I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1100: reward

The latest website: Soon, under the operation of Master Zuo An, Nafiboa's eyes slowly glowed.

"Okay, I simply repaired its energy supply system. To complete the repair, a lot of special materials are needed. You have to go to the Hot Canyon to collect it, or you can go to the auction house to try your luck ..." After shutting down the instrument on the console, he said to Song Jian: "In addition, please pay the maintenance cost of one hundred thousand doomsday currency!"

After paying the money, Song Jian opened the task bar, but found that the **** task in the task bar was still "in progress" and could not help frowning.

Just when Song Jian was going to put Nafiboya's mechanical head back into the parcel, he found that the mechanical head had once again become an inaccessible item.

"Is it because Nafiboa has regained self-awareness?" Song Jian guessed in his heart. You know, although Nafiboa is just an intelligent robot, but along the way, its performance has always made Song Jian doubt, Na Fiboya already has a sense of self that is not weaker than humans.

At this moment, in the operation room of Master Zuo'an, the lights suddenly flickered, and accompanied by a burst of current sound, like the state of unstable voltage.

"What's the matter, why is this happening here?" Zuo An frowned and controlled the maintenance mech toward the control room. Just two steps, the equipment in the entire maintenance room failed at the same time. All There are messy lines and unintelligible symbols on the display of the instrument. Some instruments even emit a black smoke with a direct "boom" because of the large current impact. It seems that it is because of the current The short circuit caused damage.

"Oh, my god, what the **** is going on!" A panic expression appeared on Zuo'an's face, no longer running toward the control room, but toward the door of the repair room.

Song Jian glanced down at Nafiboya's mechanical head, but he saw in his eyes the same picture as the surrounding instrument screen.

"Is it all the ghosts it caused?" Song Jian frowned slightly, and looked at Master Zuo'an with some worry. If he was found to be a ghost by Nafiboya, I'm afraid Song Jian couldn't get out of it today. Building.

Fortunately, Zuo An walked to the gate of the maintenance room in a panic, but originally wanted to call for help, but found that the whole building seemed to have the same problem as him. There were people running out of panic, those who led adventurers It seems that all the intelligent robots have failed, some are spinning around in place, and some are constantly hitting walls and pillars. It seems that all systems have failed.

"Someone is invading the building's control system!" Suddenly someone shouted, the sound echoed in the building, and the harsh alarm bells rang throughout the building.

Song Jian quickly walked to the door and saw a group of guards wearing black armor and armed with energy weapons, quickly walking towards the central control room, while a group of black armor guards blocked all entrances and exits of the building.

Song Jian became more and more worried, but soon, after about ten minutes, the matter seemed to be resolved, whether it was lighting or various instruments in Master Zuo ’s repair room, all returned to normal.

After the alarm was lifted, it seemed that there was a false alarm. Master Zuo An cursed and controlled the mech back to the repair room, and saw Song Jian asked with some surprise: "Why haven't you left yet?"

Song Jian was a little speechless and left the maintenance room after a salute towards Zuo An. At this time, he suddenly found that the light in the eyes of the Nafiboya mechanical head that had originally restored the energy supply system in his hand went out again. It seems to be what it was when it was damaged before.

Song Jian didn't dare to go back to Master Zuo'an's repair room and tried to load it into the parcel bar, but found that it was easy to install it again, and the name of the mechanical head also changed.

Originally, no matter what the state of this mechanical head, its name was always "Nafiboya", but now, the name of this mechanical head has become "damaged mechanical head".

Song Jian hesitated for a moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and quickly opened the task bar to take a look. As a result, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the **** task was already in the "completed" state, and the task reward could be obtained at any time.

Song Jian could n’t wait to choose the “Get Task Rewards” option, and there were two items with metallic luster flashing in the parcel bar immediately. Both of these items were opened, and they could be opened directly by clicking to get the items inside. . At the same time, Song Jian's combat experience has also been greatly improved. This task reward is very rich, and it is worthy of its difficulty.

Song Jian opened two item boxes, one is the skill scroll, the heart of the killing, and the other is the sword fairy suit that Song Jian dreamed of, the streamer of the sword fairy killing gauntlets.

Gauntlet of the Sword Fairy Slaughter (Legendary): Equipment requirements, 300 points of strength, 280 points of agility, 300 points of spirit, level 120;

Item description: This is the only legendary gauntlet of the professional sword fairy. It embodies the spirit of the sword fairy's professional perseverance. It must be inherited by the sword fairy and approved by it to be eligible to wear it.

Item Attributes: Physical defense +550, resistance +380, shot speed increased by 50%, tenacity +30, strength +100, agility +80, spirit +150, 50% probability to block normal attacks, set 1/8, the Once the item is equipped, it will automatically bind to the soul and cannot be dropped or traded.

Item effects: Wushuang (active), damage increased by 50%, movement speed increased by 30% after opening, immune to all bad conditions that reduce movement speed, lasts 10 seconds; cooldown 120 minutes.

Song Jian glanced at the equipment requirements, and immediately took a breath. He wanted to equip this item, which not only had level requirements, but also had three attribute requirements. The most important thing was to have the sword immortal heritage and get any of it. What the **** is this?

"It's okay to say that it's okay to collect some equipment that adds attribute points, but the level requires one hundred and twenty, UU reading www.uukanshu.com This will not be equipped until the year of the monkey!" Song Jian looked at this piece of purple gold Shining gauntlets couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Level 120, which is the peak of the third-tier combat power, even if Song Jian is sleepless for five or six years, it may not necessarily be able to rise to this level. It seems that this piece of sword fairy suit is not easy to obtain, and it will be very long in the future. For a period of time, it will be put in the bottom of the box in the warehouse.

Song Jian sighed and set his eyes on another mission reward item in the parcel column, the skill scroll of the killing heart, which is also the skill many players expect, and it is also a general skill, which can be used by all occupations.

And because of this skill, even the adventurers have specially set up a war alliance called Killing Heart. In this battle alliance, almost all of them are assassin professions. In fact, the killing heart is a killer organization, only mastering the killing. Only the heart's adventurers can join, and the most powerful existence of this organization is hailed as the king of killing and the ruler of the entire organization.

"Let me see, what's so special about this skill, that it can be so sought after by so many people ..." Song Jian said to himself carefully, carefully checking the attributes of this skill scroll.
