I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 874: Black dragon

When the boss rushed to the small island in the lake, Song Jian summoned the black dragon directly;

With a dragon chant, the black dragon flew directly into the air and spewed a scorching dragon's breath toward the BOSS on the island;

A smile emerged from the corner of Song Jian's mouth, behind which the steel wings spread out, flying towards the black dragon in midair, standing on the back of the black dragon.

The BOSS standing on the small island looked up towards Song Jian in midair, staring at the dragon breath and issuing an angry roar;

The guardian boss who had suffered the dragon's breath had an angry look on his face, and the warhammer in his hand severely threw it towards Song Jian;

The Warhammer sent a low whistling, and the dark red energy emerged from the surface of the Warhammer, like a meteor, and smashed towards the black dragon;

Seeing BOSS launching an attack on it, the Black Dragon seemed to be a little angry. The front claws waved forward, and a huge claw-shaped vigor emerged, which hit the warhammer severely;

A "Boom" sounded a thunderous roar in the air. Song Jian felt the black dragon's body shake slightly, and more than five hundred points of injury floated from the top of the black dragon's head. Obviously, there was a collision just now. , Black Dragon suffered a small loss, after all, it is only a level 35 elite BOSS, and this guard BOSS is a level 40 lord boss, whether it is rank or grade, it must be higher than the black dragon. ;

But after all, the Black Dragon is the top predator. Even if it is suppressed by the guarding boss in the attributes, it is not without its power.

After the injury, the black dragon became more angry, opened his mouth wide, and a ball of fire spinning like a nebula, brewing in its mouth;

Vortex Fireball!

This is a dragon spell forbidden by the black dragon at the tenth level. It is a spell with great power. Before reaching the first-order combat power, the black dragon was very difficult to cast this spell, but now, this spell has no effect on it. In other words, it can already be regarded as a conventional attack method.

The thrown Warhammer returned to the hands of the Guardian BOSS. At this moment, a hot ball of fire fell from the sky and hit the Guardian Boss severely.

Suddenly more than six thousand points of damage floated from the top of the guarding boss, and at the same time, the surface of its body was burning with a raging flame;

The third-level dragon's breath burns, causing the guarding boss to lose three hundred points of blood value per second for thirty seconds. This effect is difficult to dispel. At this time, guarding the boss is like a burning fireman;

At this time, the cooling time of Song Jian's Wanjianjue has also reached. More than twenty swords of the sword flew towards the guarding boss. This time, when the second sword of the sword attacked it, the damage deepening effect was triggered. Sword damage has all been increased by 50%, and the critical strike rate has increased greatly;

This blow directly caused BOSS to lose nearly 50,000 points of blood value, and the blood volume dropped to one-third. Looking at the guardian BOSS with only more than 30,000 points of blood value, Song Jian's mouth showed a smile. meaning;

At this moment, the guardian boss suddenly turned around and rushed towards the lake. Song Jian's face changed and he immediately controlled the black dragon and continuously attacked the boss. In order to attract its hatred, Song Jian even jumped directly from the back of the black dragon. Go down and rush towards BOSS;

Skybreaker kept chopping on the BOSS, but the BOSS seemed determined to get into the lake, regardless of it, and plunged into the lake.

Watching the blood and blood value of BOSS continue to recover, Song Jian's eyes jumped, the surrounding lake water was like BOSS's blood bank, once the BOSS blood loss was too large, it would rush into the lake water to recover, how can this fight?

At this moment, Song Jian saw that the back muscles that guarded the BOSS constantly bulged, and a painful expression appeared on its face.

Soon, the blood value of BOSS recovered to 50,000 points, and two meat wings were also detected at its back;

Huh ~

BOSS fanned the meat wings, jumped up from the lake, and rushed towards Song Jian;

With the wings of the boss, the movement speed increased greatly, and the heavy warhammer slammed it to Song Jian. The speed of the boss was too fast. Song Jian could only cross the sky-strength sword to his chest. ;

At this time, the black dragon in the sky also began to breathe the dragon's breath toward the BOSS, but at this time, the hatred of the BOSS had been firmly locked on Song Fitness, and there was no response at all to the black dragon's attack in the air;

Song Jian was directly smashed out by the Warhammer, and there was more than two thousand points of damage floating above his head. Such a powerful attack, if changed to a player, I am afraid it will be eliminated directly;

A blood spewed out, and Song Jian felt that the bones in his chest had shattered. Song Jian in midair waved the steel wings and returned to the back of the black dragon;

Seeing Song Jian in midair, guarding the BOSS opened his mouth wide, revealing a mocking smile. With a flutter of his wings, he flew up into the air, throwing two warhammers in his hands and hurling toward Song Jian;

Huh, Huh ~

Song Jian was startled, and quickly controlled the black dragon to dodge. The black dragon rolled over and fell towards the ground. A warhammer swept across the belly of the black dragon, and another warhammer smashed into the black dragon's body.

With a savage dragon groan, the black dragon tumbled and fell on the island. The blood value suddenly lost more than 3,000 points. On one side of its body, a large block was sunken, and at least five or six bones were broken;

With just one hit, the black dragon has lost its combat ability, and the power of guarding the BOSS attack is evident!

Song Jian sank in his heart and looked up at the BOSS in the air. The two-handed Warhammer had returned to its hands;

"Go to death!" A crocodile-like mouth showed a cruel smile, and the BOSS rushed towards Song Jian like an arrow.

At this point, the poisonous aura had shrunk to the shore of the lake, and Song Jian was running out of time. Gasos at the bottom of the lake also began to move slowly. All monsters around him were at level 35. Gasos was moving at the same speed. Very slowly, lest these monsters be disturbed;

Song Jian looked at the boss who rushed straight down, his heart was horizontal, he gritted his sword and slashed forward, and he collided with the warhammer in the hands of the boss;

Squeak ~

A harsh friction sounded, and Song Jian felt a sting coming from his wrist. He almost could not hold the sword in his hand, but at this moment, the resistance from the sword suddenly disappeared and he waved forward. It's like cutting a red knife into butter.

Song Jian felt a joy in his heart, knowing that the bet was right, the indestructible effect of the talent skill "Holy Sword" was triggered, and he directly cut a BOSS warhammer in half.

The face of the boss who was destroyed by a warhammer showed a look of surprise ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Looking at only half of the warhammer, it seemed that he couldn't believe his eyes. At this time, Song Jian was breaking the sky The sword had been stabbed towards it, and the boss quickly resisted with the remaining warhammer;


A strong upload from the sky-breaking sword, Song Jian could not help but step back two steps, the power of the BOSS was too great, exceeding Song Jian by many, every time the collision, Song Jian had to make a small loss;

However, at this time, the BOSS was still immersed in the surprise that the weapon was destroyed. Instead of chasing after victory, he stood in place and looked at the hammer handle in his left hand.

Song Jian turned his head and glanced at the poisonous halo. At this time, the halo had begun to shrink towards the lake surface, and then this stalemate continued. I am afraid that in the end, it would not be killed by the BOSS, but would have to be forced out of the assessment space by the poisonous halo;

Xuanyue Streaming Sword!

Song Jianying turned into a streamer, rushed towards the boss, and the sword in his hand pierced the chest of the boss severely. Suddenly, the feet of the boss began to leave the ground, and the body slowly floated up.

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