I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 702: Refuse

Can I leave the game?

Song Jian froze for six months before he knew it in the game, which made him a little bit sighed, hesitated for a moment, Song Jian chose to leave the game;

In front of the flower, Song Jian found that he had returned directly to the real world without entering the virtual space of task settlement.

"It seems that the so-called tasks in the early stage are just the benefits of the novice period, in order to help players adapt to the game world!" Song Jian secretly said.

"You're finally out!" A voice suddenly sounded in the room.

It's late at night, and Song Jian's room is dark, and just out of the game, Song Jian's mind is in a moment of slackness. Otherwise, with his current first-level combat strength, he won't find it. Suddenly there was an extra person in his room.

After leaving the game world, almost all of the equipment cannot be brought out, but the Red Fire Heart Ape Sword and the Abyss that are integrated into the body can follow him into the real world;

Coupled with Song Jian completing the first-level combat performance assessment task, the added attributes have allowed him to play directly 70 to 80% of the game's strength in the real world;

Before that, Song Jian was a little afraid that the large-scale arrest in the city would threaten him, but now, unless he uses a nuclear bomb to directly wipe out the entire city he is in, otherwise, with his current strength, he has no fear of real world Any threat

"Consultant Wang?" Song Jian's eyes narrowed, and an image of a soldier with eyes suddenly appeared in his mind;

After the surge of spiritual attributes, Song Jian's memory has also been greatly enhanced. As long as it has happened and anyone he has met, he can instantly recall it;

Although in the middle of the night you can only see the fall of this person and the other person's true face, but Song Jian's voice is familiar.

At the 20th level before, Song Jian obtained a pearl of holy flame, which is the key to open the copy of the Ice Cave. When he went to the Ice Cave, he had contacted a group of soldiers. The king in front of him The staff is one of them;

"I didn't expect you to remember me!" Wang Zi was a little surprised. He and Song Jian had only met each other before. It hadn't occurred to him for so long. Song Jian only recognized him after hearing a word.

"Your strength is even higher than we expected!" Wang Zi turned on the electric light in the room, glanced at Song Jian, and said meaningfully.

"I don't know if the staff officer didn't come in late at night, was there anything for me?" Song Jian laughed, and generously did it on the sofa in front of the staff officer.

His perception, like the mercury diarrhea, spread out around him. He found that the neighbors were no longer there, and replaced by countless soldiers armed with firearms, surrounding it here and there;

Just the number, I am afraid that there are more than 500 people, which makes Song Jian can't help but be a little surprised, just for him, so many people have been used;

And this is still within his perception range, and beyond his perception, it is unknown how many;

"I wonder if Mr. Song has any ideas about our last proposal?" Wang Zi laughed;

Song Jian glanced at Wang Zi. The other party ’s level was not high, only twenty-one. In most players, they are already two-eight-nine-nine, or even thirty-three players. Now, this level is already considered very Low.

"Thoughts, huh, no thoughts!" Song Jian shrugged, sneered;

After filming so many people around his residence, obviously he already had the idea of ​​getting started without talking. In this case, Song Jian and he had nothing to say.

"Mr. Song, we are sincerely inviting you to serve the country!" Wang Staff laughed;

"It's your sincerity to surround this place with hundreds of soldiers around you," Song Jian laughed;

Wang Zi's face finally changed. Song Jian just came out of the game. Why can he know that there are hundreds of soldiers around? Isn't the player's ability to return from the game world to the real world greatly diminished?

Wang Zi himself is also a professional. Naturally, he knows the strength of the player, a large part of which comes from the equipment. After leaving the game world, the strength will decline very much, and even some skills will weaken the effect because of their own attributes;

According to his understanding, Song Jian should be a melee profession, using weapons is a one-handed sword, all sword skills also need the support of attributes. Without equipment, his sword skills will decline, even if the strength is strong, it will Weaken a lot

"Why did he know that there were so many soldiers around when he returned?" Wang Zi raised his glasses and said secretly in his heart: "Is it because he has the skills to detect?"

"Mr. Song, you know, this is only a means of insurance and will not be used for you." Wang Zi laughed: "We just want to ask you to join the special brigade of the Southwest Military Region, and I heard you It is the leader of the biggest battle alliance in the city of doomsday. We can also let you be the captain of this team. What do you think? "

Players who enter the game all use their own names, and Song Jian is a celebrity in the city of Doomsday. It is easy to investigate him, so Wang Zi knows a lot about Song Jian.

"Not so good!" Song Jian stood up and said to Wang Zi: "If there is nothing else, I ask you to leave my house, I am ready to rest!"

Wang Zi's face became very ugly, but he knew that Song Jian must have his own hole cards and strength, and now he turned his face, and it was only himself who suffered.

And really started to work, Wang Zi did not know how many soldiers would have to sacrifice to catch Song Jian. The biggest possibility was that they sacrificed hundreds of soldiers, and Song Jian escaped successfully.

While the players are still weak, directly compile a batch. This is the response strategy of the Southwest Military Region. At present, hundreds of players of various professions have been included, but many players are unwilling to be included. These players are under close surveillance. ;

"That being the case, then Mr. Song, let's talk next time." Wang Zi barely smiled and turned to leave;

Song Jian stood quietly, waiting for the moment when the soldiers entered the door, but soon he noticed that the soldiers around him began to retreat slowly, and did not directly break in to arrest him.

When the soldiers left, Song Jiancai suddenly realized that one-third of these soldiers were professionals ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Although the ranks were not as high as hiss, the lowest ones were all twenty-five;

Song Jian smiled slightly, shook his head, and turned to lie down on the bed;

There was no speech overnight, and the next day, just after the dawn, Song Jian opened his eyes and walked out of the door;

He glanced back, a complex expression appeared on his face, this place, I am afraid he will not come again in the future;

Walking on the street, although no one was bothering him anymore, Song Jian was still able to find that someone nearby was monitoring himself, but the other party was too far away from himself to detect the specific location of the other party;

Just then, Song Jian's phone rang suddenly;


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