I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 699: go away

"Wang Qi, take people back to the depths of the Undead Valley!" Song Jian's voice rang in Wang Qi's ear.

"Brothers, the lord has supported us, and followed me back into the valley." Shouted Wang Qi;

"The poisonous fog effect has disappeared, no longer bleeding!" Someone exclaimed.

"Fast backward, fast backward, this Shuren can't hold on for long!" Zhang Ziqiang also yelled;

In the undead tower, Song Jian first closed the teleportation array in the valley, and then opened Wang Qi and others one by one to enter the authority, so that the natural disaster poisonous mist in the valley would not have an effect on them;

Then, he adjusted the effect of the Scourge Poison to the maximum, from the original layer to drop 1 point of blood value every 5 seconds, directly adjusted to a layer of 30 points of blood value per second, to the undead tower Nearby, the blood value that drops every second directly increased to 80 points, even those blood cows, I am afraid that they can not stay here for too long, completely eliminating the possibility of outsiders entering the Valley of the Undead.

However, as a result, the consumption of natural disaster poison mist has increased sharply. Originally, the natural disaster poison mist can exist 24 hours a day, but now, the natural disaster poison mist can only last for eight hours, and then it will enter the cooling time. Wait until It will take another eight hours to turn it on again;

"Salamo, here you control the Tower of Undead, causing trouble to these people without limit, it is best to kill them, I will help my friends!" Song Jian ordered;

"Respect, great master!" Saramo now reverted to the appearance of an undead skeleton, wearing a black cloak, respectfully;

At this point, Song Jian has fully controlled the Undead Tower and has become the master of the entire Undead Valley, but to control the entire Wangling Valley, he must stay on the seventh floor of the Undead Tower;

Wang Qi and his team were beaten one after another. The ancient tree of war had no way to stop the five-member squad. If Song Jian did not take the lead, Wang Qi and others would soon be caught up by them. At that time, It will be a one-sided slaughter;

"My third Shuren has been killed, and now there is only one ancient tree of war left, and it has less than half his blood." Zhang Ziqiang looked ugly and said to Wang Qi;

"Don't panic, the leader is coming over, and we will be safe by that time!" Wang Qi said helplessly, and now they can only pin their hopes on Song Fitness.

"However, the leader has just stepped into the first-order combat power, and the five people behind him are all first-order combat power. Five-to-one, the leader's victory is not great!" Some players hesitated;

The fighting power of the five people behind is too horrible. These players who have already played the City of Hope Alliance are a little daunting;

Wang Qi didn't know the bottom of his heart, but he could only hold back and said, "The lord has taken control of the whole valley, and there must be a way for them!"

Now they can only pin their hopes on Song Fitness, there is no other way;

"There are ancient trees in front. Let's go there and wait for me to summon a few tree people to drag them!" Zhang Ziqiang saw a few big trees in front of him, and suddenly his eyes lighted up and shouted.

When a group of people rushed to the big trees, Zhang Ziqiang discovered that although they were ancient trees, they were not shadow ancient trees. Even if summoned, I am afraid that they could not summon ancient war trees with first-order combat power;

Zhang Ziqiang infused a bottle of mental rejuvenation. He now feels dizzy and understands that the frequent use of mental rejuvenation has begun to counterattack. If this continues, I am afraid that it will cause permanent damage to mental attributes. ;

But now, in order to escape, Zhang Ziqiang pressed his hand on two ancient trees at the same time and recited the summoning spell;

After a while, these two ancient trees became tree people, struggling from the soil and stood up, guarding behind Zhang Ziqiang.

Zhang Ziqiang glanced at the two Shuren with a look of disappointment in his eyes. Sure enough, only the 30th-level giant Shuren was summoned, and he did not possess first-order combat power;

After summoning two giant treemen, Zhang Ziqiang did not stop, but continued to summon. Soon, five giant treemen over ten meters in height appeared in front of everyone, and the war ancients who had first-order combat power were summoned before. The tree, the five-man squad that had all been pursued, was killed.

Zhang Ziqiang's mental strength was exhausted again, and he was dizzy in front of him, and even became difficult to stand. However, he felt sorry for the old trees of the previous war. We must know that these old trees of the war that were summoned had a chance. Signed a contract with him and became his guardian, but now all have been killed.

"Holding the strong son, let's go!" Wang Qi instructed the two sword shield guardians to help Zhang Ziqiang, and the group continued to escape deep into the valley;

The five giant treemen summoned by Zhang Ziqiang were left behind after the break;

"This group of little mice actually summoned five Treants again, **** it!" Lucky's face was a bit ugly, and Zhang Ziqiang was not killed, which made his face a bit inferior. You know, the other party is just a group that has not reached the first order. Even if the newcomers of the battle force are attacking, they will have the opportunity to kill them all.

"Misty grass, how did the poisonous fog effect of this natural disaster become so powerful, losing 35 points of blood value per second? This is not yet deep in the valley, why is it so bloody!" Archer Sa Lin suddenly exclaimed, took a bottle of healing potion from her arms, and poured it into her mouth;

Everyone else was shocked and found that their blood value had dropped much faster;

"How can this happen? The people in the front didn't seem to see how fierce the blood was ~ www.novelhall.com ~ We are almost unable to hold on, why are they all right?"

"It's weird. It stands to reason that they can't persist until now. Such a terrible blood loss rate, even Multura, can't persist for too long!" Mice stroked the furry animal skin clothes, and a white light bloomed out. The speed of his loss of Qi and Blood suddenly dropped a lot;

"Kuru, I ca n’t hold on, I ca n’t keep chasing. My blood value has dropped below half, and after chasing, even if I kill them all, I will stay here and become undead. There was a look of impatience on Lage's face. Of all the people, his blood value was the least and he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Damn it, pull it first, and report the situation here to the commander. I think that the shadow forest alone has already enabled us to gain a lot of military power!" Kuru touched a piece of dark gray wood in his arms. , Shook his head and said;

This piece of dark gray wood is the shadow wood, which was the trophy they had obtained by slashing the ancient trees of war. With it, they can prove the authenticity of their words;

Several people glanced regretfully at the front and turned towards the teleportation array;
