I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 880: Heart language grass

The place Wang Qi said was a large swamp 30 kilometers southwest of the city of Doom. There are mud pits of all sizes here and there. These mud pits are deep and shallow. Even if you fill in hundreds of people, you can't find a splash.

The entire swamp air is permeated with poisonous mist full of corrosive properties. These radonous poisonous mists are green and bright in color. Under the sun's rays, they are like dreams.

"This is ..." Song Jianwang looked at the poisonous mist marsh with strange light in front of his eyes, and frowned deeply.

Ordinary players don't say entering here to explore, even if it is close, it is a very dangerous thing.

However, Song Jian's talented passive skill "Savvy" once again exerted its effect, and was directly immune to the poisonous mist's corrosion damage.

Of course, on the one hand, it is because of talent skills, and on the other hand, because of Jian Jian ’s physical attributes. At this time, Song Jian ’s physical attributes have reached more than 120 points. For the poisonous mist in the poisonous swamp all year round. Even if the damage is ten times more severe, the impact on Song Jian will be minimal;

As Wang Qi said, the moment when Song Jian stepped on the poisonous fog swamp, he immediately felt a slight coercion coming towards him;

It was as if a giant beast opened his lantern-like eyes and stared at Song Jian next to him. Although he hadn't rushed up, he had a strong sense of threat.

"This, it seems a bit like the dragon's power of the Black Dragon ..." Song Jian frowned, secretly in his heart, the sense of threat at this moment was very similar to the dragon power emanating from the Black Dragon;

"Does it mean that the boss in the poisonous fog swamp is a dragon?" Song Jian had an incredible look on his face, but then felt that his idea was too outrageous, he shook his head with a smile, and took the idea out of his mind. Dumped out

When Song Jian stepped to step into the poisonous fog swamp, looking for a boss hidden in this swamp, most likely a dominance boss, an old dwarf suddenly got out of a mud pit;

"Gods, are you planning to venture into this swamp?" The dwarf was covered with a thick layer of mud, and looked like a distant relative of the stone man muttering.

"If you really want to enter this poisonous mist swamp, can you do something for Old Somme? A simple one, rest assured, I will pay you enough." The dwarf smiled at Song Jian. Say

"I know, do you need me to help you?" Song Jian asked.

"It's nothing, it's actually very simple, you just need to help me collect ten hearts of grass from the poisonous fog swamp!" The old dwarf rubbed a pair of rough hands and said a little embarrassedly;

"Xinyucao, is this an herb?" Song Jian asked curiously;

"Yes, this is indeed an herb. I need it to make a petrochemical potion!" The dwarf Som did not hide it, and said it generously;

"So, are you a master of refining medicine?" Song Jian was surprised. He did not expect that a dwarf did not study forging, but researched refining. This is too much. Surprised.

"Haha, yes, I am indeed a master of refining medicine!" The dwarf Som seemed a little proud, stroking his beard almost touching the ground and smiling;

"Actually, I also like to study the refining technique, but I usually think about it myself, and now I haven't really stepped into the threshold of refining technique." Song Jian said with a little embarrassment: "I can help you collect ten Duoyoucao, don't know if you can teach me some experience about refining medicine? "

Song Jian's refining skill is only level 7. He has not yet become a real refiner. Only after reaching level 10 can he obtain the title of junior refiner. Until then, he will be qualified to say that he is a refiner. Now At best it is just an apprentice;

"Oh, are you also a person pursuing the way of refining medicine, really rare!" The look on the face of the dwarf Somm became softer, and nodded with a smile, and said, "Well, if you can help me Collected ten words of heart language, then I will give you a copy of my years of experience in refining medicine, hoping to improve you! "

"That being the case, then I thank you in advance, ten heart words, I will definitely collect it for you." Song Jian laughed;

He was about to enter the poisonous mist swamp, looking for the grass of words, but by the way;

"Young man, you have to be careful. Every plant in front of you will be guarded by BOSS. The older the year, the stronger the guard will be!" The old dwarf said seriously: "In this swamp Central, but there is a dominating BOSS. You must not approach the poisonous pool in the middle of the swamp. In case that dominated the dominating BOSS, I'm afraid I can't even escape. "

"Government level? Is there really a Governance level boss here?" Song Jian's mouth appeared a smile, nodding toward the old dwarf, and turned towards the poisonous fog swamp;

"I didn't expect that there were really boss-level bosses here, and I asked for a specific location, which was really good luck!" Song Jian secretly said.

In the poisonous fog swamp, the deeper you go, the thicker the poisonous gas mist, the corrosive damage is increasing, and it also hinders Song Jian's vision. In the end, Song Jian can only extend the perception and use the perception to explore the surroundings. Case;

There are traps everywhere, and some places just look like a small puddle, but when I step on it, I find that this small puddle is actually bottomless;

With strong perception, Song Jian has avoided many of these traps ~ www.novelhall.com ~ but soon, his good luck ran out. When he avoided a deep-water marsh pit, a piece of more than five meters in diameter The big net covered from the top of his head;

A giant poisonous spider snarled sharply and spit a venom at Song Jian who was caught by the net;

Swamp Poison Spider, Level 45, Elite BOSS, Blood Value: 62000/62000

A forty-five Elite BOSS with a blood value exceeding 70,000 actually launched a sneak attack on Song Jian from less than three meters away from Song Jian, and he succeeded in hitting it. Jian didn't even notice it, and it wasn't until the cobweb reached his head that Song Jian noticed the danger;

"It has the talent of shielding perception and super hidden ability?" Song Jian was startled, and immediately launched the soul walk ability. The white cobweb that had been covered by him, as if covered, fell to the ground lightly. Song Jian broke away from the control of the cobweb and stepped forward, and flung towards this forty-five elite boss;


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Bread84".