I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 786: escape

Song Jian was startled and quickly put his fangs in the parcel box and ran out of the underground cave;

It ’s scary. A master boss of the 50th-level first-level combat strength, the boss, locks himself in, and pursues his own endless pursuit. If he does n’t leave here soon, Song Jian will probably stay here forever. Even the skills of the enemy of death are useless.

When Song Jian rushed to the entrance of the underground cave, he suddenly felt that the twelve abyss slaves quickly lost contact with him, which meant that they had all been killed.

In less than three minutes, eight great devil, a fallen angel, have died, and it is conceivable how powerful the tarantula demon's sacrificial power is, simply crushing it;

The wolf spider demon who was guarding around the altar saw Song Jian rush down from the altar, and suddenly became furious and frightened. These wolf spider demons rushed towards Song Jian with a swarm of bees. Jian stay here, otherwise, waiting for them will end in more fear than death;

Song Jian didn't dare to entangle with these tarantula demons. Now time is too important to him. The moment he took the demon king's fangs, he felt it, a strong mental force, firmly locked in. After he lived, the tarantula demon sacrifice had already noticed his existence, and it was too late to kill the remaining abyss slaves, and rushed towards the altar;

Every second is very important to Song Jian now. Once the exit of the underground cave is blocked by the tarantula demon, he will really lose his life here.

Uh ~

A stinky green venom was sprayed towards Song Jian, and Song Jian immediately cast the bone bone shield skills. Three sides of the bone shield appeared around his body, constantly resisting the damage of the venom;

After a short while, the shields on all three sides were stained green by venom, and a little bit of corrosive smoke erupted from the shields. The defense degree continued to decline, but it was still able to persist for a long time.

Venom's damage is not high, but the negative effects are very powerful. Even if Song Jian possesses the passive skill "Thickness", there is no way to be immune to these negative effects, at most it is weakened.

At this time, more than a dozen tarantula demons have returned to the underground cave entrance and saw Song Jian rushing towards himself, immediately raised the bone spear in his hand and threw at Song Jian;

嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ~

The bone bone shield suffered the most severe test. Dozens of bone spears pierced the bone bone shield fiercely. Radiation cracks appeared in the stabbed area.

After a while, the three bone shields shattered at the same time. The palm-sized bone fragments were shot in all directions. The hole was narrow and the bone fragments were like a heavy rain. They were shot at the tarantula demon blocked at the door. On top of the devil, a series of five hundred points of real injury figures floated, and almost a third of his blood value was lost in an instant;

But for this kind of injury, it is still impossible to make them shrink back, they use their bodies to block the entrance of the hole, and do not give Song Jian a chance to escape at all;

Soul walk!

For a moment, the figure of Jian Song became transparent, and rushed towards the crowd. Before the tarantula and demon blocked in the hole reacted, Song Jian had passed through their body and entered the passage;

The first three seconds of the soul walk have an invincible effect and the ability to pass through any obstacle. Because of the epic necklace and the hidden effect of the necklace, this duration lasted from three seconds to nearly four seconds. This also allowed Song Jian to have Enough time to cross the entire passage and escape from the underground cave;

The channel was dim, countless tarantula demons had rushed into the channel, but Song Jian kept accelerating in the channel, passing through the bodies of these tarantula demons, and the tarantula demons did not even notice the existence of Song Jian.

"He fled, he fled, and caught him!" The tarantula demon who blocked the mouth made a roar of panic in the abyss, let Song Jian escape from the underground cave. He seemed to have foreseen his tragic fate.

In the state of soul, what Song Jian saw was not the body of the tarantula demon, but a group of large or small soul energy. These tarantula demon are powerful, but the soul energy is large or small, and some soul energy is like a calamity. Oil lamps, and some tarantula demon, the soul energy emanating from the body is like a football-sized light ball;

Song Jian could not think too much, but just rushed forward with his head covered. The four-second time was not short or long, and Song Jian could not afford to delay;

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly noticed that a large group of light appeared in front of him. The soul energy in the other person's body was like a small sun approaching it. Song Jian felt that he had been burned by the hot sun. feel;

"Wolf Spider Demon Sacrifice!" Song Jian has no retreat at this time, but can only grit his teeth towards this round of soul energy sun. At the moment of passing through the sacrifice body of the tarantula demon, the other party seemed to be at a gap, stopped suddenly, and uttered a roar towards Song Jian, with a wand like a spine in his hand, a hot black flame, Fly over towards Song Jian;


The black flame wrapped Song Jian ~ www.novelhall.com ~ But because Song Jian was in an invincible state, an "immunity" number floated directly above his head, but the black fireball burst and burst into the surroundings. The tarantula demon has caused damage.

The tarantula demon sacrifice a sacrifice, and is about to continue to attack, but sees the wolf spider demon scorched by the black flames and makes a miserable roar, and immediately acts. When he tries to find Song Jian, he can no longer find him And the channel behind it was already full of dense tarantula demons.

With an angry roar, the tarantula demon sacrificed his staff to the ground fiercely;


A wave of air spread from the ground, and all the surrounding tarantula demons were lifted out, while the tarantula demon sacrifice was stepping on the wolverine demon stepping on the ground and chasing out towards Song Jian;

Bian Songjian's speed is extremely fast, coupled with that he has become a state of soul at this time, and there is a dim surrounding, it is almost impossible to capture his tracks with the naked eye.

After rushing out of the underground cave, Song Jian rushed towards the stone tower. On the road, Song Jian had found the bodies of several abyss slaves, and several abyss slaves who still had more than half of their blood value. When they saw Song Jian rushed out, Round him up;

"Stop all the enemies behind!" Song Jian ordered directly.

At this time, the guards guarding the stone tower were all gone. Song Jian quickly rushed to the third floor, took out the fangs, and slashed hard toward the abyss chain that bound Kcall.

Uh ...

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