I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1215: Choice

The latest website: Countless plasma flows on the iron fence of the cage. The entire cage has become a field of thunder. From time to time, the electric current is excited like a tentacle, hitting the surrounding iron fence, bursting out of a dazzling spark.

Such a terrifying power has already allowed all monsters within a few hundred meters around to escape, and the whole area is only Song Jian and the dwarf priest Situ Kaisi and this abyss dying lord who is still constantly hitting the fence!

"It's started, it's started..." Situ Kaisi muttered to himself, staring nervously at the death lord entangled in countless plasmas, clenching his fists, even the blood was stabbed out of his nails without realizing it.

At this time, the death lord had not continued to be charged and flew, but was wrapped in a piece of plasma. The entire body had completely lost control, and dazzling plasma flowed from inside to outside.

Song Jian was surprised to see that the huge body of the death lord had begun to float slowly, and the plasma wrapped around it had lifted it up.

You know, the abyss death lord must have weighed more than fifty tons, such a heavy body, only those heavy lifting machines can hang it, but now, it is floated up by the plasma, it looks very Is weird.

Boom, boom, boom, boom~

At this moment, a violent explosion occurred in the entire prison of crime, and the originally solid iron fence was suddenly blown out, leaving only a circle of bottomless gullies where the original iron fence was.

The plasma completely disappeared in the explosion, and the death lord also fell from the air fiercely. With a bang, he directly smashed the ground out of a big pit.

"Hahahaha, I succeeded, I succeeded!" Situ Kaisi laughed, his hands held high, and he didn't care about the blood in his palms, and slowly extended down his wrist.

At this time, Situ Kesi had been released from invisibility, and he was wearing an off-white robe. His face was full of excitement, and his eyes glowed with dazzling scarlet light.

Song Jian glanced at Situ Kaisi, frowning, and involuntarily began to look at him up and down. When Song Jian's eyes fell on Situ Kaisi's two arms, he looked at the dark purple blood like a twisted snake running down his arm. When it spread, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Stuart Case has been in this prison for too long. All the detainees in this prison are the monsters of the ancient abyss. The abyss breath has filled every corner of this prison.

Staying in this abyss environment for a long time, caring for Situ Kesi to be contaminated with the abyss breath, the body has already begun to change towards the abyss creatures.

"I just don't know if Stuart Kais knows he has become an abyss race..." Song Jian secretly said.

The appearance of the abyss races is different, most of them are derived from the creatures of other races. It is also very simple to identify the abyss creatures. You only need to check whether their body contains an abyss breath. This is all the abyss creatures The only commonality!

Song Jian looked at the black breath on the surface of Situ Kaisi's body, sighed, withdrawn his gaze, and continued to look towards the death lord.

At this time, the death lord looks like a wreckage, and the carapace has almost disappeared, leaving only a silver-white skeleton. Song Jian sees that the body of the death lord is constantly flashing with light, silver. The thin threads are constantly flowing in the body of the dead lord, they are repairing the internal organs of the dead lord.

These thin silver threads, like water currents, are sometimes intertwined, and sometimes they are divided into countless smaller streams to penetrate into the body of the dead lord.

From the appearance, the death lord has already died, leaving only a thin layer of qi and blood value, which is in a state of dying, even if left unattended, it will eventually die.

But Song Jian could feel that a weird vitality is emanating from the body of the dead lord, and this weird vitality is slowly increasing!

This vitality is different from the vitality exuded from other organisms, giving Song Jian the feeling that there is always a cold metal feeling in this strange vitality.

"In the trial tower in the hot valley, the brain that controls the trial tower, I have experienced the same vitality from it!" Song Jian's face became difficult to look.

This kind of intelligent life far beyond this era always gives Song Jian a very dangerous feeling.

Song Jian will not forget that after he escorted the Zhinao and left the hot valley, it immediately captured all the electronic defense facilities of Fengming City!

Song Jian believes that if you give it a little more time, the entire Fengming City might fall into its hands! This is why Song Jianning is willing to install some defense devices full of ancient century styles in the City of Hope, and he is not willing to use simpler electronic defense facilities!

Opening the task bar, Song Jian saw that in the town demon tower mission, the link to save the light priest Situ Kas was completed, but strangely, the mission did not continue. After completing this ring, it should have been The task content of the next ring appears, but now, the task seems to be stuck, but after the task of saving the priest of the Holy Light, the word "complete" appears!

Song Jian was a little strange, and after staring at the task bar carefully for a while, he closed the task bar helplessly.

At this time, Situ Kesi had reached the death lord and reached out to touch his body. His fingers gently touched the death lord's cold body, as if he were stroking the body of a beloved girl.

"It's a perfect creation!" Situ Kaisi said with glowing eyes: "It's a pity ~www.novelhall.com~ When he transformed it, it was already a dead body that had not known how many years it had died, or else It can be more perfect!"

Looking at the drunken expression that appeared on Situ Kaisi's face, Song Jian suddenly felt a chill.

"Young man, thank you for saving me from the prison of evil!" Situ Kaisi suddenly turned around and looked at Song Jian with a smile on his face, said: "Now, I still need your help, please please Give me that soul crystal in your hand, I need it now!"

As soon as Situ Kaisi's voice fell, Song Jian's task information bar sounded a prompt. When he opened it, the content of the "Town Demon Tower Trial" task changed.

"Choosing?" Song Jian frowned as he looked at the task.

The task of this ring requires Song Jian to choose whether to send the soul crystal to Situ Kaisi. If you give it to him, you will get the friendship of Situ Kaisi, and you will also have a certain chance to obtain the drawings of the mechanical blood puppet beast If you refuse, you may become the enemy of Stuart Case, but it will trigger the next task.
