headed poisonous owl, its **** range is a toxic marsh with a radius of tens of kilometers ~ www.novelhall.com ~ as long as it is a monster living in this swamp It is under its command, and even life and death are controlled by it.

Song Jian looked at the monsters flying over, and the sky-shaking sword in his hand was ready to go;

"Poisonous Batwing Hawkclaw (Common), Level 40, Blood Value: 12000/12000"

These flying monsters looked ferocious, but in fact they were just a group of ordinary monsters in the forties. The two-headed poisonous owl in the swamp still stared at Song Jian in the air with a fierce and cunning look in his eyes;

Song Jian threw the sky-breaking sword, performed the five-element sword array, and shrouded dozens of highly poisonous bat-winged hawk-claw beasts that came towards him. The grey sword covered the range of dozens of meters in mid-air;

A scream of sorrow sounded in the space of the sword array. Although the two-headed drug lord could not hear it, it could feel the life of this group of monsters passing fast, staring at Song Jian, showing a hint of vigilance. .


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins for "I can't afford bed" ~