I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1099: Mechanical maintenance master

The latest website: Song Jian followed the robot Xiao Ai to the elevator. After a while, the two of them got on the elevator and walked towards the floor where Master Zuo ’s maintenance room is located.

Song Jian's question, let Xiao Ai ponder for a moment, and then said: "The specific number of mechanical maintenance masters we need to keep confidential, but Xiao Ai can tell you that this number exceeds 150, so you have any All the above problems can be solved here! "

"More than one hundred and fifty ..." Song Jian narrowed his eyes and couldn't help stunned. You should know that once any professional high-end personnel gathers in a certain place, it will produce siphon phenomenon, which will attract more high-end personnel to come here, then the city's technology in this area will be developed rapidly.

More than 150 mechanical maintenance masters work together, so if they encounter some incurable diseases, then these maintenance masters will easily work together to solve problems together, or when researching a certain topic, invite more owners With the participation of masters of relevant experience, the research progress will also be accelerated, resulting in a faster breakthrough.

In addition, these masters will also recruit a lot of apprentices every year. These apprentices can attract more talents to join the city. This is probably the reason why Fengming City dared to build near the hot valley. If there is no such deep background, Feng Mingcheng couldn't resist the monster riot in the hot valley.

In a short while, the two came to the floor of the maintenance room where Master Zuo An sat. The decoration style here is mainly silver and white, full of high-tech style, and it feels more advanced than the real world.

"Master Zuo's maintenance room is in front, you can go in by yourself, he is ready." The robot Xiao Ai led Song Jian to the door of a room and said to Song Jian.

"Thank you, Xiaoai!" Song Jian nodded.

On Xiao Ai's screen, a smiley face appeared and replied, "I'm glad to serve you!"

After talking, Xiao Ai turned and left.

After a glance, Song Jian pushed open the door of the repair room and went inside.

This is a room with an area of ​​more than 300 square meters. There are various instruments that Song Jian ca n’t name, and some messy mechanical parts are placed on the repair station. It looks like here People seem to have just finished a maintenance job and are finishing the deal.

A goblin driving a maintenance robot is standing in front of an instrument, looking at the data analyzed on the instrument.

Song Jian glanced at the maintenance robot controlled by the goblin, and his face could not help but reveal a surprise. This was simply an exoskeleton mecha, but the weapon system was changed to a maintenance system, as long as the maintenance tools on it were removed , Replaced by weapons, then it is completely a manned mech with strong firepower.

Song Jian knows that there are many occupations full of high-tech styles in the game, mech warriors are one of them. These professionals can only wear some simple protective equipment, but they can form their own style of mechs, they will hunt Specialized monsters, the parts needed to explode the mechs, then upgrade step by step, and eventually become a powerful presence.

"Cough, hello, Master Zuo'an!" Song Jian took two steps forward and greeted the goblin in front of him.

"Oh, is that the mechanical maintenance you applied for? Please sit down for a while now. I'm looking at the data of the mechanical head you need to repair ..." Goblin left An's head didn't turn back, just pointed the left arm of the mech. Said a few seats next to it.

"The mechanical head you need to repair is very special. I have never seen such a sophisticated intelligent robot. You know, the parts in this mechanical head alone exceed the parts that most intelligent robots need ... Ann looked at the data on the instrument, a look of excitement, and sometimes even manipulated the arm of the mecha to make a waving motion to strengthen his tone.

"I guess this intelligent robot has the characteristics of changing the shape. Only in this way, so many precision parts are needed, and it seems that it can change more than one form, which is simply amazing ... … "

"This head actually has a setting to cut the link with the body autonomously. Why is this so, what's the use of doing this? Strange ..."

"It was seriously injured by the impact. Well, it seems that the energy supply system has also been damaged. It looks very serious, but as long as the energy supply system is restored, it can be restarted. Maybe it can make a repair plan by itself ... "

Master Zuo An was talking to himself while looking at the data. He turned around for a long time and said to Song Jian: "Little guy, you can take out the mechanical head you brought. Actually, by the way, would you like to sell this broken mechanical head, I can give you a good price ... "

"Sorry, there is no plan to sell for now!" Song Jian shook his head and said.

"Well, this ..." Zuo An didn't seem to be surprised. Hearing Song Jian's refusal, he didn't have any lost expression. Instead, he walked to a mechanical repair station and emptied the parts placed on it. The mechanical head was placed on it and said: "Your mechanical pet is very special. It seems that you have also experienced a very difficult battle. Otherwise, it will not be so severely damaged, even your body is gone. However, if you want to repair it completely, you have to be prepared to go bankrupt. From the analysis report of the head, you can know that it needs several very special materials to repair it, and these materials are only available in the hot valley ... "

Suddenly, Song Jian asked quickly: "Master, can you use other materials instead?"

You know, the hot valley is still covered by the killing light curtain. It is very difficult to get in and out, but Song Jian now only needs to wake up the robot Nafiboya from the dormant state ~ www.novelhall.com ~ is not obligated Repair it as a whole.

"If you use other materials instead, its performance will drop by 70% ..." Zuo An shook his head and said: "This is the most stupid advice I have heard!"

"Master, or repair this head first, let's talk about it, at least let it wake up from the dormant state ..." Song Jian said helplessly.

Although Song Jian is the master of a city, Nafiboa is not an ordinary mechanical warfare pet. The special materials only needed to use the hot valley, Song Jian feels scratched.

"Well, this is with my thoughts, so the mechanical war pets far beyond the current technological level, have a wealth of maintenance knowledge, as long as it wakes up, maybe it can repair itself ..." Zuo An nodded. Started to control the instrument, and carried out a full range of detection on the robotic head of Nafiboya.

The previous test report was just the conclusion drawn by the robot Xiao Ai through appearance scanning. Some deep-level information can only be detected here.
