I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1216: Soul crystal

The latest website: Looking at the content of the task, Song Jian is in deep contemplation. This seems to be an open task reward. If you choose to give Soul Crystal to Stuart Case, the mission may be over. The mission reward is Stuart Case. Friendship of NPC, the mission statement said that there is a certain chance to obtain drawings of mechanical flesh puppet beasts, but Song Jian estimates that it may be difficult to obtain them directly.

The most important thing is the reputation with Situ Kaisi. If you give the soul crystal to him, you can start the personal reputation system with him. After that, you can receive some other side missions from Situ Kaisi to improve your reputation. When the reputation of the two reaches a certain level, you can buy or use other means to obtain the drawings of the mechanical blood puppet beast.

Looking at the dead lord who was standing quietly on Stuart Kaze, with **** flesh hanging all over him, Song Jian could be sure that the drawings of the mechanical **** puppet beast were absolutely legendary drawings.

"Such a powerful puppet beast, as long as you own one, you can definitely gain a great advantage in the game world!" Song Jian stared at the death lord secretly: "The most terrifying thing is that if you have the drawings to make it, this way The existence of terror can be mass-produced..."

The thought of hundreds of death lords collectively charging, such terrifying strength, I am afraid that even the king-level monsters must retreat when they encounter it!

After thinking for a while, Song Jian looked to another choice. Obviously, if he chose to refuse, then the task will continue, and the task reward will be further accumulated, but the content of the follow-up task will be more and more difficult!

Song Jian looked at the death lord and secretly said: "If he refuses, I am afraid that he will become an enemy directly with Situ Kaisi. It is possible for him to directly grab this soul crystal..."

A glance at Stuart Kath, although the dwarf's face was still full of smiles, Song Jian could still clearly see that the other party's patience was disappearing a little bit.

After thinking for a long time, Song Jian finally made a decision!

"Sorry, Stuart, I can't give this soul crystal to you!" Song Jian shook his head and said.

At this time Situ Kesi has become an abyss creature. If the soul crystal is given to him, then the mechanical flesh puppet beast around him, the death lord will become more powerful and perfect, then the power of the abyss **** will be strengthened.

The thought of a large group of mechanical flesh puppet beasts charged towards the human city, Song Jian had a chilling feeling!

At the moment when Song Jian made his choice, a warning was issued immediately in the task bar to keep Song Jian and Situ Kaise at a safe distance!

Hearing Song Jian's refusal to surrender the soul crystal, the dwarf Stuart's face suddenly darkened, his eyes became fierce, and the abyss of his body grew thicker, even forming a devil skull on top of his head. The look of the head was intimidated towards Song Jian's teeth and claws.

Song Jian clenched the broken sword, looking at Situ Kaisi with a vigilant look, ready to fight! As if feeling the emotions of the owner, the original motionless death lord suddenly moved, and a mechanical friction sound of "clicking" sounded in his body, his mouth full of fierce fangs opened, like a snake. The mechanical tongue sticks out and yells at Song Jian!

"I'm sorry you made such a choice!" Situ Kaisi said to Song Jian in a cold tone, his eyes full of disappointment, but he did not immediately attack, but slowly backed off.

Song Jian saw that his and Situ Kesi's reputation values ​​were rapidly declining, and had fallen from the previous friendship to indifference, and even began to slide towards hostility!

But in the end, the reputation between the two fell to the lowest point of indifference and stopped. Situ Kaisi looked at Song Jian and also evaluated the strength of the other party. Obviously, Song Jian's strength made Situ Kaisi not Choose hostility the first time!

"There is not only one piece of soul crystal in this prison, I hope we can still be friends." Situ Kesi finished, slowly backed away, and then turned towards another passage in the prison, the death lord was tight Behind it, a loyal servant looks!

"Huh, this mechanical flesh puppet beast puts too much pressure on people, I hope I won't encounter it in the future!" Song Jian shook his head and said.

The strength of this mechanical flesh puppet beast made by Stuart has reached the peak of the dominance level. If you really get a soul crystal to make it more perfect, then the ultimate strength of this puppet beast, I am afraid Will break through to the king level!

The strength of the king-level monster is actually similar to that of the player's legendary level. After passing the third-level combat assessment, the player must choose a path that he must stick to in the future, and then continue to practice before he can be promoted to the legendary level !

Although there is a gap between the first-tier combat power, second-tier combat power and third-tier combat power, it is not as big as expected. If you pass the first-tier combat power assessment, the second-tier combat power assessment is very high. So in fact, a player with second-tier combat power and a player who only got a very ordinary evaluation in the third-tier combat power assessment, there is not much difference between the strength of the two!

But the gap between the third-tier combat power and the legendary combat power seems to be the difference between heaven and earth! The gap between the first-order, second-order and third-order combat power is the quantitative gap, and the gap between the third-order combat power and the legendary combat power is a qualitative gap!

No matter how powerful Song Jian is, he can kill the boss boss alone. In front of the king boss, it is nothing. In some cases, the king boss who has survived for a long time has its own territory. The player even has The king-level boss can't see him, he was killed by other monsters in his territory!

"This death lord really doesn't know how it was made. If I really advanced to the king level, I am afraid that it will be more powerful than the ordinary king level BOSS, and it will be more powerful by three points!" At this time, the content in the taskbar suddenly changed again!

System: The content of the quest "Trial of the Town Demon Tower" has changed. You need to prevent the abyss priest Stuart Sis from obtaining soul crystals! There are a total of three soul crystals in the dark prison, you must obtain these three soul crystals in advance, otherwise the mission will fail, and all the previously accumulated mission rewards will be cleared!

Then, two locations appeared on the mission map, and these two locations were where the soul crystal was stored. Song Jian must first arrive here to obtain the soul crystal!

"Ah~" Song Jian couldn't help shouting, this is the rhythm that forced him and Stuart Kath to be enemies! And from the content of the mission, you can also find that Situ Kas was still a pastor of Holy Light, but now it has become an abyss pastor! This properly is the rhythm that has been blackened!

Time is running out. After Song Jian shouted and vented, he still ran honestly towards the nearest mission location. He still doesn't want to be an enemy of Situ Kesi for now. Soul Crystal can only be obtained.
