I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1300: Flame Dragon

Although the dragon soul guards are far from being comparable to the real dragons, they are the largest group to pay for the dragons. These dragon souls were also the strong of the dragon clan before sanitation. In order to continue to guard the dragon clan forbidden land after death, they were transformed into dragon soul guards.

You know, after being transformed into a dragon guard, although it can continue to exist for thousands of years, once a battle occurs, you may encounter the situation of being killed by the other party and the soul is extinguished. In this case, the dragon is killed, the dragon There is no way to keep the true spirit mark of the soul guard, so it can no longer continue to reincarnate, which is equivalent to disappearing forever in this world.

The two dragon soul guards were dying with the demon fire, and a little light spot appeared on the surface of the body. This is the manifestation of the true spirit seal. This situation indicates that the true spirit seal has been irreversibly damaged. , Is crashing a little bit.

The flame dragon Yalifu looked pale, just looked at the Dragon Soul Guardian, and they understood that the two of them could not be saved. Without a word, they raised their hands directly, and a dragon-shaped flame rushed towards Norstein.

For the attack of the Dragon Soul Guardian, Norstein can not care. The Dragon Soul Guardian, which was originally in the soul state, even if the dragon language magic is cast, the actual power is not one-tenth of the real dragon, and he can't cause damage to him at all.

This is also the reason why Norstein dares to resist the dragon language magic of the dragon soul guard without much damage, but the soul soul halberd attack of the dragon soul guard makes him suffer a big loss.

Although the body has not been hurt, the wounds on the soul are more difficult to heal. Now Norstein is in a much worse state than when fighting with Song Jian.

"Damn, I must find a quiet place to repose now, otherwise, my soul will have problems..." Norstein's face is also ugly, but in the face of Yalifu, he has to fight 120,000 points Spirit, otherwise, it might really fall here.

Yalifu did not see Song Jian, thinking that Song Jian had been killed by Norstein, and the dragon family would not care about Song Jian's life and death.

However, Song Jian is the battle flame of the Black Dragon Kamata. Once Song Jian dies, it will also affect the Black Dragon Kamata, which may cause irreparable damage to Kamata, causing her strength to be incapable.

In the history of the dragon family, it is not that there is no such thing. This is why the dragon family is very disgusted that their people and humans have signed a contract with their fighting partners. After all, compared with the dragons, in their eyes, the lifespan of humans and Strength is no different from reptiles on the ground.

Thinking of this, the flaming dragon Yalifu was burning with anger. After sending a dragon-shaped flame to the evil fire Phoenix Norstein, Yalifu even waved his fist and rushed towards Norstein. Is ready to fight him in close combat.

Nordstein waved the trident in his hand, almost exhausting all his energy, and scattered the dragon-shaped flame that Yalifu sent out. Then, he ushered in a pair of Yaquan's iron fists.

Boom, Boom, Boom~

What surprised Norstein was that Yalifu's pair of iron fists dared to fight their own phoenix halberd. You know, your phoenix halberd is not forged from ordinary materials, but a thousand-year-old fire stone , Hardness is thousands of times that of steel alloy.

Yalifu's strength is much higher than that of Norstein. In addition, Norstein has suffered a lot of injuries. Now he urgently needs to find a quiet place for treatment, and he has no intention of fighting her, so he has been suppressed by Yalifu. .

"You have to get out as soon as possible. This woman is crazy!" In the face of Yalifu's storm-like attack, Norstein had already retreated.

At this moment, the figure of Song Jian suddenly appeared in the distance. After hiding in the Broken God Realm for a while, Song Jian estimated that the opponent's blow had ended and immediately came out of the God Realm.

Looking at the devastated crystal land reflecting the sun's rays, Song Jian couldn't help but say: "If I didn't hide in the broken kingdom of God, even if there is an enemy of death, I'm afraid I will die again!"

The range of the resurrection of the enemy of death is one kilometer, and the attack range of Norstein’s previous move is clearly beyond this range, and he feels the heat from the ground. Song Jian believes that except for the initial impact, Subsequent fire damage lasts at least five minutes or more, even if your passive god-level enemy of death is triggered, you cannot escape subsequent fire damage.


There was a sudden explosion in the distance, and Song Jian looked up, a fiery figure and a dark purple figure entangled together.

"Go to death, invader, your body stays in the dragon bone wilderness, it is a kind of blasphemy against the dragon race!" Yalifu flashed the other party's halberd, hitting Norstein's head with a punch.

The dark purple figure, holding a halberd, was hit by a fiery red figure from the air into the ground, and directly flattened a small hill.

"This is..." Song Jian narrowed his eyes and immediately recognized the flame dragon Yalifu, his heart suddenly relaxed.

"Since Yalifu is here, this evil flame phoenix is ​​probably going to die here today." Song Jian secretly said.

This place was originally the site of the dragon family, and several dragon sacrifices are dedicated to guarding the existence of the dragon temple and the dragon **** altar, and also directly monitoring the existence of the entire dragon bone wilderness. The existence of these dragon sacrifices, plus the dragon bone The endless dragon soul guards in the wilderness, the entire dragon bone wilderness, there is no dare to confront them.

"I am the Nanming Fire Phoenix family, kill me, you will provoke the hatred of the dragon and the Fire Phoenix family!" Norstein lying in a big pit, spit blood and glanced at the softly treaded left shoulder , Yelling at Yalifu in the air.

His left shoulder has been broken by Yalifu with a punch, and the skeleton of the entire arm has been completely shattered, unable to bear the force. Even the Fire Phoenix Halberd can only be held in one hand. For a time, the combat power has dropped greatly.

Foreseeing that he was going to fall here, Norstein quickly moved out of the forces behind him and wanted to stop Yalifu from continuing to attack.

But Yalifu didn't even have the slightest hesitation on her face. With a cold grin, her hands spread into the air. A huge ball of fire began to condense rapidly over ten meters above her head. The diameter of this fireball did not exceed one meter. But the light and heat are radiated more than ten times as much as the fireball that Norstein had released before, just like a burning sun.

"Do not!"

Feeling the strong killing intentions exuded from the other party, Norstein's face showed a desperate look. After a while, its body, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is covered by a round of fireballs like the sun.

Song Jian covered his eyes with his hands. After the fireball hit the pit where Norstein was located, there was no explosion. Instead, it slowly dissolved, without making any explosions, or causing any damage to the surrounding ground. It seems that it is not a real existence, but a phantom.

But the big pit where Norstein was located was already filled with magma, just like a lava pit. The magma inside slowly overflowed, emitting a dark red light.

Song Jian couldn't help but took a breath of air. The other party's blow compressed all the energy into the big pit where Norstein was. There was no trace of leakage. This control, let alone Song Jian, even promise There is no such thing as Stan.

"Really there is not even a complete body left!" Song Jian looked at the magma pit that was rolling with bubbles and couldn't help but scream.


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