I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 764: Destruction Canyon

Zach's blood value is only 1,800 points. Although he has reached the 33rd level, he has not passed the first-order combat ability assessment. He has the Undead Bone Wings, and is considered a master for ordinary players. Song Jian approached, but it was not worth mentioning.

Up and down the range of the four long swords, Zack's body suddenly shot a blood arrow, even his undead white bone wing, and only two main bones with scars were cut.

"Impossible, how could your injury be so high?" In less than ten seconds, Zack was already bloody, and his blood value was less than 300 points.

He looked at Song Jian's eyes, full of horror, as if facing a death god, without the courage to fight, only thinking how to escape;

The large group of players behind them are still more than ten meters away. Some of them saw Zac covered with embarrassment, and the pace of the charge began to slow down involuntarily, which made Zac swear, if this group of people could come over quickly , At least can give him some chance to escape.

But now, Zach looked at Song Jian who was full of blood, and his heart was filled with despair;

Lightning strike!

The four long-handed swords flew into midair at the same time, and then chopped down towards Zach. A touch of electric light shone on the four-handed swords, and severely chopped on Zack.

Boom, boom, boom ~

The twelve lightnings illuminate the surroundings like daylight. After Zach has endured three times, the blood value has been cleared, and the remaining lightning strikes are completely in the whip corpse;

Picking up a light silver item dropped by Zack, Song Jian glanced at the people who came over, and the figure suddenly became transparent and disappeared in place.

A perfect ambush was so hidden by Song Jian. If there is no soul walk ability, Song Jian will use the passive skill of "enemy of death". Even if there is no loss, Song Jian does not want to experience it again. The taste of death.

However, through this ambush, Song Jian also understood that he must have been seen when he left Abyss Hell last time. I am afraid to leave again next time.

After a day and night running in the wilderness, Song Jian finally saw the tall city wall in front, which was the main city in the desolate highland area, the furnace of flames.

Every brick and stone in this city is made of crimson lava stones. The surface of these lava stones is faint with a illusive flame, which makes the entire city built by lava stones look red from afar. It seems to be burning all the time, it looks like a huge furnace, which is why the city is called a flame furnace.

When the city appeared in front of Song Jian, he suddenly received a system message;

System: You have discovered the city controlled by the sixth abyss demon king, Constantine, the Fire Furnace; you have unlocked the map of Desolate Highlands;

Suddenly, the map of the abyss **** suddenly lit up a large area, exactly the entire map of the desolate highlands where Song Jian was.

In this way, Song Jian's journey in the abyss **** will become easier.

Seeing the city in the distance, Song Jian continued to walk forward. When he approached the city, he suddenly found that he was unable to enter any of the main cities in the abyss. Hell, at the gate of the flame furnace, a team had at least one The abyss demons of the highest level of combat power are guarding the gate.

In and out of the city, all are creatures in the abyss hell, and players who have the abyss profession, as his humanity, I am afraid that as soon as they approach, they will attract the attention of the city guards.

In order to find the abyss of magic from the abyss demon king, Song Jian must at least enter the library of the main city, learn about the history of the city for nearly a century, and find clues from it;

But now Song Jian can't even enter the city, and he is said to have entered the library in the main city.

Song Jian sat in a small mound outside the city and frowned.

At this moment, a group of abyss-professional players walked towards the main city from a distance. They talked loudly as they walked. They did not notice that Song Jian was watching them intently.

"Which step did you take on that task?" A man in leather armor with two short rifles hung around his waist, asked loudly towards one of the team.

"It's too difficult. I don't know what's going on in this series of missions. Only in the third ring, I will go to the Demon Canyon. There are all monsters above level 35. I can't go in at all ..."

"Oh, okay, our group of people, you have the best luck, and even took a hidden task, hey, I said, do you think there will be a legacy of the sixth abyss demon king left in that canyon? Or else why this task is called a gift from the Demon Monarch of the Abyss! "

"This is a serial mission. Even if there is a legacy, it should be the last one. It is now the third one. It is estimated that you will go to the Demon Canyon to get a quest item ..."

The group walked and discussed, and soon came to the small soil bag where Song Jian was. They did not notice that a transparent figure was lying on the soil bag and staring at them.

"It is said to go to an abandoned shrine in the Demon Canyon to explore the information about the abyss magic left by the sixth abyss demon king. I suspect that the final reward of this task may be the abyss demon left by the sixth abyss demon king. Yan! "Said the man who received the task proudly.

"The abyss magic flame, then you can make a big hair, isn't your life profession forged, but the abyss magic flame is a different fire. Isn't your forging skill going to fly up in the future, then you have to help the brothers to make a few Equipment! "Someone envy said.

"None of the eight characters have been written yet. I can't even enter the Demon Canyon, and I can't do the task for the time being. I still don't know that it will be the year of the monkey to get the magic flame." The man said with a sigh;

"Let's do it for you ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Tomorrow we will go to the Demon Canyon, I don't believe it, is it the level 35 monster area, we, seven or eight people, can't **** you to complete the task? ? "

"Yes, yes, there is nothing to do anyway, let's go to the Devil's Canyon together, and help the bear to do the task by the way, but bear, if you really get the flames of the abyss, you can't forget our brothers!" People should reconcile.

"That is of course. My blacksmithing is now level seven. If you really get the abyss magic flame, then everyone will have a set of silver quality equipment, I said!" The abyss warrior called the bear Professional players, clapping their chests assured.

"Devil's Canyon ..." Song Jianying slowly recovered from his state of soul, looking at the back of the group of people, looking thoughtful.

Since the main city can't get in, it's better to go to the Devil's Canyon called by these people, maybe you can really get some information about the flames of the abyss from there;

Thinking of this, Song Jian opened the map and looked it up carefully;