I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 765: Bone Magic Rune

System: You enter the Demon Canyon;

Song Jian looked at the grand canyon hundreds of feet deep in front of his eyes, with a look of horror on his face. He found that the rock walls on both sides of the canyon were as smooth as mirrors, as if they were cut with a sword. The average.

But who can leave such a scary sword mark on the earth? Even the existence of the peak of the third-order combat power, there is no way to do it, which can not help but make Song Jian doubt that this gorge, only the legendary deities can cut it out with a sword.

At the entrance of the canyon, there is a long slope. There are piled rocks on the slope. Here are some 35-level fire demon. Each of them has the size of an ordinary adult and has a horn on its head. Burning red flames.

Occasionally there will be refreshing some flame demon bosses. These are the 35th-level elite bosses, and they have first-order combat power. Ordinary players are not opponents of these bosses at all, so few people will come here to level.

Song Jian looked at the canyon in front of him, and suddenly thought of the item he picked up from Zack. He had n’t had time to check it before leaving, and now it is just to see if he can use it.

"This is ..." Song Jian took out Zach's dropped item from the parcel box. This is a bead carved from white bone, called Undead White Bone Bead.

"It turned out to be a magic charm ..." Song Jian looked at the attributes of the white bone beads, his face showed a surprised look, and with a thought, the white bone beads turned into a stream of air, flowing towards Song Jian's chest. ;

Song Jian ’s “Eight Murder Embedded Array Map” has merged two amulets, namely Dragon Blood Amulet and Lion Eagle Beast Blood Amulet. This Undead Bone Amulet is the third one;

"Undead Bone Amulet: Intelligence +8, Spirit +8, Defense increase by 100 points, special effects: Bone Shield (active), can summon three undead Bone Shields for 30 seconds, cool down for 5 minutes; under the state of Bone Shield, Increase overall defense by 80%, resistance by 50%, immunity to damage below 100 points, more than 100 points will cause damage to the bone shield, within the duration, after the bone shield is broken, it will damage all within 10 meters. Enemies, each piece will cause 500 puncture damage; "

As soon as I thought about it, a shield made of bones on three sides appeared around the Song fitness body, slowly swirling around. Song Jian's defense and resistance suddenly improved a lot.

This way of increasing defense and resistance according to the percentage, the higher the back, the higher the improvement. Now Song Jian casts the bone shield, the increased defense and resistance is almost equivalent to a 35-level silver equipment. Until Song Jian's strength improves, defense and resistance will increase even more.

Song Jian walked towards the Demon Demon Gorge. Just after less than ten meters, a flame demon rushed out from behind a boulder, roaring towards him;

Lightning strike!

Song Jian subconsciously exhibited his fastest sword skills. The three sword energy mixed with lightning damage were almost chopped on the flame demons.

The flame demon's claws also approached Song Jian without mercy;

At this time, Song Jian's bone shield was not over yet. The burning claws and the bone shield collided fiercely, making a sound as if the claws scratched the glass;

Song Jian frowned slightly, he found that a crack appeared on the surface of the bone shield;


The Flame Demon didn't care about the sword qi that was chopped on his body, and smashed into Song Jian again. The bone shield shook violently twice, and an obvious crack appeared on the surface of the shield.

However, at this time, a shield with obvious cracks had appeared on this side, and the surface flashed, and it was swapped with the bone shield next to it;

The three bone shields have a common defense value and share the damage. Either the three shields are broken together or one side will not be broken.

The Bone Shield endured 78 or eight punches of the Fire Demon, and finally made a clear crackling sound; during this time, Song Jian caused more than 6,000 points of damage to this Fire Demon. This fire The blood value of the devil is less than one tenth.

As soon as the crackling sounded, the bone shield on three sides turned into dozens of palm-sized fragments and shot in all directions;

The flame demon was hit by five or six bone fragments, and his head was raised by 500 points of damage;

The flame demon, who had already been left with blood, suddenly screamed, his body was wrapped in a flame, and after a short time, it was burned into a pile of ashes.

"This bone shield, offensive and defensive, good power!" Song Jian nodded with satisfaction.

Although this flame demon is not BOSS, it has the strength comparable to the elite monster in the copy. The bone shield can withstand its seven or eight attacks. The defense is good. What surprised Song Jian most was the final shield. When broken, each piece of bone bone ejected to the surroundings can cause 500 points of damage. These 500 points of damage are actually real damage, ignoring the target's defense;

And if the distance is close, it can be hit by at least five or six bone fragments at a time, which is enough to cause more than two thousand points of damage. You know, this is real damage, and there is no consumption, even in the face of BOSS. It's also surprising.

The cooling time of 5 minutes is not too long. The most important thing is that this skill has no consumption. As long as the cooling time is over, it can be used directly. If you encounter BOSS, you can even cast it several times in a battle with steel wings. Compared with the three-hour cooling time, it can be used as a regular skill ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Continue along the canyon, Song Jian encounters more and more flame demons, and the battle pet Black Dragon recovers in the pet space , For the time being unable to assist the battle, Song Jian summoned the stone people, but as more and more flame demons, Song Jian felt a little hard to kill. These flame demons were at least three or five in groups. Sometimes, even There will be seven or eight flame demons gathered together.

"There are too many monsters here, and the temple does not know where it is. If you continue to go deep, once you are under siege, I'm afraid you really want to hang here ..." Song Jian frowned, and hesitated for a moment before turning the abyss Take out the book and want to see if there are any useful skills on it;

The first two levels of skills have been activated by Song Jian. Each of the third level of skills requires millions of battle experience. Song Jian can't activate any of them now;

But soon Song Jian's eyes fell on the skill of the Abyss Charm;

"Maybe you can use this skill to charm a few Fire Demon slaves as cannon fodder?" Song Jian secretly said.
