I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1253: 1 hit

Sanctuary of Black Mist is a formation, Song Jian realized long ago, and only after fully capturing the city of Doom, there are some ways to control the sanctuary of Black Mist.

However, the method of manipulating the black fog is only limited to letting go of a road that allows people to pass freely. Some of the remaining functional effects can't be controlled at all, and the enemy can only rely on the instinct of this formation.

"How could this city be sheltered by this array of law, being captured by these inferior abyss monsters?" Elder Wang showed a look of surprise on his face.

You should know that these invading abyss monsters are at most only level 50 or 60, which is equivalent to the monsters of the first stage of the second-level combat, and each of the wild beasts on the ancient sword star has level 80 or 90, which is equivalent to The second-level combat power high-level or even peak monsters, and even the third-level combat power wild beasts with a level of 100 or more will appear. Therefore, these monsters are not enough for the three elders to see, and there is even a way to send them. Come, it's simply overkill!

"Maybe it's because no one in this city can control this big formation!" Elder Qian shook his head and sighed.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, and now drive these monsters away!" Elder Xiao stared at the abyss fortress floating in the distance, and suddenly said: "These monsters are handed over to Song Jian. We three old bones might as well go to that one How about flying island?"

"Why, old Xiao, still a little emotional, would you like to take a look?" Elder Qian said with a teasing look on his face, laughing.

"It's a rare encounter with a flying island. If you don't take a look, you're always a little unwilling!" Elder Xiao shook his head with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to the flying island!" Elder Wang clapped.

The three elders looked at each other, laughed, changed their direction, and Yu Jian flew towards the abyss fortress that was slowly approaching.

At this time, Song Jian had already flown the Royal Sword over the city's main palace, and saw thousands of abyss players besieging the Black Dragon. Suddenly he was furious and snorted. The Sky Sword in his hand waved fiercely. Flying with these abyss players.


Like a missile attack, a violent explosion occurred in an area of ​​a few hundred meters. Some abyss players had no time to use their defensive skills and were locked directly by two or three spirit swords, instantaneous spikes. More abyss players shouted their respective escape skills. Run towards the distance.

Seeing this scene, the Zhanmeng players in the city's mansion cheered in unison. The morale that had already collapsed was miraculously restored. Some Zhanmeng players even jumped directly from the wall of the city's mansion towards the abyss. The player rushed.

Seeing the figure of Song Jian, Wang Qi was relieved. During this time, he was under the greatest pressure. I was afraid that after Song Jian came back, he found that the city of hope had been destroyed.

"Fortunately, okay!" Wang Qi sat down on the fence, his face showing a relaxed look.

Even though the entire city is now occupied by monsters, as long as Song Jian comes back, Wang Qi suddenly feels much safer.

"Rush up, fight with this group of bastards!" A player in the Zhanmeng shouted and immediately received a response from everyone. Originally it was only shrinking in the city's main palace, and the Zhanmeng players who were relying on the wall to defend themselves seemed to have hit the chicken in an instant. Bloody, waving arms one by one, rushing desperately towards the outside of the city's main palace.

In the distance, the black dragon was covered with blood, a large hole was broken in one wing, and the blood value was less than two-fifths. When he saw Song Jianying's shadow, the black dragon sent a dragon chant to Song Jian. , The huge body fell towards the ground, lying prone on an empty ground and resting.

Seeing the weak state of Black Dragon, Song Jian suddenly felt distressed, and immediately cast the sword body of Blue Dragon, releasing a force of growth towards Black Dragon, and suddenly a vitality drilled into the body of Black Dragon. The undesirable state can be eliminated in an instant. Without these unhealthy states, the Black Dragon's own recovery ability can recover itself soon.

Just when the Black Dragon felt relaxed, the power of Qi and Blood suddenly surged in the body, and the originally lost Qi and Blood value recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye;

Song Jian glanced at the resting Black Dragon and summoned the stone man to grind it to protect it, while Song Jian himself turned to kill other abyss players.

Seeing Song Jian descend from the sky, many abyss players did not care. After evading the previous attack of Wan Jianjue, these abyss players aimed at Song Jian again.

In their view, players in the main plane of the game are far worse than them in level and strength. Coupled with their superior numbers, they have even broken through the city of hope. How can they be defeated?

However, just less than three minutes after the fight, almost all abyss players changed their complexions.

"This, is this guy a player or an NPC, how could it be so fierce!"

"Damn, my charm charm control doesn't work for him. The system prompts him to be immune. I am an epic skill. How could he be immune to epic skills!"

"What kind of career is this guy, why can I only hit single-digit damage, how much resistance he has superimposed!"


Song Jian has more than 70 levels, and his personal attributes are 70 or 80 points higher than other players' main attributes. He is completely in a state of crushing. Coupled with the invincible talent and the powerful effect of the Holy Sword, there are almost no abyss players. Can be his enemy.

"Chaotic Sword Code, open the sky!"

Song Jian took a sip and lifted the Sky Sword high in his hand. He waved fiercely towards the abyss player in front of him. In an instant, a huge long axe appeared above the abyss player.

This long axe is tens of feet wide and wide, and the sword energy in Song Jian's body pours out, but his face does not change color, and his eyes are full of hatred.

The axe phantom hacked towards the abyss player at a very fast speed, and generated a strong pressure in an instant. Before the hack was cut to the ground, a crack like a gully was split on the ground. The abyss players covered by the long axe phantom have a great difficulty. The end of the world feels that their bodies seem to have lost control. They can only watch the long axe phantom fall from the sky.


There was a loud noise, which was suddenly shrouded by smoke and dust within a range of tens of meters in front. The smoke rose to a height of tens of meters. There was no sound from the smoke and the smoke was slowly falling for a long time.

What appeared in front of Song Jian was a tragic scene like hell. Large corpses were torn apart and lying on the ground in a row. Most of the ground were abyss players’ broken limbs and even a complete body. Not found.

In this blow, Song Jian fully killed hundreds of abyss players, leaving the abyss players who were not shrouded in this blow with a look of horror on his face, looking at Song Jian's eyes as if looking at the killing god. .

Song Jian turned his head and looked towards them, the group of players even uttered a screaming scream, and ran desperately out of the city, as if there was a giant behind them chasing them~www.novelhall.com~Demon , Devil..." The abyss players who witnessed the blow seemed to have some problems with their spirits, and whispered to themselves with a dull face while running.

The players of the City of Hope Battle Alliance began a counterattack and began to hunt down the abyss monsters on the street. At this moment, a distant explosion came from the sky, and the abyss fortress that was moving suddenly appeared. After a thick smoke, after shaking a few times in the air, it fell obliquely towards the ground.

Just when Song Jian was surprised, a sky-long demon figure suddenly appeared in the sky farther away. The demon had three pairs of dark wings, and a pair of goat-like horns on his forehead. With scarlet light.

A breath of terror emanated from this phantom, and even Song Jian felt a strong threat.


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