I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 811: inherited

Wang Qi looked at the pets of war pets with a faint creamy glow in his hands, and suddenly had an unreal feeling;

The white light twitched as if the heart was beating. Wang Qi originally thought it was just a white-quality pet egg, but he did not expect that it turned out to be a pet egg that could hatch an angel war pet. At the same time, he was surprised. Overjoyed.

It's hard to say who is the strongest and the weakest among the Angels and Dragons, but both are the top races;

Wang Qi can be sure that if the same dragon egg and angel egg are placed in front of him, then he will definitely choose angel eggs;

You know, the angel of peak strength is not much weaker than the dragon of peak strength. Even after the angel has advanced to the twelve wings and obtained the title, he can compete with the existence of demigods. If he is trained, his angel war pet , And Song Jian's black dragon fighting pet, who is strong and who is weak, now no one is sure.

The most important thing is that angels are obviously more than a dragon in terms of appearance;

"Really, really an angel war pet?" Wang Qi was unbelievable, holding the milky war pet in both hands, with a careful look, it seemed to be afraid of breaking it.

"Cultivate well, he will definitely help you in the future." In the mind of Song Jian, the tenacity of Angel Kcall appeared, and he could not help but sigh slightly in his heart;

He doesn't know if this angel war pet will hatch, will he still have Ke Kaoer's memory;

"Haha, rest assured, rest assured, I will take good care of this big angel sister!" Wang Qi laughed with an excited expression on his face;

Song Jian froze with a strange look on his face: "... this, maybe it's the big brother of angels ..."

"No, no, this must be an angel sister, haha, I want to show them and envy them!" Wang Qi smiled with excitement, seeing that Song Jian had no other explanation, then turned and left.

Song Jian looked at Wang Qi's back and thought silently: "I hope you don't be too sad after you hatch ..."

Uh ...

Song Jian originally wanted to go directly to the magic crystal mine, but now the weapon is being upgraded and merged. Song Jian can only wait patiently, but the weapon needed to conceive the sword spirit is still to be collected. One day is enough to break the rock. The Sky Sword gave birth to the sword spirit.

Back to the bedroom, Song Jian looked at the sword fairy placed on the table, and couldn't help sighing.

In the final battlefield space, the purple-gold blade is simply invincible. All monsters are killed in one shot, and even the eighth demon king finally falls under the broken blade.

By virtue of the outstanding style of this broken blade, Song Jian can imagine how terrible its master was at the beginning;

Fingerling on the spine of the broken sword, Song Jian suddenly felt a faint heat flow, and embraced himself from the broken sword;

When Song Jian probed carefully, the feeling suddenly disappeared, and even the trace of heat that had just been in the body just disappeared, as if there had been an illusion before.

不可能 "It's impossible, just now there was a trace of heat flowing from the broken sword into my body!" Song Jian grabbed the broken sword and looked it up carefully. For a long time, nothing was found.

When Song Jian was about to put down the broken sword again, suddenly a flash of aura in his mind sent a trace of invisible sword gas into the broken sword.

The moment the sword gas was sent into the broken sword, it seemed to activate it. The entire broken sword suddenly bloomed a bright light. At the same time, Song Jian felt the invisible sword gas in his body as if the river had broken its bank. A steady stream of gushing into the broken sword;

I felt that the invisible sword energy in the body continued to flow, and Song Jian's face showed a surprised look instead.

Because of the "Luck of Royal Sword Art", Song Jian ’s total invisible sword energy has increased a lot. Now there are more than 300 points, and the speed of sword energy recovery has increased a lot, but these 300 points are invisible. Sword Qi, just persisted for less than 30 seconds, and consumed all the air directly; after the invisible sword Qi consumed all the air, the suction in the broken blade became more and more large, even if the invisible sword Qi recovered quickly, there was no way to meet this. Broken sword with a handle, very soon, after the invisible sword gas is gone, the broken sword consumes the mental strength of Song Jian;

Song Jian's mental strength is only less than 3,000 points, but the speed at which broken swords absorb spiritual power is several times faster than that of invisible swords. The mental value of more than 2,800 points has only persisted for less than half a minute. Time is consumed, you must know that the recovery speed of mental value can be countless times slower than the invisible sword energy;

Feeling that the strength of the broken sword has not been reduced in the slightest, Song Jian suddenly sank in his heart and felt a little uncomfortable;

此时 At this time, the surface of the broken sword, which was originally only gray in quality, slowly showed a touch of purple-golden light, which was very weak, like a thin line thinner than the hair, appearing in the center of the broken blade;

Finally, the broken blade began to **** Song Jian's blood value, and the blood value of more than 3,000 points fell at a rate of more than one hundred points per second. Song Jian felt a little flustered immediately and took it out of the parcel box. A lot of supplements were poured into the mouth;

"Damn, when are you going to suck!" Song Jian's face showed a faint look, and he found a dagger from the parcel, which is a tool knife specially used to plan the monster's body;

He put the dagger on his left wrist touching the broken blade. Once his blood value was below 10%, Song Jian would not hesitate to cut off his left hand;

Compared with his own life, the cost of a left hand is not so unacceptable;

Fortunately, after losing half of the blood value ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian felt that the suction of the broken blade began to weaken. When the blood value of the blood was still one third, the suction in the broken blade was completely disappear;

At the same time, a touch of purple-gold light flashed from the broken blade. The light that was thinner than the hair was completely spread and the entire blade was wrapped;

The broken blade at this time once again restored the heroic posture in the final battlefield space, and the purple and golden light filled the entire room.

"Your strength is too weak to accommodate my complete heritage ..." An old sigh sounded in Song Jian's ears, full of regret in his tone;

Song Jian was suddenly speechless. His strength can be said to have surpassed more than 90% of players, and even some NPC combat professionals who have been practicing for decades are not his opponents;

But in the face of this broken blade, Song Jian was fragile like a child and could not bear the attack of the other party at all;

At this moment, Jianxian's broken blade suddenly shattered and turned into countless crystalline light spots, and swept toward Song Jian. At the same time, Song Jian was also prompted by a system;

System: Are you recognized by the "Blade of the Sword Immortal", whether you are willing to upgrade the "Unary Sword of Immortal Chaos" to full level and permanently solidify it as a passive talent skill, yes / no

System: You get the recognition of "Blade of the Sword Immortal", whether you are willing to eliminate all skills at the same time, and get the skill of "Million Swords of the Fairy" at the same time, yes / no

Select time to count down 30 seconds, 27, ...

Uh ...

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