I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 759: Blending skills

Players in the same faction fight each other, and the chances of being able to burst after killing each other are extremely low. There may not be a bursting item if you kill dozens of players in the same faction.

However, players from different factions have significantly increased the probability of bursts after killing. Song Jian only killed five players from different factions, and one of them burst the item, and it was also the one with the highest strength among them.

Picking up the explosive items of the player of the soul ripper profession, Song Jian suddenly frowned, his frown slightly raised;

This guy's bursting item is actually not a piece of equipment on his body, but a skill scroll. Compared with the piece of equipment on the bursting body, the probability of the player's skill falling is obviously lower.

However, among all the bursts, the popularity of the player's burst skills is obviously the lowest, because all the skills of the burst are restricted by occupations, and different professions cannot be used.

This skill scroll is the core skill of Soul Ripper, Soul Walk;

Skill Scroll-Soul Walk: Quality Gold, Use Effect: You can learn the Skill Soul Walk after using it; this skill must be a Soul Ripper career to learn;

Soul Walk: Level 1, Instant, Skill Effect: The user immediately enters a special two-dimensional space. Except for space spells, all other damage will be immune, and the user's movement speed will increase by 50%. This effect lasts for three Second, after three seconds, the user will return to his space; skill cooldown: 5 minutes, skill consumption: 30 mental value;

This skill is too powerful. Only the first-level effect makes Song Jian salivate. After casting, it is equivalent to entering a three-second invincible state. Only space spells that can break space can hurt themselves. Song Jian has not seen that player or NPC can cast space spells.

At the same time, it can also increase the speed. This skill is very sharp whether it is chasing the enemy or escaping in the enemy's siege. Unfortunately, this is only used by the soul ripper class. Song Jian cannot use it even if he has this scroll. The important thing is that the Soul Ripper career is a kind of abyss occupation. Even if Song Jian takes it back, this skill scroll can only be used as a collectible and placed at the bottom of the warehouse.

"It's a pity!" Song Jian sighed and was about to put this skill scroll back into the parcel box, but suddenly saw the "Book of Fusion" in the parcel box, and his heart moved suddenly.

The Book of Fusion can merge two skills into one, and the worst is only to make the secondary skills disappear, and to improve the proficiency of the main skills, I don't know if the skill scroll can be merged?

Thinking of this, Song Jian took out the book of fusion again, and then opened his own skills bar, carefully selected;

If they can be merged, the two skills put in are best to have similar skill effects, otherwise the consequences are likely to only increase the proficiency of the main skills;

Soul walk strictly speaking, it should be regarded as a displacement skill, and there is only one displacement skill in Song Jian's skill column, sword shadow step.

He set the sword shadow step as the main skill, and then put the scroll of the soul walker toward the sub-skill box. I did not expect that it was actually put in. At the same time, the gray "Fusion" button was also lit up. , Song Jian's face suddenly appeared a look of surprise.

System: Will the two skills be merged?

Fusion! Song Jian directly clicked the fusion button, and a symbol of Tai Chi Yin Yang appeared in the fusion interface. The two skills are exactly the fish eye positions of the two Yin Yang fish, and they started to rotate continuously.

After a while, a bright golden light bloomed from the book of fusion. In the book of fusion, there was only one skill box left.

System: Skills merged successfully, please name your new skills!

"Successful, but also merged into a new skill!" Song Jian haha ​​laughed, there are three results of the merged skills, increase proficiency, skill variation, merge into new skills, and merge into new skills are among them The best result

Skills: Unnamed (active), Level 1, Instant, Skill effects: Players immediately become a soul state after use, and are immune to all damage. The effect lasts for 1 second; at the same time, the movement speed is increased by 30%, and they can cross any obstacle The invincible state disappears after 1 second, but only the soul attack mode will cause the user to be harmed; the skill duration: 3 seconds; the skill cost: 15 psychic value; the skill cooling time is 5 minutes, the skill use limit: the user Song Jian

After reading this skill introduction, Song Jian's face showed a surprise look. This skill is much more powerful than the sword shadow walk or soul walk. I am afraid that it only has the core skills of the thief profession, and the storm is comparable;

But really speaking, the effect of this skill is more powerful than Storm Step, after all, except that Storm Step is invincible within one second after being released, all other attacks can cause damage to him, and he cannot pass through obstacles;

However, the movement speed of Hurricane Step is faster than this skill, but it is also limited;

"Exclusive skills, exclusive skills of golden quality, hahaha!" Song Jian looked at the usage restrictions behind the skill introduction, and couldn't help laughing again.

Exclusive skills have always been just a legend, a tailor-made skill for users. Song Jian always thought it was a rumor, but he did not expect that he would have exclusive skills one day.

After thinking about it for a long time, Song Jian, who has "difficult to name", finally decided to name this skill "Soul Walk".

Just when Song Jian closed the book of fusion and was about to close the skill bar, he suddenly discovered that the upgrade plus sign behind the soul walk was actually bright.

You know, after all the skills have not reached the full value, this promotion plus sign is gray ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Only when the proficiency reaches 100%, the promotion plus sign will light up, and this time consumes a skill point , You can upgrade this skill by one level, at the same time, the proficiency is cleared, and the promotion plus sign will turn gray again;

This kind of situation that the plus sign just lights up as soon as you learn the skills, Song Jian has only encountered it in the double-S world with the first-order combat ability assessment;

Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn't help but click on the promotion plus sign behind Soul Walk, but he did not expect that he actually consumed a skill point and upgraded the skill of Soul Walk to level 2;

This is simply an unexpected delight. Song Jian has eleven points of skills at this time, and he has all the skill points in his brain, all of which are on this skill.

In the end, the ability to walk the soul was upgraded to level 12, which is also the upper limit of the level of this skill, and all the skill points obtained by Song Jian from the first-level combat strength assessment were all consumed;

At this time, the attributes of this skill are much enhanced than before, and Song Jian is another killer!


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins for "Su Poman".