I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 752: skill

"Master Kutiya, the materials are here. When can the two magic crystal railguns be repaired?" Wang Qi directed a group of people, carrying some precious materials.

The two Magic Crystal Railguns were also damaged during the siege of the monster, but re-repairing is not the same as the original manufacturing, which requires a lot of precious materials, and the repair is relatively simple;

"At most half a day, these two magic crystal railguns can be repaired!" Kutiya said, carefully examining the materials sent by Wang Qi.

The power of the magic crystal rail guns has stood the test of war. Without these two magic crystal rail guns, the task of building a city might have failed.

"Master, the city owner said that he would build more magic crystal railguns!" Wang Qi said.

If there are more magic crystal railguns, even if Song Jian is absent, Wang Qi is confident to keep the whole city;

"The railgun is easy to build. As long as there are enough materials, it doesn't matter how many you want to build, but there are two problems!" Kutiya put out **** and said, "First, the recoil of the railgun is extremely great, and the two must be separated by two. More than ten meters, and the foundation must be made of the hardest material, so the entire city wall will be redesigned! "

"Second, even if there are more magic crystal railguns, there are no magic crystal shells, it is just a display. If no magic crystal mine is found, I suggest that you do n’t need to build so much, it ’s better to use it to build a smaller one. Catapults and goblin artillery can also be a threat to creatures with the highest level of combat power! "

Wang Qi knew that regarding the magic crystal rail gun, Master Kutiya is a more professional person. Professional things need to be done by professional people, but before Jian Jian left, he specifically instructed that more magic crystal orbits must be built. gun.

"If he came back from the abyss **** and saw that I didn't do what he told him, then ..." Wang Qi frowned, hesitated for a long time, and gritted his teeth, "All of them must be built into the magic crystal railgun, and the city wall needs to be redesigned. Reconstruction and construction, the problem of magic crystal shells will also be solved by others! "

Kutiya nodded, no longer saying anything, turned around and directed the other architects to speed up the restoration, and it began to re-plan the design and construction of the entire city of hope;

He is just a master of architecture, as long as he puts forward his own professional advice, as for whether to adopt it, it is up to the owner to decide, he only needs to do what he should do!


After a period of weightlessness, Song Jian came to a brand-new area, where there was no sunlight and darkness, and the only light was the dark red light revealed from the gap on the ground.

The entire continent is as if floating in magma. The earth is full of gullies, the small ones are only a few meters, and the large ones can not even see the end;

These gullies radiated red light, braved the heat, and the sound of rumbling kept coming, Song Jian felt as if he were standing in a crater about to erupt.

Song Jian walked in the wilderness aimlessly. The surrounding temperature is at least 40-50 degrees. If ordinary humans cannot survive here at all, even players, at least 10 points of fire resistance can be here. survive.

However, those players who transfer to the abyss profession will increase their fire resistance by more than ten or twenty points, so there is no problem to survive here.

After walking for more than half an hour, Song Jian finally saw some monsters appearing in front of them. These monsters looked like devil wolves, with dark red thick hair, and their paws would burst into flames from time to time. It was extremely fierce.

Song Jian touched these monsters, and looked at their attributes after approaching them.

Abyss Demon Wolf, Lv. 38, Qi: 12000/12000

It's just an ordinary monster in the abyss, but its blood value is higher than some 30-level elite bosses. Looking at their appearance, it is clear that their attack power is also good, even with fire damage.

Looking around, there are so many monsters in the wilderness in front of them, some are wandering around, and some even lie directly in front of the dark red earth crevices and swallow the lava flowing from the ground.

Song Jian thought about it and took out the book of the abyss directly. On the second level of the skill tree on the book of the abyss, he clicked it a few times. He had already risen to 38% of the experience value of 36, and fell to an instant. Bottom line, 36% 1%;

However, the skills of the second layer of the book of the abyss are all illuminated by Song Jian;

There are four skills in the second level, namely the yoke mark, mental chaos, abyss corruption and evil seeds;

The shackles are immensely powerful and have the ability to kill any monster in seconds, but the conditions to be released are too harsh. Not only does it require the other's flesh and blood, but also the real name of the target, otherwise releasing this skill will only cause back-stabbing to Song Jian hurt;

As for the last three, Song Jian used the battle experience this time, and all of them were lit in one breath;

The skills of the book of the abyss are automatically upgraded to the highest level once it is lighted up. It is very convenient. These three skills are not bad. Song Jian can use them to impersonate the abyss warlock profession;

Mental Disorder (Active): MAX, Instant, Skill Effect: After using a target, the target loses its mind and becomes angry, it will directly attack any creatures around it; the higher the target's willpower attribute, the higher the chance of being immune to this skill The bigger the effect is, the longest it lasts for 30 seconds. After the effect ends, the target's hatred value will be firmly locked on the user; Skill cost: 45 psychic value;

Abyss Corrosion (Active): MAX, 3 second release time, Skill effect: After casting on a target, it immediately causes 490-600 damage, and will continue to lose 300 damage in the next 10 seconds, while reducing the target's armor value by 30%. ~ www.novelhall.com ~ lasts 30 seconds; skill cost: 50 psychic value;

Evil Seed (Active): MAX, Instant, Skill Effect: Plant an Evil Seed in a target body to continuously reduce the target's resistance. After 15 seconds, weaken the target resistance by 50%, while the evil seed is in the target body. Burst, causing 500 points of damage to the target, meanwhile, the next time the target receives damage, there will be 100% crit; skill cost: 30 mental value;

Song Jian lifted his right hand, directly facing an abyss demon wolf in the monster group, and released the "mind mental chaos" skill. Soon, the surface of this huge devil wolf was covered with a faint dark red. Rays of light, two eyes suddenly became blurred, the whole wolf became more angry and violent, and yelled in his mouth;

It flew towards the nearest abyss demon wolf without warning, as if it were an enemy of life and death, and fought against each other. Both demon wolf's claws were burning with red flames, and kept toward Attacking the opponent

Ten seconds later, the abyss demon wolf, who was in the midst of mental frustration, suddenly recovered his eyesight, and turned his head towards Song Jian despite the attack of a devil wolf next to him;
