I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 720: Sword array

"Boss, the resources are good. We now have more than 800 members in the Confederate Alliance. These people alone can gather up all these resources in one month!" A middle-aged man with a horrified face shouted.

Song Jian glanced up at him and found that he didn't know him.

Since the City of Hope has grown larger, many small alliances have merged. Many of the management personnel have never seen Song Jian, but this is also related to his infrequent stay in the alliance, often for a long time. Only came back, and when I came back, I discovered that the territorial expansion campaign had been fought for several rounds.

"Everyone can't collect it, but we can increase the development of Death Valley and then purchase directly. I think as long as the price is appropriate, these resources should be easy to collect!" Wang Qi nodded and said ;

Song Jian nodded. Grain, wood, and stone are the most basic materials. Even if they are purchased from the evil city, it will not cost much. Gold and gems must be excavated from the mine. The most important thing is that gold can be made. It becomes a gold brick, and in the process of manufacturing the gold brick, there is a chance that it can produce a gold brick that can be brought into the real world. Therefore, many miners like to mine gold ore, which has also caused the desire to collect 50,000 units of gold in a short time. ,raletively hard.

The last gem in the resource is not those gems that can be set in the Undead Valley, but a material that is an accompanying mine of all ores. Any material collected will have a certain chance of appearing. The higher the grade, the more precious Prone to this gem;

The demand for this gem in the market is not great, and it is not difficult to acquire it. The most important thing is that one month, you need to collect 30,000 units, I am afraid that it will cause the price of this gem to rise significantly;

However, because of the existence of the Undead Valley, the City of Hope Alliance has not been short of money recently, and many players want to join the City of Hope Alliance after knowing it. After all, in addition to those materials in the Valley of the Undead, there are many undead creatures. There are countless skeleton soldiers. These monsters have high levels and low strength. Don't be too cool to upgrade here using AOE skills!

"As for the material, just hand it over to Wang Qi. Have these materials ready in 20 days, isn't it a problem?" Song Jian asked.

Wang Qi shook his head and said, "As long as the funds are sufficient, these are just ordinary materials, and we now have two cities in the teleportation array, which can be purchased from these cities!"

Song Jian nodded. If these materials are placed in a war alliance, the quantity is very large, but if they are placed in several large cities, they may not be able to lift even a small splash. As long as they are properly operated, the price may increase by a maximum of one or two. It will be able to collect all these materials;

"That second mission ..."

Before Song Jian had finished speaking, Luo Tianyu was directly interrupted: "The second task doesn't need to worry, as long as the territory expands, the first thing we clean up is the mobs in the area, and we don't know how many times we have turned! "

"I still can't care, those horned owls must be checked!" Wang Qi said, "especially some monsters that are invisible but not actively attacking. In case it hides in that corner, we usually won't find it ... ";

Song Jian thought for a while and asked, "Did you clean up the sewers?"

Several people were shocked at the same time and looked towards Song Jian;

"I'm going, you don't have to remind, it's really easy to ignore the monsters in the sewer ..."

"Yes, who usually goes to the sewers to upgrade the monsters, the environment inside is too bad, but there are indeed a lot of monsters in the sewers. I went in when I was on a mission ..."

"Boss, the one in the air, the one in the air!" Someone asked suddenly.

"Only territories, not territorial airspace!" Song Jian said immediately. If the mission counts monsters in the air, I am afraid that no player can complete this mission perfectly;

"Then we just need to organize people to clean up the monsters in the sewer!"

"It must be re-examined several times, and a monster must not be missed!" Song Jian said solemnly.

Delivering monsters may seem simple, but if you really do, it is difficult to clean up the monsters in the corners. In some places, players will not go often, and some monsters will be invisible. These must be considered.

Everyone brainstormed and put forward several targeted opinions, and everyone's eyes were on the third task;

"The defensive buildings provided by the system, including the city walls, gates, bow and arrow towers, horse-rejecting poles, and even moats, all the defensive buildings add up and can only provide more than 60,000 points of defense!" Wang Qi frowned.

Song Jian was shocked. How could this happen?

"Are you sure?" Song Jian asked.

"Okay, even if we build some that we don't need at all, there are only more than 60,000!" Wang Qi said;

Song Jian frowned. The third task seemed to be independent of other tasks, but had an inseparable relationship with the monster siege of the fourth level.

If the defense facilities are not enough, it will be difficult to resist the monster siege. Therefore, Song Jian estimates that a 100,000-point defense degree is probably the most basic. If you want to successfully resist the fourth mission monster siege, you must have at least ten defense facilities. A defense level of 50,000 or even 200,000 is sufficient.

But now, the system only provides more than 60,000 defensive defensive buildings. In one month, not only must it be built, but also new defensive buildings must be found. I am afraid this is the biggest difficulty of this task.

"Wang Qi, first instructed the brothers to build defensive buildings that can be built, and then sent someone to find new construction drawings in other cities. If not, then they will ask architects in other cities to build for us ..." Song Jian said.

Wang Qi nodded. Obviously, he also realized that this defensive building is probably the most difficult of the four tasks.

After some discussion ~ www.novelhall.com ~ everyone left the manor castle and began to get busy;

Song Jian suddenly remembered that in the assessment mission world, when the Abyssal Demon and the head of Qingyun Jianmen fought for the last time, the mountain gate that Qingyun Jianmen raised up, Qingyun Jianzhen!

"If you can arrange a moat similar to the Qingyun Sword Formation, you can definitely achieve the defense required by the mission!" Song Jian secretly said.

Based on Song Jian's current accomplishment of sword formation, it is too difficult to arrange a Qingyun sword formation that uses the power of heaven and earth, but it is no problem to arrange a simple defensive formation method;

But now the most important thing is that there are not many sword stones stored by Song Jian. The sword stones are the carrier of the sword array. The more complicated the sword array, the more blank sword stones are needed. After the quest world came out, he never found the existence of the sword stone, and the sword stone he stored has already consumed almost.

Song Jian looked at more than thirty blank sword stones left in the parcel, and frowned.
