I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1280: mission completed

"Donator, have you suppressed the Demon God again?" The master in the iron cage saw Song Jian, and a surprise smile appeared on his face, he asked quickly.

"Oh, the Devil God will never show up again..." Song Jian laughed and jumped forward, cutting the iron cages hanging above the hall one by one and putting down the monks inside.

"It seems that the donor has succeeded in suppressing it successfully!" Master Yiwen said towards Song Jian with a salute.

Song Jian shook his head slightly, took out the demon fangs from the parcel box, and handed it to the master.

"This is..." When asked the master's complexion, he felt the half-foot long fangs, exuding the horror, and could not help but take two steps back.

"Master, I have already removed that demon god, and Zhen Mo Temple will not be in the same situation now!" Song Jian said.

Looking at the demon fangs in Song Jian's hands, when he asked the master to tears, he suddenly cried: "Since the day the temple was built, it has existed to suppress the demon. For thousands of years, the town has been constantly Thousands of monks alone have been attacked by the devil's curse and divine power..."

"This time, for the recovery of the Demon God, it also caused the people who were hundreds of miles away to suffer. Today the donor can get rid of this great harm, which is really meritless!" The master asked again and bowed deeply to Song Jian , Said.

"Woo woo~" dozens of weak monks around also cried. When the devil died, the responsibility on them was gone. No matter who, by virtue of the mortal body, guarding a god, each Every day was worried, and this time the Devil Temple suffered a great disaster, and there were no monks in the temple. These monks who survived were all watching the companions of ordinary people die in the hands of monsters one by one. know.

After the demon died, these monks seemed to be relieved and relaxed. Although there was still thunder in their eyes, there was a hopeful smile on each weakened face.

"The donor, please take this string of beads, and wear it, you will be blessed by the Buddha..." said, asking the master to tremble and take off a string of sandalwood beads on his neck, Song Jian was handed.

Song Jian took the bead necklace and knew in his heart that this should be the reward for completing the task. Song Jian looked toward the bead necklace. The whole bead necklace was composed of 108 longan-sized purple and black sandalwood beads. Take The heavy sand in the hand, and a hint of sandalwood, radiated from the bead necklace, and the emotions became calm.

"It's a treasure!" A smile appeared on the corners of Song Jian's mouth. Although he hadn't checked its attributes, Song Jian was already sure that this string of beads had extraordinary qualities.

When the beads were delivered to Song Jian, a purple-gold light slowly burst out from each bead, and it looked like these 108 beads, each of which was a legendary quality item.

However, Song Jian knew in his heart that this was naturally impossible, and that this string of beads could radiate purple gold, which had surprised him inexplicably.

"Legendary items, the mission reward turned out to be a legendary item..." Song Jian secretly said.

Don’t see that Song Jian has been exposed to many legendary items, but in fact, not to mention legendary items, even epic items are not common among players. There is a dark gold item that can make players happy Inexplicable, could not help showing off.

When Song Jian looked at the specific attributes of the string of beads, he was stunned. I did not expect that this item was much better than his phenomenon. This turned out to be the only ten major occupations. The parts of the life suit of the Buddha and the sword The fairy set has a grade.

"War Buddha suit, I didn't expect that the mission reward turned out to be a part of the War Buddha suit, which is unbelievable..." Song Jian was a little excited, but also a little sorry, but unfortunately not the sword fairy suit, he has accumulated three A piece of sword fairy set can be said to have been collected for a small half. If there is one more item, it is equivalent to collecting four pieces. At least two sets of attributes can appear.

"In the future, I have the opportunity to use it to change another sword fairy suit!" Song Jian put the string of "War Buddhas as Ruojingang Rosary" into the parcel bar, secretly.

This is the only top professional equipment in the top ten. It is very valuable. Even if there is no sword fairy set, a large number of amethysts can be sold. However, players who now have a war Buddha profession have never appeared. This equipment is only a short time. Can press the bottom of the box.

"Master, there are many monsters in the Zhenmo Temple, why not kill them one by one, how about cleaning the temple?" Song Jian asked.

"Then thank the donor for his help!" When asked the master, he saluted Song Jian again: "After driving away the monsters, the donor should also release the ordinary people arrested in the front yard, because the Zhenmo Temple allows They suffered such a disaster, and Lao Guan felt uneasy!"

Song Jian nodded and turned to walk outside the Demon Shrine. At this moment, a task was suddenly received in the task bar to destroy the demon. The content of the task was to let Song Jian destroy the monsters in the Temple of Devil, at least Fifty were to be killed, and at the same time, the number of people detained in the front yard must be at least 20.

The mission reward is to upgrade a level, and every time you kill another monster, every time you save one more detained people, you can upgrade the final reward of the mission.

This side quest is a reward-based task. The difficulty is very low, but the task reward is very rich. Players like this kind of task most.

It's just that this kind of task requires the player to trigger actively. If Song Jian didn't take the initiative to talk to the master of the question just now, or that the dialog content does not involve the task content, then this task will not be triggered.

After a while, there was a burst of shouts and screams in the Zhenmo Temple, and a monster was beheaded by Song Jian. At this time, Song Jian no longer cautiously sneaked into the Zhenmo Temple. , Wan Jianjue unfolded with all his strength. Hundreds of spirit swords surround Song Jianjian. Even without the evolution of the sword array, the hundreds of spirit swords and the red lotus industry fire attached to it ~www.novelhall.com~ also let The monsters in the Zhenmo Temple have no resistance.

In addition, the largest boss in the Zhenmo Temple has been killed, and Song Jian has no worries. Now he is only afraid of these monsters running away, and only thinks that the number of these monsters is too small.

Hearing the fighting, the monsters in the Zhenmo Temple all rushed in the direction of Song Jian, but the battle only lasted for a quarter of an hour, and all the monsters were killed by Song Jian, leaving some far away, Feeling the swift breath of the companions, they also fluttered one after another and fled from the Zhenmo Temple and ran towards the distance.

I glanced at the level and improved two levels. I reached level 86. Song Jian smiled slightly and went one step further from the third-order combat test. Here is a holy place for leveling and upgrading heaven.


PS: Thanks for the "100 fried coins dipped in tomato sauce" starting point reward ~

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