I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1279: upgrade

After consuming four pieces of legendary equipment and the flame wing symbol of the angel family of judges, only one piece of legendary explant equipment was obtained. If you change to another person, I am afraid that you will be disappointed.

However, when Jian Jian saw the third feature of this equipment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Although the equipment after the fusion is still a legendary equipment, he has the possibility of being advanced to the equipment of the **** level. .

This feature will not appear on other legendary equipment.

Pseudo-god-level, semi-god-level, and god-level are all collectively referred to as god-level equipment. As for which kind of exogenous equipment will eventually become, it depends on the rank of other equipment it merges with.

However, there is a high probability that it will be a pseudo-god-level equipment. After all, advanced god-level equipment requires a lot of divine power. Unless Song Jian's wing-type equipment after fusion is all equipment with divine power, it is possible to break through the pseudo-god level.

However, for Song Jian, the pseudo-god-level equipment is the most suitable for him. If it accidentally merges into a semi-god-level or even god-level equipment, with his current strength, I am afraid that even the equipment cannot be equipped.

After the task is completed, Song Jian now needs to return to the Demon Temple to talk to the Master, and at the same time give him the quest item, Demon Fang.

The second task option is an option with increased difficulty. The task reward must be good and can not be ignored. As for the third option completed, Song Jian is temporarily unwilling to face the girl in that town.

The girl should be a descendant of the ancient devil demon god, the purpose is also to resurrect the ancient devil deity god, and at the same time, she also intends to use Song Jian's soul as a sacrifice for the restoration of the demon god, but unfortunately, she miscalculated In order to suppress the power of the Demon God, Song Jian directly killed the Demon God with the seal formation.

"If she knew that I killed the Demon God, I'm afraid she would avenge me by any means!" Song Jian secretly said, with Song Jian's current strength, she is not the girl's opponent, after all, the other party's strength, but surpassed In the legendary realm, Song Jian doesn't even have the qualification to fight desperately with her.

After suppressing the Demon God, the Soul Heart Lamp became an ordinary stone lamp, and even the burning flame seemed to be petrified and solidified.

This heart lamp is no longer useful for Song Jian, it is better to leave it in Zhenmo Temple.

Song Jian put the heart lamp back to the statue's heart and turned to leave.

Because of the ban on formation, Song Jian's battle with the Demon God did not disturb many Demon Bone Monks and Wraiths, except that on the way to the Demon Shrine, Song Jian still ran into several Demon Bone Monks and Wraiths.

At this time, Song Jian, because he had completed the task, he no longer hides his body, and directly goes up to kill these monsters to improve his combat experience.

You should know that the monsters here are simply mobile combat experience packages. Killing one is at least worth the same level of monsters that Song Jian hunted for a day.

Soon, Song Jian broke into the Demon Shrine. At this time, several demon monks in the Demon Shrine were constantly torturing the monks in the cage. When asked the master sitting cross-legged in the cage, he chanted sadly. In the text, the monks' painful moans reached his ears, making his heart as if he had been cut by a hunting blade.

"I'm not happy to say, where did the guy who broke into the Zhenmo Temple go?" A wraith grabbed a monk's neck and raised him high, roaring with a terrible look.

The demon-bone monk beside him also waved his leather whip and whipped several other monks. These monks even had no strength to cry, but sent out a burst of painful moan like unconsciousness.

"Damn..." Wraith looked at the monk with pain in his hand, and his heart was so angry that he couldn't help but take a deep breath into his face;

A translucent soul was slowly sucked out of the monk's body. A look of terror appeared on the face of the soul, and it seemed to be aware of his own danger.

After a while, the soul of this monk was only five or six centimeters away from Wraith. He saw clearly the grief and greed on his face, knowing that the other party was going to devour his soul.

The monk finally struggled with fright and wanted to return to his body, but no matter how he struggled, the distance between him and the wraith was getting closer.

At this moment, the monk suddenly felt that the suction power of Wraith disappeared, and his soul retreated into the body again. At the moment before his soul entered the body, it saw a sharp blade, from Wraith’s Chest came out.


Wraith left the half-dead monk aside, his body twisted, his right hand turned into a claw, and he grabbed it behind him.

The strong wind roared, and this blow of the Wraith even left a few white afterimages in the air, but its blow was missed. A man with a long sword was constantly hacking at several demon bone monks Dozens of spirit swords floated around his body, as if he had a flexible arm in control, constantly attacking his companions around him.

For a time, the man seemed to be in the same army as an individual, and gave the complainant a feeling that they were surrounded by this person.

"Katu, it's him, he's the one who broke into Zhenmo Temple!" A demon bone screamed loudly, struggling to grab a spirit sword from his chest.

"The demon **** is watching us, killing him, giving his soul, and offering sacrifices to the demon god, we will definitely get a generous reward!" This wraith that stabbed a sword from the back of Song Jian shouted loudly, like a figure A flash of lightning rushed towards Song Jian.

Song Jian smiled coldly and said, "I will send you to meet your devil now!"

With that in mind, Song Jian threw the Potianjian into the air, folded his hands together, then sank down fiercely, and whispered, "Red Lotus sword array, close!"

Wow wow wow wow~

Dozens of spirit swords spun out suddenly, flying towards the sky-breaking sky sword, and a bright dark red lotus formed around the sky-breaking sword.

With Song Jian's soft drink, a strong suction came from the dark red lotus, directly inhaling the surrounding demon monks and wraiths into the lotus.

Before they could react, the dark red lotus closed slowly, enclosing all these monsters in formation.


The surface of the lotus suddenly ignited a blazing flame, and the monster inside suddenly seemed to fall into purgatory. UU reading www.uukanshu.com suffered from the fire of the red lotus industry.

The screams came from the sword array, but in a short while, the sword array became very quiet. Soon, the sword array slowly spread out, and the ashes of the large and large tents were scattered from the air.

Looking at the spoils falling from the air, a smile appeared on the corners of Song Jian's mouth. This is what he learned from the seal formation. When he evolved the fiery red lotus sword formation, he could enhance the formation's suction and move the surroundings. Enemies within tens of meters are all absorbed into the formation, and then use the power of the red lotus industry fire to cause damage to them.

A ray of light bloomed from Song Jian's body, killing dozens of monsters at once, directly raising Song Jian's level again, reaching level 84.

"Even if I complete the task, I have to clear out all the monsters in the Zhenmo Temple. Such a good upgrade opportunity can't be missed..." Song Jian secretly said.


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