I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1213: Charge bomb

The latest website: "Situ Kesi?" Song Jian was surprised, seeing the task prompt, he realized that the person who sent him the sound was actually the Shenguang priest Situ Kaisi required by the task.

"Where are you?" Song Jian couldn't help asking.

"I, I'm in this cage with flashing lights, staying with this big beetle!" Situ Kaisi said softly: "However, please make your voice a little lower, this big beetle is very sensitive to the sound Sensitive, and now in a state of rage, I have no way to control it..."

Song Jian used a hidden necklace, and after performing the hidden operation, he slowly wandered around this large flashing cage, and soon, Song Jian saw a translucent figure in a dark corner of the cage, Curling his body, trying to make his body smaller.

"This is Pastor St. Kath of Holy Light? How does it look like a dwarf?" Song Jian thought strangely.

The figure in front of him exhibited stealth-like skills. If it weren't for Song Jian's eyebrows and erectile abilities, it would be difficult to perceive its existence.

"First, sir, are you gone?" Situ Kas's voice rang in Song Jian's ear again, and it sounded a little flustered.

Song Jian slowly approached Situ Kaisi, and there was only an iron fence flashing between them.

"I didn't leave!" Song Jian said softly.

Song Jian's voice made Situ Kaisi startled. His body shook obviously, and turned his head to look in the direction of Song Jian, but could not see anything.

"First, sir, I can hear your voice, but I can't see you!" Situ Kas whispered.

"I performed the stealth technique, similar to stealth effect!" Song Jian explained.

"Oh, it turns out that I can also use similar skills, but there is no way to check the people who have entered the stealth state!" Situ Kesi said with regret.

After approaching Situ Kaisi, Song Jian discovered that this man was actually a dwarf priest. He looked like a 12-year-old child, but his body was thick and strong, and the obvious muscles could be seen from his robe. profile.

"Situ Kaisi, you can call me Song Jian. How can I help you get out of this cage?" Song Jian looked up and looked at the abyss death lord who was still attacking the cage, and asked in a low voice.

"This cage is connected to the core energy room, and it is absolutely impossible to go out by consuming photoelectric energy!" Although Stuart Sis can't see Song Jian, he still whispered in the direction of Song Jian's direction: "Okay It has been abandoned for a long time here, and the guards have either escaped, died, or become monsters. No one will care if the cage has been destroyed!"

"If you want to leave here, you can only destroy the cage, and then I can go out!" Situ Kaisi said ugly: "But this is obviously more difficult than expected!"

Although the abyss death lord has lost his sanity, apparently it also intends to go out from here, is constantly banging against the iron fence of the cage, and then blows out by powerful currents again and again.

"I'll try to see if I can destroy this cage, Situ Kaisi, you can lean back a little bit first!" Song Jian whispered tightly.

"Don't do it!" Situ Kaisi's face changed greatly, and he quickly stopped Song Jiandao: "This cage has an adaptive counterattack setting. Once attacked, it will automatically counterattack and release a charge bomb. The current here exceeds one million volts. Once triggered Rechargeable bombs, each rechargeable bomb is equivalent to a third-level commander-level BOSS full blow!"

"Is that what you're talking about?" Song Jian asked, pointing at dozens of meniscus-shaped energy **** around the death lord.

"Yes, that's it!" Situ Kas nodded and said, "The death lord belongs to a semi-mechanical half-blood body, which is attacked by a charged bomb. The damage received will increase by 20%. With its strength, under the attack of a charged bomb It’s also difficult to persist for a long time, but if you want to break the cage, you must use its power..."

Song Jian was stunned and asked, "What should I do, do I need to do anything?"

"I hope you can irritate it and make it completely irrational, so that the mechanical part of the death lord will have the upper hand. It can automatically analyze the grid settings of the criminal cage and find out the flaws..." Stuart said.

"Anger it?" Song Jian turned his head to look at the death lord like a mad cow, no matter how many times it was ejected by the grid, even if the body was already bloody, and even exposed the bones with metallic luster inside, he still struggled. Life wanted to escape, secretly said: "This is already crazy like this, how can I anger it?"

"In this prison, there is a torture tool called the blood frame of pain! There is a bound soul!" Situ Kas continued: "You only need to find such a torture tool, destroy it, and rescue the soul inside, it will It will leave you with a high-quality soul crystal. This is an irresistible temptation for the death lord. You can find a soul crystal first, which will make the death lord more crazy!"

"Soul crystal?" Song Jian felt a purple crystal quickly from the parcel bar and said to Stuart Case: "Are you talking about this?"

"Oh my goodness, take it back quickly!" Situ Kas suddenly exclaimed.

At this moment, the death lord who was hitting the iron cage with his body frantically, suddenly turned his head, staring at the soul crystal in Song Jian's hands with red eyes, and gave a roar. A heavy tank rushed towards Song Jian's location.

Situ Kas just shouted, and even hid away in a distance, with a terrified look on his face.

The death lord slammed into the iron fence closest to Song Jian~www.novelhall.com~ A sudden dazzling white light was excited from the iron fence, and countless charge bombs flew in all directions.

Most of the charged bombs hit the death lord. Song Jian was also shot a few times because he was too close, and was directly shot out.

The charge bomb looks very small, but its power is not bad. This strike directly knocked out more than 8,000 blood points of Song Jian. If you are an ordinary player of level 50 or 60, you can definitely take him directly for a second. Off!

Although Song Jian is only sixty-two, the magic resistance has accumulated to a level that makes ordinary players dumbfounded, but that's it. After a few rounds of charge bombs, the qi and blood values ​​have dropped by almost two-thirds.

"If I use the Skybreaker attack to destroy this fence, will the triggered charge bomb directly kill me?" Song Jian looked at dozens of charge bombs and bombarded the dead lord hard, thinking suddenly with fear. .


PS: Thank you for "Bread84" for the 100 starting coins~