I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1299: Soul attack

"A group of people who have lost their self-consciousness and only know the spirit of the killing are not qualified to let me dodge!" Norstein sneered, his right hand waved, and countless dark purple feathers appeared again.

These feathers quickly converged into a large demon fire and rushed towards the three dragon soul guards. If Song Jian saw it at this time, they would have recognized it. This is the demon fire circle that Norstein used before. Song Jian is exactly From this formation, I realized the key to arranging the formation with the material of the spirit sword.

Lightning, thunder and fire continued to blast towards Norstein, but on top of his head, a series of words "MISS" or "-1" continued to float, and there seemed to be an invisible mysterious force protecting Norstein, Let these amazingly powerful lightning and thunderfire not touch him at all, even the most basic defense can not be done.

Seeing his attack, he couldn't break Norstein's defense, and the three dragon soul guards all showed a horrified look on their faces.

At this time, a large piece of dark purple demon fire struck them, and the three dragon soul guards exhausted the methods, and could not resist the demon fire's offensive, and could only retreat towards the helpless.

Looking at the three dragon soul guards facing the monster fire circle, the appearance of retreating one after another, Norstein sneered: "But it is only a watch dog raised by the dragon family. With the long-lasting dragon spirit in the dragon bone wilderness, he dared to face me. Barking, I don’t know what it means!"

Norstein looked at the dragon spirit guards of the three legendary realities, and his eyes were full of jokes. You know, now Norstein is only the peak of the legendary realm. Although he has touched the realm of the demigod, it is only Pushed the door open and saw the scenery inside the door, and did not really step into it.

Therefore, in fact, Norstein and the three dragon soul guards are in a big state, but the strength shown in the battle is not as good as Song Jian's performance of the three dragon soul guards.

You know, before Song Jian encountered a dragon soul guard, he saw the strength of the other party, and was surprised by the strength of the dragon soul guard, but now it seems that Norstein clearly sees a certain weakness of the dragon soul guard. In the eyes of the legendary dragon soul guard, the threat he can pose to him is probably not even as good as Song Jian.

"A blasphemer, you are looking for your own death!" A dragon soul guard with a dark purple flame burning all over his eyes suddenly appeared a clear look, ignoring the flames on his body, and facing Norstein Regardlessly rushed over.

In an instant, the wind raged, and a ghost of a dragon with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared behind the Dragon Soul Guardian. In the hands of the Dragon Soul Guardian, a war halberd glowed with dazzling light.

"Go to death!" After rushing to the range of about ten meters in Norstein, the dragon soul guard threw out the war halberd in his hand;


The battle halberd made a low whistling sound, traversed a dazzling arc in the air, the dragon soul guard glanced at the battle halberd in the air comfortably, the figure fell to the ground, the dark purple flame quickly covered his body, After a while, the dragon soul guard was burned clean.

You should know that the Dragon Soul Guard is only the remnant soul after the dragon's death. Once it is too seriously injured, the Soul Flying will be cracked, and no trace of the true spirit will be left.

Obviously, this dragon soul guard also knew that he would die, so he gathered all his soul power in his hand record. Regardless of whether he could kill the other party, this dragon soul guard had done his best to kill him. No regrets!

Faced with a slash that flew towards him like a falling star, Norstein finally showed a cautious look on his face, and he felt a threat from this halberd.

Before fighting with Song Jian, he had already suffered a loss of carelessness. This time, he could not carelessly!

Not looking at the other two Dragon Soul guards trapped by the Monster Fire Circle, Norstein sipped, and countless Monster Fire Phoenix feathers emerged again, and a trident condensed in his hands.

Norstein held the trident in both hands and slashed fiercely towards the flying halberd.


A sharp arc appeared in front of Norstein, and the trajectory of the arc coincided with the trajectory of the war halberd flying at the same point. When a confident smile appeared in the corner of Norstein's mouth, it should have been hacking the war halberd. Trident, but did not feel the slightest stress.

Norstein's face changed greatly, and the war halberd projected towards him, like a ghost, penetrated the trident and smashed towards his chest.

"How could it be tangible and intangible?" Norstein was surprised, but there was no time for him to react at this time, and he could only bear the blow with his strong physical body.


Norstein only heard a roar in his ears, feeling as if he had been hit **** the chest by a giant beast, and directly flew him out.

Norstein in the air, was surprised to find that on the ground, there was an identical self, standing blankly in place.

At this time, a severe pain came from the chest. Norstein looked down and saw a wound of more than one foot in his chest. This wound extended from the chest to the abdomen. The most important thing was that the wound did not. The slightest blood flowed out like a cracked black hole.

"I'm... what's going on?" Norstein's eyes showed a puzzled look. At this moment, a strong suction suddenly pulled him towards the same figure on the ground as he was.

At this time, Norstein had no resistance, and pulled against the figure on the ground.

In an instant, Norstein couldn't help but rushed forward two steps. After standing up, he found that the previous feeling was like an illusion, and there was no damage to the armor on his chest.

"Before that halberd..." Norstein's eyes showed an uncertain look. Suddenly, there was a severe pain in his chest. The pain seemed not to come out of the body, but from the depths of the soul. Come the same. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"That dragon halberd guarded by the Dragon Soul, hurt my soul..." Norstein screamed in surprise, his face changed greatly.

You must know that it is more difficult to recover the soul than it is after the body was injured. I originally thought that I had treated the Dragon Soul Guard very carefully, but I did not expect that the other party would attack him.

At this moment, a strong coercion suddenly came from a distance, and a fiery figure quickly flew towards him.

"Flat-haired beasts dare to infringe on the forbidden land of the dragon family, and they do not know what to do!"

In the distant sky, a large cloud of fire struck, the dragon sacrificed, the flame dragon Yalifu looked at the two dark dragon guards who were constantly tumbling and struggling in the dark purple flames, and their eyes showed a terrifying murderous intention and endless anger.


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