I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 738: Lord of the City

The players of the City of Hope are waiting quietly, and the players of the temples are also quietly waiting. They are gathered less than one kilometer away from the City of Hope and look intently at the tall wall in front of them. And the crowds on the walls.

"God, God King, are we too close? If a monster really appears, will we be hit by the monster first?" Said a small man holding a hammer and hesitating.

He is a craftsman god, but he is not one of the twelve main gods of the temples. That is to say, he is not a core member, but by virtue of this hand-crafted forging technique, he can occupy the forefront in the player rankings of the temples, except for ten. In addition to the two main gods, the craftsman **** has a high status in the temples of the gods;

"Carpenter god, do n’t be afraid. When the monsters appear when the monsters attack the city, their hatred will be locked by the system as the city of hope. As long as we do n’t do anything to hurt them, even if they are next to them, they will not attack us. "The God of Wisdom smiled softly and said softly.

The God of Craftsman looked at the God of Wisdom, with a fascinated expression in his eyes, and even nodded his head, stuttering: "Thank you, thank you, thank you for the understanding of the God of Wisdom, I, I see!"

At this time, a transparent figure slowly emerged from the side of the God King, and Pirate God whispered to Zeus, "God King, besides us, there are at least a dozen war alliances ambushing around, look Look, the purpose is the same as us! "

The city of hope has been moving too much this month. Almost all players in the city of doomsday have learned the news that they are going to build a city. You must know that there is only one city of doomsday. That battle alliance first built the city successfully, so it will occupy the entire city of hope in the future. Opportunities will greatly increase;

This is all ambitious war alliances, things you never want to see, so there are not a few war alliances with the same purpose as the temples;

Of course, there are many war alliances, just want to come over the muddy waters to touch the fish, once the city of hope confederate defeated the city, then for them, the city of hope confederacy is a feast.

"Hum, just ignore them, a group of hyenas!" There was a look of disdain in Zeus' eyes, and he wouldn't look at these small alliances at all.

But what he didn't know is that in the eyes of Song Jian, the behavior of the temples is not different from those of other small war unions who robbed in the fire;

Not far from these leagues, a crimson crow, standing quietly in the surrounding ruins, didn't move. It looked like a stone, but his eyes were always staring at the players lying aside. ;

Song Jian waited quietly, until the next day there was a white fish belly, before finally receiving the system prompt;

System: The special mission "I am the Lord of the City". The mission time has come. After the mission has been completed, the city of hope and the alliance will be successful!

System: Task 1 collects resources to meet the requirements of the mission, and the seal of the main seal of the city is unblocked by 30%!

System: Mission 2 pays off the territory monster to meet the mission requirements, and the seal of the main seal of the city is unlocked by 60%!

System: Task 3 creates a defensive structure to meet the mission requirements, and the seal of the main seal of the city is 90% unblocked!

System: The first three missions are completed, and the main seal of the city begins to condense!

In the eyes of Tong Songjian, a thousand bright rays suddenly bloomed. The original low and dim environment seemed to be a golden bottle breaking, and it seemed like a sun rising slowly, and everyone looked surprised.

In mid-air, a five-pronged golden dragon constantly wandering in the air, sending out a burst of dragon chants. For a long time, the five-pronged golden dragon rushed towards Song Jian, and the body suddenly entangled in the air, condensing into a human-sized golden seal. Slowly fell towards Song Jian;

宋 When Song Jian reached out to catch the golden seal, the golden seal turned into a golden light and merged into Song Jian's heart;

For a moment, there was an extra page of the "city main interface" in Song Jian's game interface, which contained a variety of dense options, but these options, the last three options were grayed out, apparently not yet unblocked;

With the help of the golden seal, Song Jian felt his consciousness was able to cover the entire city of hope. With a single thought, he could know everything that happened in the territory of the city of hope.

"Wang Qi, the territory outside the west city wall, one hundred and thirty meters away from the gate, a trap has been damaged, send someone to repair it!"

"There are too many ally brothers defending on the east wall, withdrawing a third to the west wall!"

"Build two arrow towers on both sides of the south gate, and there will be a defensive neutral. If there are flying monsters, it is easy to break from there!"

Uh ...

The entire territory of the City of Hope Battlefield, like a three-dimensional picture, appears in Song Jian's mind. Every detail and any deficiency is clearly reflected in his mind;

System: The main seal of the city is successfully gathered. You have ten minutes to adapt. After ten minutes, the task four monster siege will start. Please be prepared!

Only ten minutes to adapt to the various functions of the main seal of the city. If Song Jian can control the main seal of the city within these ten minutes, the defense success rate can be improved by at least several percentage points;

"Resource data, open!" Song Jian controlled the main seal of the city and began to modify the data of the entire City of Hope;

山 The mountain of resources in the warehouse ~ www.novelhall.com ~ all turned into streamers and disappeared in an instant, but at this time all players of the City of Hope League of Legends went to the wall and no one saw this scene;

查看 "View buildings everywhere!" In Song Jian's mind, a virtual city of hope appeared, with various buildings already built in it;

"The city wall should be able to rise to level nine and become a steel fortress ..." Song Jian frowned involuntarily as he looked at the various architectural figures and attributes in the city;

The defensive buildings that originally felt impeccable are now full of loopholes. For example, the city walls that could be upgraded to level 9 are now only level 7. Many arrow towers have not actually risen to the limit. They can continue to improve and transform. Bigger

There are even some buildings that are logistically supported by scientific research and development, but because they have not increased the degree of defense, none of these buildings have been built. In fact, these buildings have a great effect on urban development;

Song Jian sighed slightly, it takes time and some special conditions to build these, and Song Jian now lacks the most time. The monster siege is about to begin, and now I can only check for missing and fill in the gaps and see what else can be perfected. of.

咦 "Well, the city mercenary system? Can you hire neutral mercenaries to join the battle and defend the city?" Song Jian's eyes brightened and he finally found an option that could immediately enhance his defensive power;

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for the "100% Coins" rewarded by "Tian Zengxin"

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