I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1097: Imprisonment of death

Latest website: Song Jian came to the resurrection room and pushed in.

This resurrection room is not large, only a dozen square meters, with an instrument placed in the middle of the room. There is a platform in the middle of this instrument, surrounded by three mechanical tentacles, hovering in the air, it looks like a Small repair platform.

A female half-orc with eyes was studying a piece of eggshell in front of a table next to her. Looking at her focused expression, Song Jian was a little embarrassed to bother her.

This half-orc has the head of a cheetah and a human body, but it is very old, and it looks very old with wrinkles on its face.

Song Jian waited patiently and waited for more than ten minutes. The half-beast talent raised his head and looked at Song Jian. A smile appeared on his face.

"Hello, young man, I am the owner of this pet shop. Can you call me Mafa? Do you need any help?" The female orc put down the eggshell fragment in her hand and said to Song Jian.

"Hello, Master Marfa, I need to revive my pet mount!" Song Jian knew she was a pet master, and quickly pulled out a pet essence left after the death of the spider mount, and handed it to the half-orc .

Marfa frowned slightly, sighed softly, took the pet essence, and whispered: "Pets are partners, not tools, you should treat them kindly!"

"I'm sorry, I met a king-level boss in the hot valley ..." Song Jian said with a slight sigh.

Marfa looked at him in surprise and said, "It seems that you not only don't pay attention to the life of pets, you don't pay much attention to your own life!"

Song Jian was suddenly speechless and didn't know what to say for a while.

Marfa carefully put the pet essence of the spider mount on the instrument in the middle of the resurrection room. After a while, the start light on the instrument turned on, and the three mechanical arms radiated a bright white light. Shine on the surface of pet essence.

A mini spider phantom floats from the pet essence, just like a 3D projection, and slowly rotates, appearing in front of Master Mafa Pet Master. At the same time, a bright dark golden light bursts out of the pet essence .

"Oh my god, a dark gold quality mount!" Master Mafa exclaimed, raising his head and glaring at Song Jian fiercely.

Although this was originally Song Jian's pet, when he was glared by Mafa, Song Jian suddenly felt a sense of guilty conscience.

"Resurrection expenses, 530,000 end-dollars!" Mafa said angrily to Song Jian.

Song Jian was shocked: "Is it so expensive?"

"Of course, we are charged according to the pet's grade, and resurrected here, we can keep the potential of the pet lost due to death as much as possible!" Ma Faang said with a proud expression on his head.

"Death will not lose the potential of pets?" Song Jian stunned, and quickly took out the cost. You know, this spider mount has the best swallowing ability. If it is cultivated, it may break through the quality of dark gold and reach the epic level. quality!

Just then, there was a loud noise outside the door, and the door of the resurrection room was pushed open directly.

"Don't you say you don't have a gold-quality pet mount, what is this?" A pale boy pointed out to the spider mount on the resurrection instrument and shouted with a smug smile on his face.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, this is not a pet in our pet store, it's this gentleman's, I'm sorry, you have disturbed them, would you please leave?" The cat ear girl next to him whispered uncomfortably Road.

Mafa was disturbed, and a look of anger suddenly appeared on his face. He was about to rebuke loudly. He looked up at the pale-looking boy, and his anger disappeared. Instead, he frowned and showed a hesitant look: "Blood ? "

"You must be a pet master, Ms. Ma Fa!" After a graceful hat-dressing ceremony, the blood-race youth smiled and said: "I have always heard that there is a pet master hidden in Fengming City. See you today. Sure enough, the Master Mafa, I want to buy this gold-quality pet mount, I do n’t know if it is possible? "

Although the blood-race youth smiled, its eyes were fixed on Mafa as if it were a bad wolf. As for Song Jian next to him, in the eyes of the blood-race youth, it was like a ball of air.

Mafa glanced at the cat-eared girl standing at the door and waved her hand. The cat-eared girl gave a slight salute to Master Mafa and closed the door and retreated.

"I'm sorry, there are no gold-quality pet mounts in my pet store at the moment ..." Mafa said: "This dark gold-quality pet mount that is being resurrected is this gentleman's, not my pet store!" "

At this moment, a sharp hissing sound rang out from the instrument platform. The phantom-sized spider mount phantom suddenly swelled to the size of the grinding disc, and a **** color appeared on the surface of the body, burning like a flame.

This vision did not last very long. About three or four seconds later, the ghost of the spider mount burning the blood flame slowly disappeared and was absorbed by the pet essence. After a while, the pet essence was wrapped in a dark golden light and changed A pet egg with a flame pattern emerging on the surface.

Seeing that the previous scene sank, Song Jian quickly asked, "Master, I don't know what the scene just now represented."

"It's amazing, it's really amazing ..." Mafa turned off the resurrection equipment, looked at the pet eggs on the platform, a surprised look appeared on his face, and shook his head and sighed: "The scene just now is death imprisonment, the pet is in the process of resurrection In the midst of breaking away from the vision caused by death imprisonment, even one of the 10,000 pets, no pet will have such an ability. Your pet mount will not only have no damage after resurrection, but will be freed from it. Death imprisonment enhances the potential. If cultivated properly, it has a great chance to break through the gold rank and reach the epic level! "

A pleasant smile appeared on Song Jian's face, and he quickly said, "Thank you Master Mafa."

With that in mind, Song Jian stepped forward to put away the pet eggs, and at this time, a figure was standing in front of him.

"Humanity, I'm fancy your mount, sold it to me, I can give you a good price!" Blood boy said to Song Jian with a proud look on his head.

Song Jian raised his head and squinted up and down to look at the blood boy in front of him. It seemed that the opponent was only in his early twenties, but his level had already reached level 60.

Song Jian sneered ~ www.novelhall.com ~ was about to speak, and Mafa on the side suddenly interjected: "This is Master Menzara of the Bloody Castle, who once hunted a 60-level lord-level boss alone. 'S father, a blood prince, has the strength of the third-tier combat power, has been closed for ten years, and may step into the field of legends at any time ... "

In Song Jian's mind, it was another peak of the third-tier combat power, but the strength of the other party was definitely not as good as the king of flames. You know, the king of flames had reached the 120th level of the third-tier battle thousands of years ago. The peak of power, but it has not entered the legend until now. It is conceivable that this blood prince, who only stepped into the peak of the third-order combat power ten years ago, is just a younger brother in front of the flame king.

"If a blood prince is standing in front of me, maybe you have to be cautious, but this so-called Master Monzara wants to buy my top-quality pet mount in a few words. The value is a fool's dream!" Song Jian's mouth appeared. With a sneer, he stretched out his hand and pushed away the blood boy, collected the spider pet eggs, and after a salute towards Mafa, turned and left.

As soon as he left the resurrection room, Song Jian heard a low growl like a beast growl behind him, which made Song Jian sneer.
