I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1278: Heavenly Demon Wings

In most cases in the legendary chest, only one legendary item will appear, even the material. In the game system, there is no difference between the default and the equipment.

The situation that Song Jian now encounters is the same as a legendary treasure box where two pieces of legendary equipment are opened, which is very rare. Although the actual value of these two pieces of legendary material is not even comparable to one piece of legendary equipment.

"It's a pity, if it's just two pieces of legendary equipment." Song Jian looked at the last piece of legendary material in the parcel bar with some regrets.

In the end, this legendary material is the heart of the ancient demon demon god. It looks no different from a human heart, but it is scary with high temperature, and in the parcel, the heart is still beating and spraying from time to time. Spit the dark red liquid droplets hot like magma.

[Ancient Demon God’s Heart, Material, Legendary Quality, Item Description: This heart exudes hot magic powers. Obviously, its original owner is a deity, so that such a miracle can appear! There is a little divine power saved in this heart, which can increase the power of forging or the success rate of alchemy, and at the same time have a certain chance to turn the finished product into a divine item! 】

The grade of this heart is the same as that of the previous claw material, but it is legendary, but it is obvious that the value of this heart is much higher than that of the legendary bone claw.

The most important thing is the last paragraph in this heart description "There is a certain chance that the finished product will become a magical item!"

Divine power items, in fact, belong to a kind of artifact. They are only items that can be used by gods. However, because the contained power is too thin, ordinary mortals can also use them.

The quality of these items has exceeded the legendary level, but it does not reach the real artifact level, so it is called the pseudo-level in the game.

This is also the limit of the level of items that mortals can master in the game. At a higher level, it involves the field of gods. Even with the permission of gods, mortals cannot completely master the higher-level artifacts.

"The number of players who can get legendary equipment in the game is very small. Unexpectedly, I now have the opportunity to obtain equipment that exceeds the legendary quality..." Song Jian's heart suddenly became hot when he thought of this.

Put Xuantian Wings and Flame Light Wings into the reincarnation pool. Then, Song Jian put the young dragon hook sickle gun into the reincarnation pool. Soon, the system gave a prompt.

System: Please confirm the two items to be merged!

Song Jian designated Xuantian Wings and Flame Light Wings, and the previous tips appeared again.

System: The success rate of the fusion of two pieces of equipment is 98%. The system detects that only one piece of equipment is legendary. If fusion occurs, the equipment after fusion is likely to remain legendary, but the attributes are slightly enhanced. Will the fusion continue?

System: The system detects that the legendary item "Dragon Hook Sickle Gun" has been added to the reincarnation pool. Will it be used as an additional material? Prompt, the dragon dragon sickle gun is of legendary quality, it is a precious item, please choose carefully!

Song Jian chose OK without hesitation.

System: The legendary item "Dragon Scythe Gun" has been used as an additional material. The success rate of the fusion of the two pieces of equipment is 100%. The probability of the fusion item being legendary is 34%. After the fusion, the attack damage of the item is increased by 800. There is a certain chance of obtaining it. Is a skill of "Dragon Scythe Gun" integrated?

Song Jian frowned slightly and added a legendary weapon. Is the probability of being a legendary grade after fusion only 34%?

Thinking of this, Song Jian put that legendary material, Demon God Bone Claw into the reincarnation pool again. This time, the probability of legend increased to 67%.

Song Jian sighed, and then put the devil's heart into the reincarnation pool.

After the Demon God's heart was placed in the reincarnation pool, the water in the entire reincarnation pool boiled, the temperature in the entire hall also increased by a dozen degrees, and Song Jian's forehead began to sweat slightly.

After becoming a legendary material, the power of the devil's heart began to slowly release. Now the temperature has increased by at least a Baidu than it was just taken out of the treasure chest, and it seems that it will continue to increase.

A lot of steam has appeared over the reincarnation pool. At this time, the probability of the legendary rank after the fusion is directly increased from 67% to 100%.

Looking at the pool water that has dropped significantly, Song Jian quickly chose to "integrate", and then waited, I am afraid that the entire pool of reincarnation pool water will be boiled by the Devil's heart, and I don't know if this fusion function will disappear.

After Song Jian chose to merge, the entire reincarnation pool was enveloped by a layer of light golden light curtain, and no trace of heat leaked out.

At this time, Song Jian can only wait patiently. Once the fusion begins, it cannot be terminated. Otherwise, all the input will be lost.

Song Jian stood for more than an hour by the side of the reincarnation pool, and the light golden light curtain slowly became dim, and eventually disappeared, revealing the appearance of the reincarnation pool.

At this time, the pool water of the entire reincarnation pool had disappeared, leaving only a large dry pool. At the bottom of the pool, an oval object with a dazzling light was lying there quietly.

With a rapture in his heart, Song Jian jumped into the reincarnation pool and picked up the item.


At the moment when Song Jian picked up the item, a crisp crackling sounded, as if on the surface of the light curtain like an eggshell, cracks emerged, and then the whole collapsed to reveal the contents inside.

This is a wing with two pairs of wings, one of which is dark red, like a burning flame, and the other pair is pure black, with a black breath, like tentacles extending around, When it reached the end, it slowly broke apart.

The wing in his hand suddenly flew up, as if flying into the air as if he had his own consciousness. After flying around Song Jian a few times, he landed gently on his back.

Suddenly, a heat flow spread from the wings to Song Jian's body, and a warm feeling filled the limbs and bones of his body. The wings seemed to grow on him, like the hands and feet, UU reading books www.uukanshu.com Became an integral part of his body.

Song Jian couldn't help but check the attributes of this exogenous equipment.

[Flying Wings of Demon God: Exogenous Equipment, Grade: Legend, Equipment Attributes: All attributes increased by 50 points, damage increased by 800 points, physical defense increased by 500 points, spell resistance increased by 650 points, flying speed increased by 1200 points, in flight State, the chance of being locked is reduced by 30%; special effect 1: judge, the wings are the symbol of the angel clan judges, raising the angel family intimacy to respect, you can get the right to judge the angel clan; special effect 2: deterrence, the wings Possessing the ancient demon spirit, it has a strong deterrent to the wild beast. The wild beast cannot initiate an attack on the owner of the wing. When fighting with the wild beast, according to the opponent's rank, the opponent's strength is weakened by 10%-50%; Special effect 3: Evolution, the wing has a trace of ancient demon deity power, has the evolution function, can integrate legendary quality or higher wing exogenous equipment, improve its own attributes and grade, when merging six legendary wings, the item will Will advance to god-level equipment, the current fusion number: 2/6;]


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