I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 751: go away

"Are you going to the abyss hell? Are you crazy!" Wang Qi shouted in surprise when he heard Song Jian going to the abyss hell.

Now Song Jian is the city owner of the city of hope, who controls the seal of the city owner, saying that the safety of one person is not unreasonable.

Where is Abyss Hell? Although the expansion film Abyss has been opened, many people have known about the existence of Abyss Hell through some forums or other methods, but in such terrible places, ordinary people are definitely not willing to get involved, and many have transferred to the Abyss profession. Players also regret it. Although the environment of the apocalyptic world is bad, and even the sun cannot be seen for a day, compared with the environment of the abyss hell, it is just like heaven;

"Yes, I'm going to the abyss hell!" Song Jian confirmed.

"How long will I be back and when can I come back?" Wang Qi asked. After becoming the city owner, many things must be approved by the city owner. Even the expansion and upgrading of the city wall must be operated by the city owner himself. Materials and construction workers are needed to build directly.

If Song Jian passes the first-level combat assessment before, and leaves for a few months, in case something happens in the city of hope, Wang Qi is worried that the owner is not there, and they will not be able to control the situation.

"The fastest is seven days, and one month at the latest!" Song Jian said. There is no time limit for Cecilia's task, but the sooner the book of the abyss is promoted to a semi-artifact, the better the book of the abyss is promoted to a semi-artifact, which can further weaken the power of the abyss hell. Now the entire game The plane has been eroded by the abyss forces too much. To eliminate these erosion, we must continuously weaken the abyss forces;

"So long?" Wang Qi frowned;

"Now everything has returned to normal. We have taken a big step ahead of other war alliances. Territorial expansion and urban construction will continue step by step. One day, sooner or later, the entire doomsday city will be ours!" Song Jian laughed Road.

"Well, that's the only way." Wang Qi said helplessly;

"Oh, by the way, help me get a few larger parcels to expand the items. The bigger the space, the better. Some special resources in the abyss **** are very rich, and we can't just point to an undead valley!" Song Jian said.

If it is just a war alliance, the resources of the Undead Valley alone are absolutely sufficient, but if you want to invest in a city, or even want to include the entire city of Doom into the city of hope, the materials needed are simply an astronomical figure It is definitely not enough to rely on a single Death Valley;

"Also, is the business group established? Try to take a trip to the barracks town first. The mead there is a special product, so you can ship more!" Song Jian said.

The sheltered black mist now has a range of more than ten meters wide, which belongs to the field of the city of hope. As long as it is a person in the city of hope, you can enter and exit freely. If you want to use this advantage, you must form your own business. group.

"It is easy to set up a business group, but it is not so easy to form a caravan. Three days, give me another three days. I first set up a small caravan of twenty or thirty people, and explore the road." Wang Qi said helplessly;

It is not easy to run a business in the game. There are more monsters in the wild. You must explore a safe business road.

"Okay, get me some parcel box expansion items first!" Song Jian said.

Song Jian has also obtained some items to expand the parcel box before. Now his parcel box is relatively large, with 36 grids, and each parcel grid is gold, which means that Song Jian can start from Thirty-six items are brought into the real world in the game. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is an incredible thing. Others can only take one out at a time.

Just a healing potion, brought to the real world, will be robbed by people, those treasures that can improve physical fitness, if brought to the real world, one by one are sky-high prices;

But now Song Jian is no longer satisfied with being a game porter, he now has higher pursuits;

Wanting to obtain the Abyssal Magic Flame cannot be completed overnight. This time, Song Jian just planned to enter the Abyss Hell to explore the road, familiarize himself with the terrain, and then take the opportunity to find the Abyssal Magical Flame. Can rely on chance, no clue;

Soon, Wang Qi sent Song Jian four large forty-square backpacks. These can be inlaid in the backpack column to expand the backpack compartment. However, these backpacks can only be used in games and cannot bring items back. real world;

After using these backpacks, Song Jian purchased a large number of supplies, advanced qi and blood recovery potions, mead, sword gas stones, high explosive grenades, self-explosive robots, and previously used explosive flame bombs. These items are all It can be stacked, with three backpacks fully stuffed, more than a hundred backpack grids!

After explaining the things of the city of hope, Song Jian returned to the manor castle, took out the book of the abyss, and opened it to the chapter "The Door of the Abyss".

When he obtained the third-order abyss magic, Song Jian was already able to open the door of the abyss and enter the abyss hell. However, at that time, his strength was very weak. When he entered the abyss hell, he was looking for death. Now Song Jian finally has some ability to protect himself Just be careful, there should be no problem living in the abyss hell;

Singing the abyss mantra ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song fitness ignited a black flame, and a black light spot appeared in front of it. As the mantra continued to chant, the light spot became larger and larger, and gradually became A disc, the abyss magic on Song fitness began to gush towards the black disc, and after a short time, a black oval-shaped transmission light door appeared in front of Song Jian.

The two sides of this oval-shaped light gate are surrounded by two bone dragons, forming a unique door frame. In the center is a mirror-like light curtain. From the light curtain, there are looming heartbreaking waves. The mournfulness of sorrow and the charm of the charm are in it. Ordinary people may not dare to take a step closer to this light gate. Once approaching, they will involuntarily walk towards the light gate.

"Huh, the cooling time should be twenty-four hours!" Song Jian looked at the book of the abyss. The icon for opening the door of the abyss has turned gray. Entering the cooling time, the next time it is opened, it will take twenty-four hours In other words, once Song Jian enters the abyss hell, he must stay there for 24 hours before he can leave;

This black light door is constantly exuding the abyss, like a tentacle, constantly exploring the surrounding environment. Song Jian stepped towards the light door, and soon, the figure disappeared into the castle, and the light door also Then disappeared;
