I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 700: Beheaded

"They retreated, they didn't chase!"

"Haha, that's great, I finally saved my life!"

"Why, why not chase it? There is no reason. Is there a stronger monster in front of it?"

"Don't guess blindly, it is the Confederate who saved us and followed me and continued to move forward!" Wang Qi glanced at his companion beside him angrily and said;

Zhang Ziqiang also breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the five giant tree men to return, guarding the group and continuing to move forward;

These five people put too much pressure on them, and now seeing them receding, everyone has a feeling of escaping from the dead;

Continue to move forward, not long after, they will soon meet with Song Jian;

Song Jian had already prepared for the battle, but he did not expect that the poisonous fog of natural disasters was too powerful, and even forced the chasing force to retreat.

Under the leadership of Song Jian, everyone came to the dead tower together;

"Oh my God, Shadow River, a whole Shadow River. This is the main material for refining the Shadow Protection Elixir. A bottle of Shadow Protection Elixir requires only three drops of Shadow Water. This can be refined. How much Shadow Protection Elixir! "Said a player whose life profession chose refining.

The shadow river water is the most refined shadow energy, and it is also a good material for refining some potions. Just selling the river water can make a fortune, and it is said that refining the shadow protection potion. This river alone is estimated Can spawn hundreds of refining masters;

"Look at the bottom of the river, what are those, gems?" Someone shouted, pointing at the bottom of the river.

"It's a gem, a gem that can be set on the equipment, haha, so many, I'm going to inlay all the equipment with gems!"

"Look at that big mountain, all of them are Shadow Stones, and the quality is very high. Miners, we need a lot of miners. We must encourage players in the alliance to improve mining as soon as possible!"

Song Jian saw the excitement of the players in the League of Nations, and a smile appeared on his face. The resources in the Undead Valley were rich. Once occupied, it would greatly enhance the league ’s strength. Not only was he promoted to the city level, I am afraid that he The sword sword spirit can also be bred soon.

"Sword courage ..." Song Jian's mind once again emerged the original picture, one person and one sword, facing thousands of horses, a small sword courage, hundreds of meters away, hundreds of All the monsters were beheaded and killed, and the piece of crit damage caused Song Jian to still sway and look forward to it;

With a change of heart, Song Jian returned to the seventh floor of the Undead Tower. Saramo's control of the Undead Tower hub was much more familiar than that of Song Jian. After all, it had been in control of the Undead Tower for several years.

"Salamore, what are those people doing now?" Song Jian asked.

"They have fled to the teleportation team, but they do not have permission, they cannot leave here with the teleportation team!" Salamo said respectfully.

"Be careful not to let them destroy the teleportation array!" Song Jian reminded;

"Rest assured, the great master, the magic rune guards around the Death Valley teleport formation. If they dare to attack the teleport formation, they will be counterattacked by the magic run array. Then, they will not have any chance of survival!" Salamo Respectfully said

Song Jian nodded, looking at Saramo's eyes, a regret appeared;

The yoke mark is only valid for one month. After one month, the yoke mark will disappear. At that time, Song Jian may have to make another choice, whether to give Salamo a slave contract or kill it directly;

Song Jian, the undead tower, ca n’t stay here all the time. It would be very suitable if Saramo was in control, but the undead tower is too critical. Once Salamo becomes unconscious, he has the opportunity to fight the entire city of hope. Members, all killed in this Valley of the Dead.

"It's a pity!" Song Jian secretly said;


Beside the Death Valley teleportation, a few expressions of terror appeared on the faces of Kourou. They found that the Death Valley teleportation seemed to have lost its effect. No matter how they operated, there was no way to teleport;

And what scared them the most was that they had hid here, but the effect of the natural disaster and poisonous mist had not weakened at all;

"How could this be, it shouldn't be, why did the teleportation team shut down!" Raki growled angrily, a look of despair appeared in his eyes, his blood value had now fallen to about one-third, and blood was restored. Worth of potions, he also used only two bottles, and can not hold for long;

"Damn, the effect of this poisonous mist has not weakened at all. When we entered before, we lost only a little blood value in five seconds ..."

"Someone must be targeting us, he can control the whole valley!"

"Come out, who the **** is it, get out of me!"

Several people growled wildly, but in Song Jian's eyes, it was only their last struggle before they died;

"We are the 101 gathering place, the soldiers of the Jackdaw Legion. If you can let us go this time, you will get the friendship of the 101 gathering place!" Kuru suddenly shouted into the air.

"101 gathering place?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes, but he and 101 gathering place were deadly opponents, several times destroying their actions in the city of doomsday. I did not expect that this time they met their people again.

"It seems that the 101 gathering place is also preparing for promotion to the city level!" Song Jian secretly said.

The 101 gathering place has existed for more than ten years, and has a deep foundation. I want to be promoted to the city level. I have been stuck on the building of the teleportation array. I did not expect that they have been successfully built by them. It seems that it will not take long for the 101 gathering place. It's about to become 101 City.

"Since it's the 101 gathering place ~ www.novelhall.com ~ that can't let you leave alive!" Song Jian revealed a sense of killing in his eyes, pressed his hand on the control crystal, and moved his mind to the nearby area. The Scourge of Natural Disaster suddenly rolled up, forming a huge vortex above the five of them;

Then, from the vortex, several huge tentacles hundreds of meters long were stretched out, like octopuses, waving and winding towards five people;

Each of these tentacles has a first-order combat power, which is not what Kulu, who is now bloody, can resist. A few minutes later, Lacy of the Assassin profession first took a scream of screaming, spraying There was a blood spurt, and the body fell down softly;

Immediately after that, several other people also turned into a corpse. Before he died, Kuru raised his head and looked at the huge vortex of poisonous mist above his head. A clear look appeared in his eyes, and it seemed that he was controlling the undead. The people in the valley turned out to be the enemy of the 101 gathering place;

"Unfortunately, this information cannot be passed on to the commander ..." Kuru showed a regretful look, his head crooked, and he lost all his breath;
