I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 721: Stealth Orb

Song Jian sighed and looked at more than thirty blank sword stones on the table, thinking in his heart what kind of moat sword array can be made with these thirty sword stones.

If you use it yourself, these thirty sword stones are enough for Song Jian to use for a few months, but if you use it to arrange a large array of defense cities, I am afraid that at most, you can make a sword array that can only defend one city gate. At most, it adds thousands of degrees of defense to the city gate. Compared with the defense of the entire city, it does not play much role at all;

"The 100,000 defense degree given by the mission is just a bottom line. It is not enough at all. It is easier to defend the city. At least 200,000 or even 300,000 defense degrees!" Song Jian gritted his teeth.

At present, there is only one player's life in the game. If it is too dangerous, most players will directly give up the task of defensive city and run away. Therefore, if the city's defense building is insufficient, I am afraid that many players will not even step on the city wall. The City of Hope League now only accounts for one-third of the city of Doomsday, and there are many places to accommodate these players who have lost their safe houses.

Just then, Li Ke'er came in, holding a little red fox.

"Brother Song Jian, what are you doing?" Li Ke'er asked.

Li Ke'er is too young, and she rarely finds things in the Confederate League. After spending some time in the Confederate League, Li Ke'er has been bored and has been staying at her Sunflower Bar.

Now the second floor of Sunflower Bar is also open to players. This has caused those low-level zombies with the largest number of doomsday cities to become endangered creatures. When they are refreshed, they are directly destroyed by the defending players. Lost;

The nucleus dropped by the zombies has also multiplied several times. Although the probability of a good thing appearing on the slot machine is very low, but the player base is large, some people have actually bet on good things;

Zombie nucleus and these good things can not be compared at all, which has attracted many players, and even professional player merchants who sell nucleus in front of slot machines have appeared;

Today I heard that Song Jian came back and Li Kerer came to Song Jian to play;

Seeing Li Ke'er, Song Jian smiled slightly and said, "My brother received a task and is trying to find a way to complete it. What is Ke'er doing? Is this Keer's pet?"

Song Jian's eyes inadvertently glanced at the red crimson fox in Li Ke'er's arms, and suddenly found a strange thing;

The little fox was red, and there was no mottled color. In Li Ke'er's arms, it was like a blaze of flames, but the little fox looked a little lazy, lying motionless on Li Ke'er's arm. When only two ears heard Song Jian's words, they shook twice;

"This is the little fox, which I accidentally captured in the wild!" Li Ke'er's smiling eyes were narrowed, and then he patted the little fox's head and said, "Little fox, fight with Song Jian brother Say hello! "

The little raccoon opened his eyes lazily, looking towards Song Jian, grinning at him, exposing his sharp teeth, and then rewinding into Li Ke'er's arms again;

Song Jian froze. At the moment when the little fox showed his fangs, he found that this little fox, which looked like a pet, had a first-order combat power!

"Little raccoon is already thirty!" Li Ke'er flaunted Song Jian;

Song Jian shook his head in heart, Li Ke'er was only 29th level, I really do n’t know how she conquered this fox with first-order combat power, and listened to what she said, it should be conquered directly in the wild Instead of catching pups or getting pet eggs and raising them by yourself.

Pets captured from the wild can directly gain combat power, but such pets take a lot of time to cultivate loyalty, otherwise it is easy to defect;

A war pet cultivated from a pup or a pet egg, although loyalty is high at birth, but it also takes a lot of time to improve its level and combat power, both of which take about the same time.

"Does Brother Song Jian like these white stones?" Li Ke'er said, "I found a lot of stones in that valley that looked like white crystals!"

Talking, Li Kerer found two white stones that were much larger than the sword stones placed on Song Jian's table;

Song Jian looked up, and his face suddenly showed a pleasant surprise. What Li Keer took out was the most primitive ore. It only needed a little cutting and carving to become a blank sword stone that can be used to make sword arrays.

"Keer, my brother needs a lot of such white stones now, can you tell me, where did you find these stones?" Song Jian took a closer look and the two Li Keer took out The quality of the swordstone ore is extremely high, and it is possible to produce high-quality swordstone.

"On the southwest side of Doomsday City, there is a resort there, and there is a big lake next to it, but it is beautiful. Next to the big lake, there is a small valley. These white stones are what I found in that small valley!" Li Ke'er Stroking the little fox in her arms and smiling;

With a smile, Li Keer had two little tiger teeth, she looked very cute, and she was very happy that she could help Song Jian.

Song Jian knew the place where Li Keer said, but it was a monster zone at the 35th level. Few people would go there at ordinary times. Li Keer was only the 29th level, and he dared to run such a dangerous place by himself. No one knows what to say about her;

"That's the 35th-level monster area!" Song Jian was surprised. "Aren't you afraid?"

"I don't know ~ www.novelhall.com ~ I just watched the big lake and looked at it!" Li Ke'er said, "But there are monsters in that big lake, they are very powerful, they can still reach On the shore, if Brother Song Jian is going, be careful! "

Song Jian thought about it, took the stealth orb and handed it to Li Ke'er, "Keer, this bead is for you. If there is danger in the future, use stealth in advance!"

The Stealth Orb is the loot Song Jian obtained in the arena. It can perform full-level stealth, and it also increases the concealment effect. Compared to the current stealth skill of rogue professional players, it is much better;

Li Ke'er likes to run around in the game and give her this sneaky orb, at least to increase her survivability;

As soon as the orb was taken out, Li Ke'er fell in love, took it immediately, and said happily, "Thank you Brother Song Jian!"

The little fox in her arms opened her eyes and glanced at the sneaking orb. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her face showed a personal and disdainful expression. Then she curled up, covered her body with a big tail, and locked it in Li Ker Sleeping in his arms;
