I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 703: 50000000

"Auction house?" A smile appeared from the corner of Song Jian's mouth;

One month has passed in the real world, and his two pieces of jewelry should not have been sold yet. I don't know what the auction house called him at this time.

"Hello, Mr. Song." The voice of the supervisor who received him at the time came from the phone.

"Is there anything?" Song Jian asked.

"That's right, Mr. Song, there are customers who want to buy the two pieces of jewelry in advance. He offered 50 million for two pieces of jewelry!" Mr. Guan said very carefully. I'm afraid this price is not reached, so Mr. Song is recommended to sell the jewelry directly to this customer. "

"50 million?" Song Jian was startled, knowing that the auction house originally estimated that two pieces of jewelry could sell 23 million. If anyone contends, it will not exceed 30 million at most.

But now some people are willing to spend nearly twice the price to buy these two pieces of jewelry, Song Jian was suddenly confused, and after a moment of groan, he said, "Is there any other conditions attached to this person?"

"Yes, Mr. Song, he hopes to meet you, and invite you to have a meal!" Said the steward;

Song Jian smiled slightly and said: "Then sell it to him. There is no need to eat. I can talk to him in person."

"Okay, Mr. Song!" The supervisor hung up the phone;

After a while, Song Jian received a text message from the bank, and 50 million directly entered his card, and the auction house did not charge a penny.

Soon, Song Jian's phone rang again;

"Mr. Song, the money has already hit your card. Please check it. In addition, the customer hopes to meet you at the Tianyi Building. The time is up to you!"

"The money has been received, and one hour later, I will go to Tianmao Building!" Song Jian said;

"Okay, I'll pass it on for you. One hour later, that customer will be waiting for you at Tianyi Building!" The steward seemed relieved and said.


An hour later, Song Jian stood downstairs from the Tianyi Building;

Tianyi Building, this is probably a landmark building in Linhai City, and it is also the second tallest building in Linhai City;

"Bandung Group ..." Song Jian whispered.

When the auction house manager said the words "Tianyi Building", Song Jian knew who the customer was in his mouth.

"Mr. Song, please, Mr. Gao is already waiting for you!" A man in a waiter costume stepped out and said to Song Jian.

Song Jian nodded and followed him into the Tianyi Building;

Soon, the two took a dedicated elevator and reached the eighteenth floor;

A middle-aged man greeted with a smile on his face: "Welcome, Mr. Song, I am Gao Nian, please come here!"

"Hi, Chairman of Bandung Group, Gao Danian, Gao Dong!" Song Jian laughed without surprise;

Tianxi Building is an industry of the Bandung Group. After knowing that the meeting place was at Tianyi Building, there was some speculation in his mind;

Soon, the two came to a hall together. After some greetings, Gao Danian directly took out the two pieces of jewelry sold by Song Jian at the auction house and said, "Mr. Song, these two pieces of jewelry are not ordinary, I don't know Mr. Song. Where was it obtained? "

"Mr. Gao's ability, should you know that place?" Song Jian laughed.

Those selected by the game do not require strict confidentiality, and the gap between the time of the game and the real world is getting shorter and shorter. Many people who have not entered the game also know the existence of this game.

Many people even hope that they can be selected to enter this game;

This time, the game time and the real time have become six to one, and the players' time in the game has been significantly longer. Obviously, this game is also encouraging players to stay in the game as much as possible, and try not to cause real world problems. Too much shock.

Song Jian has seen that Gao Danian is not a player, but it is clear that his expression and style have already told Song Jian that he knows about the game.

"City of Doom, right?" Gao Danian laughed, playing with two jewels Song Jian brought out of the game.

"Yes, Mr. Gao asked me to meet this time. Do you want to know something about this game?" Song Jian asked.

"No." Gao Danian shook his head.

Song Jian hesitated. He thought that Gao Danian had asked him to meet because he was curious about the game.

"Actually, I don't know much about this game than you!" Gao Danian laughed, motioned to the person standing behind him, and the other handed him a suitcase;

Gao Danian opened the suitcase, and Song Jian found that there were seven or eight items in the suitcase, a red potion, a ring emitting green light, and a pale blue ore.

These are things that bring out the attributes of the game;

"Mr. Gao is collecting things in these games?" Song Jian asked.

"It's not just collecting, I want to enter this game!" Gao Dannian's eyes showed a eager look.

"Entering the game?" Song Jian shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't know how to enter the game. It was because ..."

Song Jian told Gao Danian the reason he entered the game, and then said, "Since then, I have never seen that old man again!"

"I said, I don't know less about this game than you!" After listening to Song Jian's words, Gao Danian laughed, "Maybe it will be more than you!"

"Oh, I don't know what method Mr. Gao has?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow. It seemed that Gao Nian knew a lot of information!

"I don't know, Mr. Song hasn't heard of the game invitation card?" Gao Danian asked.

"Invitation card?" Song Jian shook his head slowly. He has never really encountered such a thing in the game, and no player in the league knows it.

However, he is not sure whether this thing really exists in the game, after all, there are too many messy things in this game.

"I also listened to my friends and never met!" Gao Danian said ~ www.novelhall.com ~ but his expression was very firm.

"Mr. Gao wants an invitation card? I don't know how to get an invitation card?" Song Jian asked.

"Of course, I invited Mr. Song to meet this time. I just wanted Mr. Song to do me a favor and get a game invitation card." Gao Danian laughed.

"I'm afraid this is not easy." Song Jian said at a glance at Gao Danian.

"Of course it's not easy," Gao Danian laughed, snapped his fingers, and said to Song Jian: "But the reward I gave Mr. Song will definitely satisfy you!"


ps: Something is happening today, two changes are tentatively scheduled, and the missing one will be added tomorrow, sorry, sorry!

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