I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 857: Meditation tea

Meng Tiantian stared at Song Jian, saying word by word: "In such a short period of time, the two two-turn Jindan medicines can be completely absorbed, or my two two-turn Jindan medicines have weakened, or, Your physical fitness has been so strong that you simply ignore the strength of the medicine. I can guarantee that my two two-turn Jindan was made just three days ago. There will be no weakening of the medicine. Then, there is only one. Maybe ... who are you? "

"It doesn't matter who I am. I'm just an ordinary customer here. I want to buy your elixir here!" Song Jian laughed.

In the game before, his attributes have skyrocketed, and now he has added ten full attributes. There is a feeling that he can't control his power.

Even Hao Dong and Meng Tiantian felt that the person in front of him seemed to be unreal. For a while, he felt like a towering mountain, setting off a violent ocean with sky-high waves. For a while, he felt like a person in the real world. Ordinary person

"I don't have any better elixir here, now I'm going to take a nap, two people, please come back." Meng Tiantian directly ordered the guest;

Song Jian looked at the two bamboo leaves she was holding tightly and asked with a smile: "Are you going to start making Qi and Blood Pills with it? I wonder if I can watch them? If you make Qi and Blood Pills, Can meet my requirements, then, maybe we can reach a long-term cooperative relationship! "

Thirty bamboo leaves grow every ten days. Song Jian initially planned to learn alchemy by himself, and then made Qi and Blood Pills, but in fact, he had neither this energy nor this time, even by himself. Engineering manufacturing and pharmaceutical technology have not been upgraded for a long time, and they still remain at the elementary level 5-6.

And if he were to learn alchemy from the beginning and study the making of Qi and Blood Pills, I am afraid it would cause a lot of waste. This waste is not hundreds of thousands of doomsdays, but hundreds of thousands, millions of doomsdays.

Seeing this shop and seeing Meng Tiantian, Song Jian suddenly had a flash of light in his mind. He could entrust Meng Tiantian to make Qi and Blood Pills, just like he commissioned others to cook "magic snake meat", so that Professionals can do their best to maximize their benefits;

"Huh, cooperation? What qualifications do you have to work with me?" Meng Tiantian said with a proud look on her nostrils, "Unless you can take out ten more bamboo leaves like this, you two should leave as soon as possible." Do n’t think that I am an alchemist, you think I am bullying, you know ... oh dear, you really have so many! "

When Song Jian spoke, she had already found twenty green bamboo leaves from the parcel box, and then lined them up on the showcase, smiling sweetly.

"Now interested in talking to me about cooperation?" Song Jian laughed;

At this moment, Meng Tiantian had a shocked expression, staring straight at Song Jian for ten seconds, then his face suddenly changed and a bright smile bloomed;

"This distinguished guest, please, upstairs, please, the tea made by the little girl still tastes good, shall we go upstairs and talk while drinking tea?" Meng Tiantian tenderly bowed to Song Jian with a tender voice. Say

"Yeah!" Song Jian nodded, and waved away twenty green bamboo leaves, slowly walking towards the stairs;

Laoyuan, whose eyes are open and sweet, saw Song Jian's green bamboo leaves closed, but a painful expression appeared in his eyes, but soon disappeared. He followed Song and slowly walked upstairs. ;

"Hey, then I ..." Hao Dong anxiously, took a step forward, ready to follow, but was reached out by Meng Tiantian, and said fiercely: "Alchemy is heavy, idlers are free, idlers, etc., please go outside the store. waiting!"

Hao Dong was preparing to argue, but he suddenly felt a strong surge coming towards him, and for a while, he lost control of his body. When he woke up again, he found that he was standing in this house dumbfounded. In front of the shop of elixir;

Although Song Jian has already stepped up to the third floor, the scene where Hao Dong was kicked out was clearly perceived by him. Even the scene where Hao Dong was standing stupidly in the shop seemed to be clear in his mind. Clear, as if standing by Hao Dong.

At this point, Song Jian ’s mental value has increased to 155. After 150 points, Song Jian feels that his perception seems to be wider, and he feels more details and clarity, just like himself With a pair of omnipotent eyes, as long as the area around the body is within ten meters, all the details, as long as he is willing, can "see" clearly.

Up to the third floor of the store, it seems to be an alchemy room. In the corner, there is a bronze Dan furnace more than one meter high. At this time, the red furnace is still exuding hot temperatures, and a hint of fragrance is from the Dan furnace Emitting, even on the top of the Dan furnace, a white flower that continuously condenses and dissipates is formed;

On the side of the third floor, there is a small compartment with tea set in it. Song Jian was sweetly led to this compartment, and then began to boil water and start tea;

Song Jian found that Meng Tiantian carefully and carefully took out a few pieces of tea from a porcelain pot. When it was just taken out, it seemed to be too much, his hands shook slightly, and a few tea leaves were loosened and fell back into the pot. in;

Lu Mengtian smiled toward Song Jian and said, "This tea is called meditation tea ~ www.novelhall.com ~ It can calm your mind and improve your understanding, which is very valuable!"

He put a piece of tea in a porcelain cup in front of Song Jian, boiled with sweet water, and after a while, the tea cup exudes a seductive fragrance, which makes people smell as if they are in nature.

"It's amazing!" Song Jian laughed, drank the tea, and even swallowed the tea;

Song Jian's movements made Meng Tiantian's brow slightly frowning, but soon she pretended not to see it and drank softly with a small sip;

After drinking this tea, Song Jian suddenly fell into a kind of epiphany, his thoughts went back and forth a thousand times, and flashed like lightning, countless inspirations came out like a flood, but waited until Song Jian wanted to reach out and grab When you hold them and leave them, you can't catch anything;

For a long time, Song Jian slowly spit out a stale gas and opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes, like lightning, were dazzling, and his eyes fell on the sweet face, giving her a stinging feeling. , But soon, the feeling just disappeared like Song Jian's eyes.

At this point, Song Jian's status bar appeared in an "epiphany" state that lasted for an hour; he felt that his spirit seemed to change in the state of epiphany every moment and seemed to become more Consolidated, the mental strength that was originally increased due to the soaring attributes, at this time also slowly re-condensed, that sense of control, returned to his body again;

Uh ...