I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 856: 2 turn Jindan

The second floor only allows players to go up, and prohibits ordinary people from going up.

Therefore, most people ca n’t access the elixir on the second floor. After all, the effects of the elixir on the first floor can be regarded as magic drugs for ordinary people. It would be ridiculous to think that this shop is deceptive.

On the second floor, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is the elixir that can only be refined by the gods. It is elixir. How can mortals refining the elixir, so they will definitely doubt the authenticity of this shop!

Meng Mengtian showed the second turn of Jindan, mainly for other players. On the one hand, it revealed its own strength, and on the other hand, it could not show off.

Seeing the shocked expressions on Song Jian and Hao Dong, it was sweet as if they were eating honey, and she was very proud, and she did not hide it. She showed this compliment directly in front of the two, admiring me. Come on, worship me, hurry up and give my sister two looks.

"This thing, even in the game world, I am afraid it is worth a lot of money?" Hao Dong whispered; even in the game, he has not encountered such high-quality goods, let alone the real world.

"Can I trade things with you?" Song Jian laughed; such an elixir is no longer available in any currency in the world. If it can be purchased, I am afraid those rich people on the Forbes list are willing to Use all your life to get these two elixir!

"Oh? Are there any items in the game? Take them out and take a look at them?" Meng Tian said lazily. She had encountered many players who came here, and had made such a request, but just took it out of the game. The items are either of average quality, or she simply doesn't catch the eye, or the second-round Jindan made with her has no value at all;

Song Jian smiled slightly, and found an emerald green bamboo leaf from the parcel box, and placed it in front of Meng Tiantian;

Seeing this bamboo leaf, Meng Tiantian's face first showed a disdainful look, but soon, a trace of dignity appeared on her face, and the bamboo leaf exuded a faint fragrance, but this taste, the person who is not sensitive People who are unaware of it, but Meng Tiantian is obviously not such a person;

She stared at the bamboo leaf carefully and looked carefully. For a long time, she looked up and asked Song Jian: "May I touch it and see its properties?"

Song Jian nodded and reached out and made a light movement;

Tong Meng carefully touched the bamboo leaves with her fingers carefully, as if the bamboo leaves were a treasure that broke when touched.

"Oh my God, it is really a treasure of heaven and earth. How could you get such a treasure?" Meng Tiantian's expression on his face looked up to Song Jian with a shocked expression in his eyes.

"It's just a pale golden plant, isn't it a big deal?" Hao Dong glanced at the bamboo leaves and murmured softly.

"What do you know!" Meng Tiantian rolled her eyes toward Hao Dong, twisted the lock of the display case, picked up a two-turn Jindan, and threw it to Song Jian: "In exchange, a Cuibao Bamboo leaves for a two-turn Jindan! "

Ji Song Jian's eyes flashed and he caught Jin Dan, but his eyes were always staring at Meng Tiantian.

Tong Mengtian's actions were a bit bold, as if she didn't care about the treasures of this town shop. In contrast, she seemed to value Cuibao bamboo leaves more;

"The second turn of Jindan should not be a great thing in her eyes. Maybe she can make more powerful elixir, three turns, or four turns, five turns of Jindan?" Song Jian had a brain in her heart.

The maximum amount of this two-turn Jindan in one person is two capsules, that is, you can add 10 points to all attributes at one time. If Song Jian first entered the game, he could get these two two-turn Jindan. For his future game path, he will go a lot better;

I glanced at the other second-turn Jindan in the showcase, and Song Jian directly found another bamboo leaf and said, "Change another one!"

Meng Tiantian stared at the bamboo leaf in Song Jian's hand and glanced at his own hand again, his face showed a doubtful look, and he even took out an elixir from his arms and ate it. Looking into Song Jian's hands;

"Damn, you have two of such precious materials!" Meng Tiantian said with gritted teeth, at the same time opened the showcase, took out the remaining second turn Jindan, and handed it to Song Jian;

Song Jian did not hesitate to swallow the two two-turn Jindan directly into his stomach, and Meng Tiantian had a playful expression on his face. After Song Jian swallowed the two Jindan into the stomach at one time, he slowly slowly Said: "The second transfer of Jindan is violent, it is best to take it with Qingshuihua, and the time for taking two second transfer Jindan is best to be separated by seven days, so as not to feel uncomfortable!"

Before she finished speaking, Song Jian felt a strong heat flow, spreading out of the stomach, and rushing toward the limbs and bones. The whole person seemed to be roasted by the flames, and the skin was like cooked prawns. , Became red, a faint faint mist emanated from his pores;

Seeing the appearance of Song Jian, Hao Dong was furious and pointed at Meng Tiantian and said, "Why don't you say it earlier!"

蒙 甜甜 ~ www.novelhall.com ~ said indifferently: "You didn't ask me again. Besides, he moves so fast, I have no time to say it!"

Hao Dong was so anxious that he couldn't help but pull out the blue-quality long sword that he had been holding in his hands. His face changed and he quickly waved his hand: "Relax, rest assured, it's okay, he will be upset for a quarter of an hour at most What harm did he cause to his body, and because the medicine burst out at one time, it can also remove impurities in his body, which is equivalent to washing the spinal cords, and his physical quality will be slightly improved! "

"Hao Dong, don't do it!" Song Jian flushed, but he didn't have any painful expression on his face, reached out to stop Hao Dong, and smiled sweetly at Mongolia: "This medicine is really strong, I don't know if Meng Meng has There is no better elixir, I can still exchange it with you! "

Meng Tiantian looks like a monster staring at Song Jian, and swallows two two-turn Jindan at one time. Even if she is violent, she can't bear it. Although marrow washing is good for the body, the pain , Not ordinary people can tolerate;

现在 But now, Song Jian swallowed two two-turn Jindan, and even within a minute, he was able to speak, which made Meng Tiantian feel that the elixir was a fake medicine;

"You, are you all right?" Meng Tiantian asked carefully;

"OK!" Song Jian laughed;

Sui Mengtian suddenly thought of another possibility, and her face suddenly changed.

Uh ...