I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 881: collection

10,000 swords

More than forty swords flew towards the poisonous spider, and the poisonous spider seemed to detect something, and issued a stern sizzle, opened his mouth wide, and spit out a venom;

When the venom ran into countless spirit swords, the spirit swords in the air seemed to have their own consciousness. They all turned in the air, drawn an arc, and continued to chop the poison spiders.

Boom, boom, boom ~

Countless spirit swords were chopped on the poison spider, blood splattered;

"Squeak ~"

Dozens of sword marks have been left on the poison spider, each of which is more than half a foot long, and constantly bleeds blood, so the injury is like a thousand swords, which makes the poison spider twitch involuntarily. , Issued a painful hissing;

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗 ~

The severely injured poison spider has less than a thousand blood values ​​left, and has almost fallen into a dying state. It can't even stand up, but at its tail, it shrinks and shrinks. Fist-sized spider larvae lined up;

As soon as these white larvae encountered the air, they burst and burst apart, and a little spider drilled out. After a short time, a lot of small spiders surrounded by the poisonous spiders;

These little spiders have only one level, and their blood value is only one hundred points. Song Jian doesn't know. What good is such a small number of little spiders?

Each time a small spider is discharged, the blood value of the poisonous spider will be lost a little, and it will not take long for it to lose more than one hundred points of blood value, and the number of small spiders around it will exceed one hundred;

The swamp poisonous spider BOSS lying on the ground showed the light of hatred in his compound eyes. After a cry, these little spiders rushed towards Song Jian like a flood;

Five Elements Sword Formation!

Song Jian threw the sky-scraping sword into the air, split it into five, and turned it into a gray sword mist, covering all the spiders;

Bang Bang Bang ~

The long sword not only chopped on these little spiders, but unexpectedly, these little spiders would explode. As soon as they were killed, their bodies would explode like a bomb.

The space of the Five Elements Sword Formation persisted for less than three seconds, and it was directly blown open. Song Jian also spit blood, and his eyes showed an incredible look.

The explosion just now caused great damage to the sword array space, and his mental value could be said to be reduced to the minimum instantly, and he was not even left with the opportunity to replenish the potion.

The spirit value is gone, and the sword array space can no longer be maintained. It directly broke apart. Song Jian was also attacked by the destruction of the sword array and sprayed blood.

Looking at dozens of small spiders rushing towards him frantically, Song Jian's face changed slightly, the steel wings behind him spread out, and flew into the air.

These little spiders don't have the ability to fly, one by one gathers under Song Jian's feet and makes a sharp hissing;

Looking at the dying swamp poisonous spider, Song Jian controlled the Skyscraper in his hand and chopped hard at it;

After mastering the sword, Song Jian found that he had become more comfortable with the control of the long sword. The sky-breaking sword seemed to be an extension of his arm. When using it for long-range attacks, there was no consumption, as long as he felt that he could Wherever they arrived, they were all attacking the sword;

Less than a thousand points of blood value, was taken away directly by the sky-breaking sword, the swamp poison spider screamed, the high front half of the body collapsed, and a white translucent shadow seemed to float from its body. Come out and rush into an unknown space.

Song Jian can feel that this is the soul energy of the swamp poison spider, absorbed by his broken kingdom of God, and turned into the energy to repair the kingdom of God.

Song Jian saw that next to the dead body of the swamp poisonous spider, a small purple grass emerged from the ground, growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a short time, this purple small grass grew to It's half a foot tall and swaying in the wind, and the body of the swamp poison spider next to it seems to have absorbed all the flesh and dried up into a thin skin that seems to have dried for a long time;

"This should be the whispering grass said by the old dwarf? It doesn't look like it is growing in a swamp, but it burst out from the corpse of the boss. Could it be said that these whispering grass are all grown inside the boss? Song Jian shook his head, tossed the thought aside, and turned his head toward the group of self-exploding little spiders;

After the death of the swamp poisonous spider, these little spiders did not disperse, and they were still staring at Song Jian. The cooling time of Wan Jianjue had reached. Song Jian directly cast Wan Jianjue and summoned the Spirit Sword to kill them all.

Boom, boom, boom ~

A violent explosion lifted all the nearby swamp mud. A large pit with a diameter of more than three meters appeared on the ground, but soon, the surrounding mud gathered again, and this big pit turned into a swamp mud pit again;

Soul energy was collected by Song Jian, and flesh and blood became the nutrient for breeding the heart language grass. Therefore, this forty-five-level elite BOSS swamp poisonous spider only burst a green quality material and burst the poison sac. This is a pharmaceutical A branch of surgery, the materials needed to make poison, worth two hundred doomsday;

"A forty-five-level elite BOSS finally burst a piece of material worth two hundred doomsdays, and no one believed it when I said it!" Song Jian secretly collected the words of his heart and heart;

Because of the collection task, the collection of Xinyucao did not require much medicine collection, so Song Jian smoothly collected a complete Xinyucao.

The grass is dark purple all over, exuding a faint fragrance, which makes people smell refreshed and happy, it seems that the soul is much relaxed;

Put this strain of Xinyucao into the parcel ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian continues to go deep into the swamp;

In this swamp, not only are weird creatures, but also various undead monsters and earth element monsters, and most of them are at level 40 or above.

If it was n’t filled with corrosive radon and poisonous mist everywhere, this is a good place to brush monsters. Unfortunately, Song Jian has explored here for more than an hour and has not encountered a player;

Song Jian killed seven or eight elite bosses above the forty level. Nine plants have been collected, and all of them have to kill the boss before they break out, as if the boss had died. The place, the heart language grass will grow wherever it is, and their growth is all drawn from the corpse of the boss, not only those flesh and blood creatures, even the undead boss and earth element boss, after death, their The corpse will also be absorbed by the whispering grass as nutrients;

Looking at the nine heart-speaking grasses with a dark purple light in the parcel, Song Jian suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. Such weird herbs are probably very special. The effects are very special. Song Jian now even has some Looking forward to the moment when the old dwarf made the petrochemical potion;
