I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1269: Unwilling

Wan Jianjue was extremely powerful. Song Jian originally thought that as long as he possessed Wanjian Jue, he no longer needed to learn other sword skills, but now he found that every time Wan Jianjue was cast, he needed to consume all his sword energy. Although the cooldown of the skill is only ten seconds, but in ten seconds, the sword energy value cannot be completely restored.

Thinking of this, Song Jian thought about it, disappeared directly from the place, and entered the broken kingdom of God.

At this time, the kingdom of God has recovered a bit. Although there is no divine power, Song Jian did not kill a monster, and will absorb some soul energy into the broken kingdom of God. Although the conversion ratio between soul energy and divine power allows Song Jian felt a little distressed, but it was able to sustain the development of the Kingdom of God.

The present kingdom of God, compared to what it was just obtained before, is simply an earth-shaking change.

Song Jian's recovery speed in the Kingdom of God is much faster than in the game world. It didn't take long before the original sword energy value was restored to full value.

In less than a minute, Song Jian reappeared in the hall again, this time, it was the turn of the demon monk's face with a surprised look.

"Originally I thought you used the space displacement skill to escape, but did not produce any spatial fluctuation ripples. I didn't expect..." The demon monk stared at Song Jian, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "This is really an unexpected joy! "

Saying that, there was a look of pain on the face of the demon monk, and he made a look of exhaustion. The bone spurs on his body began to shake violently. After a while, these bone spurs turned into one. Root is free from the body of the demon monk and floats around it.

Song Jian was stunned: "Here, this seems to be familiar!"

Song Jian's use of Wan Jianjue to summon the spirit sword was almost exactly the same as the demon bone monk controlling bone spurs in front of him.

Thinking, the demon bone monk stared at Song Jian, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Thousands of robberies!"

With a low drink, dozens of large and small bone spurs, a dark light appeared on the surface, like a flying sword, and shot towards Song Jian. The speed of these bone spurs was even several times faster than that of the spirit sword. Song Jian's reaction speed has been exceeded.

Swish swish~

Song Jian felt a sudden burst of pain in his body, and then, the sound of "Bow Buzz" sounded in his ear.

Feeling that he was under attack, Song Jian could only barely cast a bone shield to protect his head and face. However, these bone spurs seemed to be endless, wave after wave, like a rainstorm pouring down, spurred towards Song Jian .

Click, click~

The bone shield made a sound that was about to crack, which surprised Song Jian. The strength of the bone shield was improved with his strength. The current bone shield is fully able to withstand the dominance. The first-level BOSS hit with all its strength, but now, even if it persisted for less than five seconds in the attack of bone spurs, it was almost broken, which made Song Jian's power against bone spurs once again improve a few steps.


At the moment when the bone shield broke, Song Jian's figure disappeared again. Most of the original bone spurs began to disappear slowly, leaving only more than ten bone spurs shining in the air.

The demon bone monk's eyes narrowed, and after losing his target, it controlled these bone spurs and slowly flew back into its body.

After groaning, these bone spurs were all embedded in the demon monk's body.

"Sure enough, he can avoid the attack by hiding into a half-plane-like existence..." The Demon-Bone Monk said to himself, turning his head to look at the reincarnation pool, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Song Jian was lying on a grassland in God's country. At this time, his qi and blood value was less than a thousand points, and he was almost about to enter a state of near death. Knowing that, with his current strength, even It is a domination-level BOSS with one blow, and it is impossible to beat him like this.

At this time, Song Jian's arms, thighs, and body were broken through seven or eight large holes. When he was attacked before, the speed was too fast. He only felt a sharp pain. At this time, he hid in the kingdom of God, and he found that he 'S injury has actually reached this point.

"It's blow completely exceeded the damage of the boss-level boss, almost comparable to the damage of the king-level boss..." Song Jian secretly said.

Song Jian struggled and found out the restoration potion from the package bar, watching the qi and blood value slowly increase, and the wound on his body began to heal quickly.

"Although this skill is powerful, it also has time to release. I want to rush to kill it before I release it!" Song Jian secretly said.

After his condition was restored, Song Jian took a deep breath, squeezed the Po Tianjian in his hand, his heart moved, and the figure disappeared from the broken kingdom of God again.

Just after he left the shattered kingdom of God, a girl wearing a white jumpsuit suddenly appeared on the grass beside him. This girl has also appeared before, but she didn't do anything. It seems that she is just a bystander. Moreover, she doesn't seem to have a specific body. It looks like a translucent soul, but her soul is better than From other ordinary souls, there is a hint of sacred taste.

I saw the girl stooped down and stared at the grass where Song Jian was lying. Before that, Song Jian bleed a lot of blood because of the injury. The girl stretched out a finger and gently touched Song Jian’s Blood came into his mouth and tasted it.

There was a smile on the girl's face, but suddenly her face changed drastically and she spit on the grass.

"Bah, oh, why is there a smell of annihilation in his blood..." The girl's brow furrowed, and she seemed very dissatisfied with Song Jian's blood.

"No, this is not the smell of annihilation, this, this is the taste of chaos!" The girl seemed to think of something~www.novelhall.com~ Suddenly her face changed suddenly and she exclaimed.

"Damn, how could this be..." The girl's face was unpredictable, and there was a look of despair in her eyes: "How could it be chaos, why is it chaos..."

Everything comes from chaos, and it will eventually end in chaos! Even the gods, in the face of the power of chaos, will be suppressed by natural equal order!

"Impossible, why is this..." The girl couldn't help kneeling on the ground, looking at the pool of blood on the grass unwillingly, and finally, the silence still dissipated in the air.

At this moment, Song Jian reappeared in the reincarnation pool, and at the moment of his appearance, he brandished the Sword of Heaven and Bounced towards the Demon Bone Monk. Following him, for a moment, the dark red flame rolled up a huge tornado, wrapping the demon bone monk firmly.


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