I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1252: Flying island

When Wang Qi gritted his teeth, his hands were hard, and the seemingly hard crystals shattered directly, turning into tiny pieces of crystal, and scattered to the ground.

In the distance, under the tree of the dragon head in the poisonous swamp, the black dragon that had been sleeping suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold and bloodthirsty look flashed in the dark golden eyes.

Has been guarding under the dragon head monster tree, and the level of the black dragon is also rapidly increasing. At this time, the black dragon is already an adult black dragon and has the strength of the boss level of the 75th level.

Because of the natural suppression on the bloodline, although the Black Dragon is only a 75-level lord-level BOSS, its strength has reached the third-level combat power, which is about the level of 100, and the ordinary second-level combat BOSS, in it In front of him, he didn't even dare to raise his head.

Feeling the shattering of the summoning crystal, the black dragon stood up and looked towards the city of hope. He looked up at the dragon-head monster tree almost as high as it was, and there was a hesitant look in the black dragon's eyes.

But soon, the Black Dragon let out a deafening dragon chant, his wings fluttered, his huge body rose into the air, and flew in the direction of the city of hope.

After Wang Qi crushed the crystal, he didn't see the black dragon appearing for a long time. At this time, the abyss players had begun a tentative attack. When all the players in the City of Hope felt desperate, a dragon sound rang from the sky.

"Black Dragon, it's the Black Dragon, it's coming to support us!" The players on the wall of the city's main palace burst into tears with excitement. Nothing could be more touching than the reinforcements in desperation.

The abyss players who had originally attacked the city's main palace also stopped temporarily one by one, and looked up into the distance, their eyes full of surprise.

"I seem to hear Long Yin!" an abyss player whispered.

"Nonsense, can't you see the **** dragon!"

"There is a black dragon, does it come to take advantage of the fire? It is said that the dragons are very greedy, will they fight for loot with us?"...

Just when the abyss players were puzzled, the black dragon had flown over the city of hope. The dragon in his mouth, like a high-pressure torch, swept through the abyss monsters that appeared on the street.

In an instant, these abyss monsters were all burned into coke by Long Yan. The power of Long Yan's horror made the abyss players feel cold all over, and some even had the idea of ​​running away.

"This beast, why attack us!" an abyss player roared with fear in his face.

"It is estimated that they summoned it, otherwise it wouldn't be so exciting!" said an abyss player pointing to the members of the City of Hope War Alliance on the wall of the main palace.

"Is it the guardian beast of this city?"

"Impossible, this is just a newly built city, how could there be a guardian beast?"

"Kill it, but it's just a boss boss of more than 70 levels. Killing it will definitely knock down the best equipment!"

"Yes, it's no big deal with the Dragon Clan together. It looks like a Dragon Clan just now. I don't want the loot, I only want its body!"


Immediately after the Black Dragon appeared, the slightly agitated abyss player suddenly set his sights on the Black Dragon. It was obviously easier than attacking the city mansion and besieging a 75-level boss boss.

Just as a group of abyss players shifted their targets from the main palace to the black dragon, Song Jian and the three elders of Sword Emperor Zongzhuang had also flown not far from the city of hope, the dense abyss monsters outside the city, and the city all over the place The abyss monster, Song Jian's brow furrowed.

"Has the city been broken? It seems that we came at the right time!" Elder Wang said, whispering, caressing his long beard, looking at the abyss monster in the city, which is almost the same as the wild beast.

"Elder Wang, Elder Xiao, look at that, what is that?" Elder Qian suddenly pointed to the sky abyss fortress, which was slowly moving towards the city of hope, with a surprised look in his eyes.

"Feidao? Why is there a flying island here?" Elder Wang surprised.

"Unfortunately, it has been contaminated by the abyss breath, otherwise it is a rare mobile cave house, worth the city!" Elder Xiao looked sad.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" Elder Wang shook his head and said: "It's a tasteless food, it's a pity to give up, this group of devil luck is just right!"

"The three elders, let's go to the city's main palace first, as long as we keep the city's main palace and drive out these monsters, it's only a matter of time!" Song Jian said.

"Okay, since I came here, I naturally followed Song Jian's arrangement!" Elder Wang nodded and said.

The other two elders also nodded and did not speak. Although there were a lot of these abyss monsters in front of them, they were not put in the eyes of the three elders. You know, every time the ancient sword star fights the wild beast, that time It's not about facing millions of wild animals. Now this kind of scene is nothing in the eyes of the three elders.

Song Jian felt a little anxious, and could not help but speed up and flew towards the city of hope.

As he approached the city of hope, Song Jian looked at the dense abyss monsters in the underground, unable to bear the anger in his heart, and he waved the sky sword fiercely toward the ground in his hand. In an instant, hundreds of spirit swords with dark red flames burning In the air, a huge palm with a diameter of more than one hundred feet was formed, and it pressed hard against the ground.

With a loud bang, tens of thousands of abyss monsters were killed by Song Jian, leaving a huge palm print directly on the ground!

Looking at the corpse below, Song Jian's anger was released a little, snorted, and continued to fly towards the city's main palace. Since the city wall has been broken, and Song Jian has not received the news of the city's destruction, then Wang Qi must lead the companions of the War League and stand firm in the city's main palace.

Song Jian took the lead, but the three elders were left behind. Seeing Song Jian showing Wan Jianjue in the front, the sword gas palm was formed. Elder Wang's eyebrows could not help but raised, he couldn't help but say: "This Wanjianju, all It has been played by this kid, and he can still form such a powerful sword array..."

"Oh, it is said that Song Jian's Wan Jian Jue has undergone a change and has been contaminated with the purification industry fire. With the sword spirit, he can form a terrible industry fire red lotus sword array, not to be underestimated!" Elder Xiao on the side was full Smiled.

"This son's attainments in the formation of the formation are quite good. Fortunately, he was first taken as a disciple by the Zongmen. Otherwise, for him, the other mountain peaks and elders can fight in the sacrificial hall, ha ha "Elder Qian also smiled quite satisfied.

"Huh~www.novelhall.com~ Elder Wang, Elder Qian, look at it, there are signs of formation in the periphery of this city!" Elder Xiao suddenly frowned and stopped in mid-air, toward the city of hope Looking out.

At this time, there is no trace of sheltering the black mist outside the city of hope, but there are large and small stones scattered all over the ground. These are the guardians in the sheltering black mist, just like the elite BOSS of the stone people.

Originally, there were thousands of black mist guardians in the black mist shelter, but under the constant impact of the abyss monsters, even if these black mist guardians have the ability to still aggregate after breaking, it is still a wave of the tide. The waves of attack were smashed into pieces, which could no longer be aggregated, leaving only fragments of rubble on the ground.


PS: Thank you for the 500 yuan starting point rewarded by "Yixiaowen Enqi 12315"~


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