I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 739: Mountain Giant

The city mercenary system is a function of the city's main seal. Using the city's main seal, you can hire mercenaries from other cities. If you want the city to be successful, you can create a mercenary hall. Song Jian can also pass through the mercenary hall. , Open the unique mercenaries belonging to the city of hope, and let the owners of other cities hire

It is worth mentioning that this kind of employment only exists between the city owners, other people can't see the mercenary system, and only those who have the city owner's seal can use this function;

Many incompetent city lords like to hire some powerful mercenaries, either to upgrade themselves or to protect themselves, and the price is only some insignificant doomsday currency;

Song Jian clicked on mercenary mercenaries, and quickly found them in the mercenary list;

The mercenary list is dense and has hundreds of pages. According to the mercenary star rating, the price of employment is different. The highest is five stars and the lowest is only one star. Five stars are the most expensive. At least one million dooms are required for each day of employment. One star is the cheapest, hiring at least a few hundred a day, and most are only a few thousand doomsday;

Moreover, the mercenary's star rating and strength are not directly related. A five-star mercenary can only indicate that he has completed more tasks, and a one-star mercenary level can only indicate that he has completed less tasks, that's all;

Sometimes it only costs one-star mercenary, but it is common to hire a mercenary with second-tier combat power, but this kind of thing depends on luck.

Song Jian quickly rummaged up and wanted to pick the one with the highest cost performance. After a while, Song Jian locked the mercenaries he wanted to hire;

"Mountain Giants! One million doomsday each with its own weapons. If you don't bring your own weapons, each one will be 100,000 doomsdays! It's a bargain!" Song Jian's face appeared excited.

The mountain giant is a special race, with the blood of the earth element, but it is not an elemental creature. They like to use ancient trees that are more than 100 years old as their weapons. The older the trees are, the more powerful the mountain giant is. The higher, they are the only race capable of drawing strength from their own weapons;

A mountain giant with a weapon and a mountain giant without a weapon are exactly two strengths;

After a while, Song Jian spent more than one million yen and hired a dozen mountain giants. Each of these giants was more than ten meters high. Standing inside the city wall, it was a lot higher than the city wall. With a wave of your hand, you can sweep out all players within a few dozen meters of the city wall;

"The leader of the mountain giant Gu Bo, reported to the great city lord Song Jian!" A burly mountain giant made a low voice and said to Song Jian;

一 When these giants speak, it's like thunder, and the ears of people shaking are buzzing;

"Gubo, I hire you to ask you to help us defend the city. After a while, there will be a lot of monsters attacking this newly built city. We need your strength!" Song Jian roared loudly;

"The mountain giant never fears fighting, we will fight you to the last minute!" Gu Bo said loudly;

These mercenaries are hired by Song Jian. As long as Song Jian does not retreat, they will continue to fight, even if their lives are sacrificed, but if Song Jian can not stand up and gives up the fight to escape, these mercenaries will also flee. This is clearly stated in the employment manual.

Song Jian nodded, and began to command the mountain giants, arranging them to be distributed around the city walls;

"Dear Lord of the City, I need to remind you!" Gubo said, "The mountain giants don't have any long-range attack capabilities, and we can only fight in close combat! In addition, if you can provide us with a complete ancient tree for more than 100 years, then our The combat effectiveness can be more than doubled, which can better assist you in the battle! "

"Rest assured, I have already prepared weapons for you, and I will send them to you soon!" Song Jian laughed;

After a short while, someone brought a large number of dozens of meters of ancient shadow trees;

When I saw these shadowy ancient trees, the mountain giant immediately became excited and looked forward to it; the mountain giants could only use the ancient trees as weapons in battle, and they could also draw strength from these ancient trees and get promotion.

越高 The higher the quality of the ancient trees, the older the ancient trees, the stronger the power they draw, the easier it is to advance, so for the employers who can provide the ancient trees as weapons, they will get the goodwill of the mountain giants;

"These are your weapons, please choose them!" Song Jian laughed;

Gubo was the first to choose one of the thickest ancient shadow trees, raised it high above his head, and roared with joy: "For more than five hundred years, the ancient shadow trees, I felt a powerful force, this battle After that, I will definitely get promoted again! "

"Fight!" Other mountain giants also picked up the ancient shadow trees and growled loudly;

Only in battle can they draw the power of the ancient trees faster, so the mountain giants who have obtained weapons are more eager to fight than the players in the city of hope;

After hiring these mountain giants, Song Jian spent the last bit of capital reserves of the City of Hope Alliance, and the remaining options in the city's seal are all in full control of the entire city;

More features have yet to be developed ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian can only look at it once, even if there are still three ununblocked features, it suddenly sounds in the sky For a while

The dark clouds that had been squinting in the past were suddenly agitated by a large hand, tumbling violently, and lightnings swept across the sky, and the thunder trembled, like a giant dragon with an angry roar.

Massive monsters emerged from the ruins of the city outside the territory of the City of Hope. These monsters had red eyes and a look of anger, staring at the City of Hope, eyes full of hatred, roaring and roaring loudly , Rushed towards the city of hope;

The large number and variety of these monsters is scary. Some players ambushing outside the territory of the City of Hope and wanting to take advantage of them are all scared, even if they know that these monsters will not attack themselves, but Most people still choose to flee this place temporarily, including many players in the shrines;

"This, this is really terrifying!" Craftsman battled two wars, watching a python that was tens of meters long and the size of a tank truck, and passed by less than three meters away from him. Some thigh roots;

"Three or thirty elite bosses ..."

"Lord, look at it, so many boss bosses are terrible ..."

"How can it be guarded, almost all of them are BOSS, this, this is a monster siege, this, this is totally a boss siege!"

Uh ...

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