I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1268: Reincarnation pool

In half an hour, Song Jian almost left the building complex of Zhenmo Temple and came to a jungle in Houshan. Soon, Song Jian stood at the door of a dilapidated hall along a path in the jungle.

This hall looks very desolate, it seems that no one has been here for a long time, but the path that Song Jian walked before was completely trampled by people walking, and the end of the path is this dilapidated hall. .

Standing in front of the hall door, Song Jian suddenly had an ominous feeling, looking at the closed hall door, Song Jian seemed to have a black tide like the sea tide in front of him, surging towards him, let him sweat out, if cold Not to complete the task, now he just wants to turn around and leave immediately, and he is not willing to stay here for a moment.

After hesitating for a long time, Song Jian took a step forward and reached for the temple door.


A harsh rubbing sounded, Song Jian pushed open the door and went in.

At this time, the whole picture of the whole hall was displayed in front of him. The first thing that catches your eyes is a large pool in the center of the hall. The pool is rectangular, and inside is a thick green liquid, which is constantly rolling in the pool.

The white shadow souls constantly struggled and wailed in the pool, trying to climb up from the pool, but could not escape the shackles of the pool.

Song Jian was surprised, rubbed his eyes, and then looked at the pool, only to see a pool of thick green liquid rolling.

"Samsara Pool!" Song Jian's mind suddenly appeared in the reincarnation pool in the mouth of the complaining spirit. This pool must be the samsara pool in their mouth!

Crossing the reincarnation pool, it is a statue more than thirty meters high. This statue is carved from a whole black crystal. It is almost exactly the same as the ancient demon deity seen by Song Jian before. It has eight arms, each arm Holding a weapon.

It's just that the location of the heart of the demon statue has broken a big hole, and you can even see the wall behind from the hole!

In this big hole in the heart, an oil lamp is exuding a faint light, and a flame like a bean is swaying, it seems to be extinguished in the next moment.

In the entire hall, almost no one could see a figure, only a weak old monk, who bent over to sweep the whole hall.

With a broom in his hand, he moved very slowly, sweeping the floor at once, and clearly it was already shining on the floor, but his movements did not stop, just like a robot with a programmed program.

It seems that the old monk who couldn't straighten his head did not lift his head when he heard someone come in and asked, "Do the monks in Demon Lord's Temple still insist? Can they bring back their souls this time?"

Did not hear the expected answer, the old monk frowned, raised his head and looked towards the hall door.

At this time, Song Jiancai discovered that there were twelve scarlet shiny scars on the head of this gray-robed old monk. For a time, Song Jian clenched the broken sword in his hand and became vigilant.

The more scars on the demon monk's head, the more powerful it is. He has encountered one of the most powerful demon monks before, and he has the dominance level. There are only nine scars on his head.

In front of him, this demon-bone monk who seems to be able to blow down in a gust of wind is more powerful than the one that Song Jian encountered before!

Seeing Song Jian, this elderly demon-bone monk's eyes showed a strange color, and the corners of his shrunken mouth slightly curled up: "Unexpectedly, there are still humans who can explore here..."

Click, click~

A sound of bone friction sounded from the body of the demon monk. It can be clearly seen that the bones in the body of the old demon monk are mutating, and the skin surface is occasionally lifted by the bones. The whole person It looks as if a creeping monster is wrapped in a film.

Song Jian thought about it, directly locked the demon bone monk, and displayed the ten thousand sword tactics. Hundreds of spirit swords condensed out in an instant and floated around Song body.

As Song Jian made a fierce slash toward the other party, countless spirit swords made a sharp piercing sound and flew towards the demon monk.


The original tumbling reincarnation pool suddenly stirred up a large splash of water, and countless thick green pool water rose into the air, forming a huge palm with a diameter of more than ten meters, and grabbed it towards the spirit sword.


Dozens of spirit swords were caught by Chishui's condensed big hands, and suddenly their rich eyes popped up. Song Jian could feel that the connection between these dozens of spirit swords and him was rapidly weakening, and at the same time, the surface of the spirit sword was also corroded. The patchwork was unbearable. In a few seconds, the spirit sword collapsed and shattered directly.

This big hand condensed by the pool water, although of great power, is still incapable of facing hundreds of spirit swords. After corroding dozens of spirit swords, the remaining spirit swords are still severely hacked. The body of the elderly monk.


A screaming scream was shouted from the mouth of this demon-bone monk. The dark red karma burned on the surface of its body. This kind of purification fire that inherently restrained it caused serious damage to the demon-bone monk. The damage, which was originally continuing the energy, directly exploded all the power.

The pond water master who was constantly corroding also turned into a ball of water in a flash, smashing towards the elderly demon bone monk and wrapping it directly.

The pool water full of soul energy actually reacted violently with the red lotus industry fire. A wave of heat burst from the body of the demon monk, accompanied by a dense white mist.

It can be seen that the demon bone monk who had been continually tens of thousands of points of damage on the top of his head, the moment he was wrapped in the pool water, the damage he suffered was quickly reduced.

Ten thousand, eight thousand, five thousand, three thousand,...

In the end, the demon-bone monk only had more than a thousand points of damage above his head.

A huge and evil atmosphere spread from the thick white mist. Song Jian was alert and could not help but took two steps backwards. At this moment, the temple door behind him suddenly "boomed" and closed automatically. Song Jian frowned, with a sword in his backhand, and slashed fiercely towards the hall door.

"Come on"

A crisp impact sounded, Song Jian felt a palm numbness, and Po Tianjian was back from being shocked by a layer of transparent enchantment.

At this moment, a horrible monster more than ten meters high came out slowly in the white mist. This is simply an enlarged version of the demon monk after it turned into a prototype. Thick bone bone armor, the bone spurs on the body are like hedgehogs, and they are rooted out one by one, each of which shines with a metallic luster.

"No wonder you can come here, there is indeed some strength!" Devil bone monk more than ten meters high, no longer the appearance of the old monk before, completely changed to another look.

Song Jian glanced at the reincarnation pond. At this time, the thick green pond water in the reincarnation pond has dropped by a third, and the water surface is not boiling, just a small foam.

"This pool of water was able to wipe out the spirit sword..." Song Jian sank in his heart. Hundreds of spirit swords were all disconnected from him in an instant. These spirit swords were all after the pool water covered the demon monk, It disappeared after rushing into the pool water.

After looking at the cooling time of Wan Jianjue and the recovery speed of Jianqi value, Song Jian frowned.


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