I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 787: Sacrifice

Song Jian felt like he was dancing on the tip of a knife now, and if he was not careful, he would fall into the abyss. The abyss chain broke apart under the impact of the fangs, and Angel Kalkul gave a soothing moan. The wings behind him flew open, and a powerful breath bloomed from its body.

"Thank you, mankind, you saved me. In order to express my gratitude, before you leave the abyss hell, I will be your most loyal guard, even at the cost of my life!" Kerkall respectfully moved towards Song. Jian lowered his head;

At this time, Song Jiancai found that the angel Angel Kokkal had a level of 50, and he also had the first-level combat strength, but his rank was elite, not lord. Compared to The power of tarantula demon sacrifices is obviously one level worse;

The most important thing is that in the status bar of Angel Kalkal's attributes, there is a "weak" state, and all attributes are weakened by 30%. That is to say, Kekall now has only seven floors in its peak period. Combat power.

Therefore, he wants the angel Kokkal to stop the tarantula demon sacrifice, probably not much better than his abyss slave;

However, this task also made Song Jian feel very satisfied. At least he obtained the Abyssal Magic of the Sixth Abyss Demon King. Not only did the book of the Abyss improve, but also the Abyss of Magic that he controlled. Level, for Song Jian, there is no better reward than this.

"Let's leave here first, all the demons are chasing after!" Song Jian finished, and a pair of steel wings emerged from behind him, breaking directly from the third floor of the stone tower and breaking towards the entrance to the Demon Canyon;

In just a few minutes, Song Jian found that all his demon slaves had lost contact with him. If he didn't leave, the stone tower would probably be surrounded by tarantula demons.

The angel Kcall was stunned, but soon he felt a strong breath, approaching quickly, his face suddenly changed, and he was caught by the wolf spider demon sacrifice. Although he was seriously injured at the time, but now Its condition is not much stronger than when it was seriously injured;

Although death is just a relief for the angel Kerkall, and it is not very fearful, which is why it will fight Song Jian to the end if it will sacrifice its own life, but it will survive. Kerkall will also survive. Not take the initiative to die

After the gray feathers were unfolded, Kerkall followed closely and flew towards the Demon Canyon;

Looking at the two black shadows in the air, scarlet rays bloomed in the eyes of the tarantula demon's sacrifice, gritted his teeth and said, "You, you can't escape ..."

Then, the tarantula demon sacrifice turned around and said to a tarantula demon guard who followed her, "Go and inform the other sacrifice lords, and say that I have something to discuss with them!"

In the Temple of Demon Guardians, not only the tarantula demon, but also six other demonic races. They were all the subordinates of the abyss demon king, and they all wanted to resurrect their demon kings;

I heard that the tarantula demon family had lost the key resurrection items of their monarch and the abyss magic that is unique to the demon king. Did other demons ridicule the tarantula demon family, but at the same time they became vigilant.

"Ifina, I heard that you lost the resurrection props of the sixth demon king? Is it true, hahaha!" A demon with a goat's head laughing, entered the demon guardian's temple with a big laugh. Conference hall

Yifsna's old complexion showed a little anger, and before she spoke, the other demon sacrifices entered the parliament hall one after another;

"Hum, Cubiso, if you think the sheep-faced family doesn't need to get information from me, then you can leave now!" Said Iffesna with a grimace.

"Huh, it's just a human being mixed in the abyss of hell. Find him, grab him, and kill him. I don't need any information from you!" Kubiso, a sacrifice of sheep-faced demons, sneered. Said.

Slang said so, but it did not leave anything, but stood with a goat's head in arrogance;

"Kubiso, you look down on humans, but don't forget, the one who killed the seven demon kings was also a human!" A demon sacrifice holding a giant sickle, like a black shadow, said with a husky voice;

As soon as the sacrifices of the sacrifices of the sacrifices of the great demon family began, the faces of the other seven sacrifices changed greatly, and the fall of the abyss demon king was a taboo between them.

"Saver, I really want to see, after the Second Demon King is resurrected, I know what you will do if you publicly announce the fall of it." A demon sacrifice burning with a dark red flame, his face appeared An insidious smile, like a viper, stared at the saint sacrifice to the great demon shrouded in a dark mist.

"Blake, I think you can't live the day the Lord Kings are resurrected!" Saffr looked up slightly, revealing scarlet eyes under the black cloak.

The face of the flame demon sacrifice changed greatly. Among the seven demon sacrifice races, several others, Black, the flame demon sacrifice, can more or less detect the depth of the opponent's strength. Do not wear each other.

However, Black speculates that Saff's strength is absolutely strong, and I am afraid that only the fallen angel sacrificed to Islay, and he could crush it. Several other people were not the opponents of the great devil to sacrifice Saff.

"Okay, do you want to cause internal fighting?" Abyss Succubus sacrifice Mesomyana, who is exposed in clothing and has a hot figure with a pair of petite meat wings behind her, said sharply ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Hear Messomiana ’s voice, almost all the demon sacrifice could not help but shiver, the other party ’s voice was full of charm, and when she heard her, almost all the demon sacrifice was raised. The flames, together with the sacrifice for the female tarantula demon, turned red on the cheeks, cursing in their hearts.

The fighting power of the Abyss Succubus can be said to be the weakest of the seven demonic races, but there is no demon race that wants to be the enemy.

Because the enemies of the abyss succubus are now all their slaves. The charm of the abyss succubus is a natural and talented skill. As long as it is not a creature with strong willpower, no matter how powerful it is, it will be inadvertent. Occasionally.

"Mesomiana is right, the abyss demons are forbidden to fight!" Said the three heads of the three-headed dog demon sacrifice who had been silent all the while, and the rightmost one turned to the wolf spider demon sacrifice and asked: "If you call us here, Ifina, it's not just to inform us that a human thief stole your key props for resurrecting the sixth demon king!"

There was a moment of anger on Iffesna's old cheek, and after taking a deep breath, he said, "This man, not only stole the fangs of the sixth demon king, but also the abyss of the sixth demon king. The magic was stolen! "

When I heard what Ifina said, several demon sacrifice were shocked and exclaimed, "How is this possible!"

Uh ...

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