I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 760: Desolate Highlands

Soul walking skills have been greatly improved after reaching the full level;

Soul Walk (Active), Level 12 (MAX), Instant, Skill Effect: Players immediately become a soul state after use, and are immune to all damage. The effect lasts for 3 seconds; at the same time, the movement speed is increased by 200% and can pass through any obstacle After 3 seconds, the invincible state disappears, but only the soul attack mode will cause the user to be harmed; the skill duration: 9 seconds; skill cost: 50 psychic value; skill cooling time: 1 minute, skill use limit: use Song Jian

The invincible state has been increased from one second to three seconds, the movement speed has been increased by 200%, the duration of the skill effect has been increased from three seconds to nine seconds, and most importantly, the cooling time has been reduced from five minutes to one minute.

Although the skill consumption has also been improved, for the powerful attributes of this skill, this consumption will not be considered by Song Jian at all.

"The cooling time is only one minute, which can already be used as a regular skill." Song Jian secretly said that the acceleration time lasted 9 seconds and the cooling time of 1 minute. Song Jian could even use this skill to hurry.

With a change of heart, Song Jian's entire body has become a transparent and unreal state. If he does not look closely, it is difficult to find his existence. Song Jian has found an effect that is not written in the skill description. Under the state of soul Song Jian is equivalent to a transparent shadow. Although the stealth effect of the thief class has not yet been reached, in this dim abyss hell, it is difficult to find Song Jian in a state of soul without carefully watching. At least it has the effect of "hidden effect +3" or more;

After returning the two pets to the pet space, Song Jian rushed forward with his soul state. Even with the powerful skills, if the user is not familiar, he will not be able to exert all his power;

Song Jian's abyss journey has just begun. The whole abyss hell, I am afraid that he is only a human player. He began to level up in the abyss **** while looking for nearby villages and towns.

Time passed slowly. Song Jian encountered several waves of leveling abyss **** players along the way. With the help of two war pets, he also killed many of these players who have betrayed humanity, but there were also many from him. Escape in his hand, after all, he is only one person, even if he has the ability to walk through the soul, it is impossible to kill all players;

Killing players from different camps, the drop probability is indeed high, but since the skill scroll of the Spirit Walk has burst, Song Jian's good luck seems to be used up, and all the low-level equipment after the burst.

The level of the abyss **** players is much higher than that of the game world players, but the explosion rate here seems to be much lower than that of the game world. These players Song Jian killed did not even have a silver-quality equipment on them. In the previous city of doom, it was unimaginable;

In the Doomsday City, a player at level 30 or above has at least all blue equipment on his body, and occasionally one or two pieces of silver or even gold equipment are not surprising at all;

But in Abyss Hell, most of these players have white, green-quality equipment, and a piece of blue-quality equipment, which are already considered masters.

When the third day of exploration in the abyss hell, a piece of the dark map suddenly lit up, and a corner of a city appeared on the edge of the illuminated map.

In the abyss, almost everyone speaks the abyss. For other human players in hell, the abyss does not understand, but for Song Jian, there is no difference between the abyss and the human language;

Song Jian already knew that his area was a place called Desolate Highlands. This was once the domain of the Duke of Abyss, the Duke of Constantine, but since the Duke of Constantine disappeared a hundred years ago, this area A hundred years of war broke out in the place.

At this time, there are dozens of forces, large and small, occupying this area, and the war is almost a common occurrence, but for players in the abyss hell, this situation is very popular. As long as a war occurs, the system will Post hunting missions to players. These missions are also faction missions. If you want to join the favorite forces, receiving these missions is the fastest way.

But more players do not want to join these NPC forces so quickly. Take this task today to kill the characters of the target force, and tomorrow they will take another task to kill the former employers' forces. Characters, like mercenaries, earn commissions between forces.

The condition of the desolate highland is almost a microcosm of the entire abyss hell. The seven demon kings disappear at the same time. The entire abyss **** has lost its ruler and the war has continued for hundreds of years.

On the fourth day Song Jian entered the abyss hell, his legend spread quickly among players in the Desolate Highlands. Many players who turned to the abyss profession knew his existence. A human player It ’s not because of changing careers in the abyss and entering into the abyss hell, that they do n’t know how to die. This has made the players in the abyss **** have a feeling of enemies. Some high-powered players have even started to hunt for Song Jianying. Hunt him.

In addition, in the mercenary union of the only main city in the desolate highland, there was also a permanent top killing task;

Mission: Kill the human player Song Jian who appears in the Desolate Highlands, and receive a bounty of 300,000 yen!

300,000 yen, not to mention casual players, even some small war alliances, have begun to enthusiastically, have organized manpower, began to search Song Jian's figure in the desolate highlands.

The abyss **** is too vast. If you want to chase someone in the desolate highlands, if you are not lucky enough to run into it, the probability of chasing is almost zero.

And every player that Song Jian meets will kill him directly, and only some sporadic fish will report Song Jian's position, but by the time everyone arrives, Song Jian has already left for a long time ;

Five days later, Song Jian's level has been raised to 37, with a little extra skill point on the sword silk that is full of proficiency.

At this time, the skill sword silk has been upgraded to eighth level, and the attack range has been expanded to twelve meters ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The number of sword silk has also been increased from five to six, and the power of each has been increased accordingly. ;

However, Song Jian is now most looking forward to the promotion of sword silk skills to level ten to become a sword net. By then, I am afraid that this skill will have a qualitative leap;

Standing on a desolate low mountain peak, Song Jian looked towards a reddish city in front. This is the main city in the desolate highland area, the Flame Furnace. If you want to query the abyss demon king Istantin, you must enter the city. Go.

However, with Song Jian's current human status, I am afraid that as soon as he approaches the city, he will be bombarded with **** by the city's defense system, not to mention the thousands of abyssal professional players in CNOOC in the city.

After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian summoned the book of the abyss, opened the door of the abyss, stepped into the door of the abyss, and left the abyss hell.

However, what Song Jian did not expect was that on the side of this low mountain, a pair of red eyes were staring at him until he left the door of the abyss, and the master of these eyes slowly Step back.
